Fade Chen looked at the two of them, and asked aloud, "What's going on with you people?

And now, what is the situation in the capital? "

Speaking of this, Lin Zhentian's expression darkened, and he began to talk slowly.

Fade Chen listened carefully, and half an hour later, he had a general understanding of the current situation of the martial arts forces in the capital.

Today's Huaxia officialdom is jointly governed by the Martial Arts Alliance and the official government in name.

However, in the past three years, as the aura became stronger and stronger, there were more and more warriors.

The proportion of the Martial Arts Alliance in the co-governance is getting higher and higher, and its power is getting bigger and bigger, gradually suppressing the official government.

The official government does not want to be marginalized and is also working hard to expand its influence.

In today's society, the expansion of power is almost equivalent to the improvement of the number and quality of warriors.

In order to attract martial artists, at the official level, outside of the Martial Arts Alliance, a Martial Artist Management Committee, referred to as the Martial Arts Committee, was established.

To absorb warriors outside the Martial Arts Union.

However, in today's society, most of the warriors are absorbed by the Martial Arts Union.

Especially the young elite warriors, almost all of them were absorbed by one of the three schools in the Martial Arts Federation.

The so-called three schools are the three most well-known martial arts schools in China today, namely the No. 1 Martial Arts School in Beijing, the No. 1 Military Academy and the Girls' School.

One is the most well-known martial arts sect in China—Wan Wuzong.

Wan Wuzong has almost acquired all the elites of the major sects after the great change, and together they have become the current overlord of the sects.

These four major forces can be said to be the backbone of the Martial Arts Union.

As for other martial arts schools, martial arts schools, and sects, most of them have also joined the Martial Arts Alliance.

The entire martial arts alliance is very powerful.

As for the martial arts committee, it can only absorb some marginalized fighters and forces who cannot join the martial arts alliance.

For example, some martial arts strengths involved with Fade Chen, such as Lin Zhentian's Yinmen family, and members of the Five Elements Squad who had a good relationship with Fade Chen before, and former members of the Martial Arts League such as Lin Hu and Lin Lu.

Among them, in the martial arts committee, the most powerful one belongs to the former head of the Zhong family of the Zhenwu family - Mr. Zhong Xu.

At the beginning, Chen Fei and Zhong Zhuyan, the eldest daughter of the Zhong family, got acquainted, and came to the Zhenwu family on the outer island of the forbidden island, and helped the Zhong family defeat the rival Yuwen family, making the Zhong family the largest family in the Zhenwu family.

Later, great changes occurred, and the major martial arts halls in the taboo island left one after another, and took root in various countries around the world.

As for Huaxia, due to various reasons, except for the Cyanwood Hall who lived in seclusion in China, no other Martial Palaces chose to take root in China. The development of Martial Arts in China also lagged behind other countries where Martial Palaces took root.

In this case, the Zhong family, as a family of true martial arts on the outer island, became a favorite, invited by the Martial Arts Alliance, and became a major martial arts force in China.

However, after some negotiations at that time.

In the end, the two sides did not reach a cooperation.

The Zhong family did not join the Martial Arts Union, but later joined the not-so-powerful Martial Arts Committee.

At that time, people did not understand why the Zhong family made such a decision.

Only the insiders knew that it was mainly the Zhong family and the Martial Arts Alliance who had huge differences in their attitudes towards Fade Chen and his relatives and friends, which is why they did not reach a cooperation in the end.

Generally speaking, the attitude of the Martial Arts Alliance is to contact the Martial Palace as much as possible, and reach a cooperation with them to enhance the strength of Huaxia Martial Arts.

At the same time, try to downplay Chen Fei's heroic image, control the resources in the hands of Chen Fei's relatives and friends, and re-divide them.

As the benefactor of the Zhong family, Fade Chen disagreed with the attitude of the Martial Arts Alliance towards Fade Chen.

What's more, the major martial arts halls are essentially the servants of the three palace masters of the Forbidden Island. Many of them are enemies with Fade Chen. people.

But now, for the sake of the so-called improvement of martial arts, the Martial Arts Alliance wants to cooperate with them in a low voice.

He even did not hesitate to distort the facts and vilify Fade Chen.

This is completely unacceptable to the Zhong family.

Therefore, in the end, the talks between the two parties collapsed.

The Zhong family unexpectedly joined the Armed Forces Committee.

Of course, from another point of view, it is precisely because of the Zhong family's joining that the very weak martial arts committee has a little bit of confidence, and it can barely compete with the three schools in the martial arts alliance.

However, now that Zhong Xu is the chairman of the military committee, he is busy with the official side most of the time, so he didn't come here immediately.

"Mr. Chen, do you want me to contact Mr. Zhong and ask him to come over?"

Lin Hu asked.

Fade Chen shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Zhong has something to do, so don't disturb him.

Also, don't make a big fuss about my identity, I don't want to reveal it yet.

Understand? "


The two nodded.

Immediately, Fade Chen thought of something, and asked, "By the way, how much do you know about the Autumn Group?

So what acquisition, what is going on? "

When it came to this, Lin Zhentian didn't know much about it, so Lin Hu told Fade Chen about it.

"Qiu Group is very large. Three years ago, its market value was nearly hundreds of billions.

Later, due to the great changes, the market value of the Autumn Group dropped a lot. "

"In the beginning, everyone thought that the Qiu Group would gradually decline.

In addition, Mr. Chen, your title of hero is still there, so not many people took action against the Qiu Group. "

"But starting this year, Mr. Wei led his subordinates to repackage the holy spring water of his subsidiary Shengquan Company and put it on the market. It was sold instantly and exploded the market.

As a result, the scale of the autumn group company has risen rapidly, returning to the level of 100 billion, and there is even a further trend. "

"Because the company's prospects are bright, coupled with the recent promotion of your statue, Mr. Chen, the trend of diluting your title of hero is becoming more and more obvious.

Therefore, some people set their sights on the fat of the Autumn Group and want to take it for themselves. "

"Among them, the most powerful is the Military Armed Forces Group.

The boss of Junwu Group, Jun Wutian, had talked with Mr. Wei many times, and wanted to buy Qiu Group at a low price, but Mr. Wei rejected them all. "

"Thus, Jun Wutian found a relationship, slandered the autumn group's products related to national security, asked the government to intervene, and forcibly acquired it."

"In the past few months, Qiu Group has been in the midst of various investigations and lawsuits, which has greatly affected the company's development."

"And recently, the verdict of the lawsuit is approaching.

The Military Armed Forces Group and the Autumn Group started a war of words in the media. "

After listening to Lin Hu's introduction, Fade Chen couldn't help but look down, and said with a cold snort: "If I don't give anything to Fade Chen, no one will try to grab it!"

"Mr. Chen, do you want to notify Mr. Wei?"

Lin Hu asked.

Fade Chen took a deep breath and said, "No, I'll go there by myself."

"Yes, I will prepare a car for you."

Lin Hu said.

Afterwards, Fade Chen washed up, changed his clothes, and dressed himself up freshly. Then he got in the car and headed to the Autumn Group.

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