Sitting in the car, as the distance from the Autumn Group got closer, Fade Chen's heart became tense involuntarily.

At this moment, various thoughts kept appearing in his mind, imagining how he would see Wei Ling later, what to say, and how to explain all this.

For a moment, Fade Chen felt that he had become a young boy who had just grown up.

At this moment, the car stopped, and the driver's voice sounded, "Mr. Chen, we're here."

Fade Chen took a deep breath, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

Walk towards the tall building in front of you.

However, as soon as he walked under the building, Fade Chen couldn't help frowning.

Because, at the moment downstairs of the Autumn Group building, a group of people are surrounded, bustling with each other, discussing something enthusiastically.

"what happened?"

With doubts, Fade walked over at a faster pace.

Squeezing into the crowd, Fade Chen realized that there was a cordon under the building, and there were uniformed police officers busy inside.

Immediately, Fade Chen frowned, and asked the onlookers beside him, "Brother, what's the matter?

With so many police officers, what happened? "

The bystanders glanced at Fade Chen and said.

"I heard that there was a murder and someone was killed."

"Murder case!"

Chen Fei suddenly became nervous, and there was a look of worry in his eyes.

At the side, the voices of other people's discussions also reached Fade Chen's ears.

"I heard that the person who was killed was a rich second generation, very rich! At that time, he brought a group of bodyguards over."

"It's not just the rich second generation, I heard that someone in the family is an official.

I didn't see it, the helicopters came just now. "

"Definitely not ordinary people.

Otherwise, these military special police officers would not appear at random. "

…… Hearing these words, Chen Fei was even more worried, and couldn't help rushing into the building.

However, inside the cordon, the military special police stopped Fade Chen, "Stand back, idlers are waiting, don't get close."

Fade Chen frowned, not wanting to waste time, and took the initiative to back away.

I went around the outside and found a corner with few people.

Chen Fei's legs were slightly bent, and then he exerted strength. His whole body was like a spring, and he jumped into the sky, jumping 10 to 20 meters high.

After landing on a platform on the fourth floor, Fade Chen immediately entered the building and walked directly to the CEO's office on the top floor.

Soon, we reached the top floor.

Fade Chen came out of the elevator, and immediately heard a sharp shout.

"Who is behind you?

explain! "

"Who sent the person who did it, is it Zhong Xu from the Armed Forces Committee?"

"Sign it, otherwise, your brother's life will be lost!"

... Then, a firm and familiar female voice sounded.

"My brother is in self-defense, we have no collusion with anyone.

I won't sell the company either, so don't be wishful thinking. "


There was a crisp sound, and then a burst of cursing sounded, "Things who don't know what's good or bad, court death!"

"If something happens to Mr. Jun, you are all finished.

No one can protect you, not even that old man Zhong Xu! "

A threatening voice sounded.

But the female voice is still firm, "We are right, and I will accompany the lawsuit to the end."

"You—" The other party was angry, and there was another crisp sound.

Hearing these noisy voices, Fade Chen became more anxious, quickened his pace, and rushed over.

On the periphery, several warrior policemen in uniforms were guarding.

Seeing Fade Chen rushing forward, they froze for a moment, and then sternly shouted: "Stop!"

However, at this moment, Fade Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with them at all.

Immediately stepped forward, slapped a few times, and knocked out several people.

Then, he walked quickly to the president's office.

Outside the office, there is also a group of people guarding.

However, they are not military special police, but a group of strong men in custom-made security uniforms. It seems that they should be some bodyguards.



When these bodyguards saw Fade Chen, they immediately shouted loudly.

Fade Chen still didn't talk nonsense, he stepped forward and made a few clicks, knocking down several bodyguards to the ground.

The movement outside caught the attention of the people in the office.

"What's going on outside?"


With a loud noise, Fade Chen directly opened the office door and rushed in.

In the spacious and familiar office, Fade Chen immediately saw a man in his thirties who was also wearing a custom-made security suit.

On the opposite side of the man, a woman wearing a professional suit and black-rimmed glasses was Wei Ling.

However, at this moment, Wei Ling's cheeks were red and swollen, her clothes were a little messy, and there was even a large amount of blood on the ground, making her look very embarrassed.

"Sister Ling!"

When Fade Chen saw Wei Ling, he became excited and couldn't help shouting.

Wei Ling heard the voice, looked over, frowned, showing a touch of doubt.

"Sister Ling, it's me!"

Fade Chen pushed back the long hair he had grown for a while, revealing his cheeks.

Seeing that familiar face, Wei Ling was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't hold back the tears any longer, streaming out with a crying voice, "You, you're back.

I knew, you're fine, you'll be fine, I knew..." "Sister Ling, I'm back! "

Fade Chen stepped forward, wanting to hug Wei Ling for comfort.

But the man in uniform, his eyes darkened, stopped in front of Fade Chen, and said, "Who are you?"

Fade Chen didn't answer, but looked at the man coldly, and asked, "Sister Ling's wound on her face was caused by you?"

The man in uniform frowned for a while, his breath began to surge, he took out the pistol at his waist with his right hand, and asked in a deep voice: "I'm asking you, who are you?

Sign up now! "

While speaking, the man raised his right hand and aimed his gun at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "I don't like being pointed at with a gun."

While speaking, Fade Chen stepped forward again.


The man in uniform snarled, his fingers were already on the trigger, and he started to exert force.

But Chen Fei was unmoved and continued to move forward.

"You—" the man in uniform gritted his teeth hard, then pulled the trigger with force.

Immediately, with a "bang", a burst of flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and a bullet shot towards Fade Chen's heart.

Wei Ling couldn't help showing worry at such a scene.

As for the man in uniform, a stern look flashed in the corner of his eyes.

However, at this moment, a shocking scene happened.

Fade Chen didn't dodge at all, and didn't even move a bit, just walked straight forward.

The bullet accurately hit Fade Chen's heart, and the bullet made a small hole in his clothes.

But then, as if the warhead had hit a steel plate, it made a metallic clanging sound, distorted and deformed, fell to the ground, and rolled to the side.

As for Fade Chen, except for the small holes in his clothes, his body was unscathed.

"This, how is this possible?

Who are you? "

The man in uniform became nervous, raised his gun, and aimed at Fade Chen again.

Chen Fei took a step directly, and grabbed the air with his right hand.

Suddenly, the gun in the man's hand turned into a mass of scrap iron.

The hands and feet of the man in uniform made a crackling sound, bones shattered, and screams soared into the sky.

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