"How is it possible to artificially build such a big and strong world?"

"Who built the Earth Element Realm? It can't be people from all the small worlds, right?"

For a while, Fade Chen and Xia Minglei couldn't believe Tianming's statement.

Tianming knew that this was too shocking, and it was normal for everyone not to believe it.

Immediately, he slowly narrated: "This matter must be traced back to its origin, and it must start from almost a million years ago."

"A million years!"

Fade Chen and Xia Minglei were startled.

Tianming continued: "A million years ago, the space we lived in at that time was not like this. Small worlds with similar levels in all parties were in this space together."

"The various worlds are connected with each other through the Heavenly God Tree, and the residents of each communicate with each other, and the whole is prosperous and orderly."

"Continuing to develop normally in this way, a group of top masters has naturally emerged in each world. These masters have reached a certain level of strength and cannot go any further. They have become invincible existences in this space."

"In this case, of course, they had further ideas and explored outward. They wanted to know what is outside this space, and whether there are other human beings."

"So, these experts joined forces and explored together, and the result really made them discover something. Outside this space, there are other spaces and human beings."

"Others call their space the Flying Star Domain."

"Besides the Flying Star Domain, the closest to them is a domain called 'Feiyun'. Besides this, there are other different domains. It's just that the explorers at that time were limited in strength and could not go further. They could only Learn about the nearest Feiyun Domain."

Hearing this, Fade Chen and Xia Minglei couldn't help but glanced at each other, showing surprise and emotion.

"Flying Star Domain, Feiyun Domain, and other places, how big is this world..."

Tianming understood the emotion of the two, paused slightly, and continued to tell.

"After learning of the existence of the extraterritorial world, in order to continue exchanges and development, the group of masters at that time selected the strongest among them, 'Ming Guang', to become the domain master of the Flying Star Domain to lead the entire Flying Star Domain to explore and develop. .”

"In this way, with the communication and understanding between the two sides, coupled with the complementarity of various resources, both the Feixing domain and the Feiyun domain are progressing and developing."

"The original group of masters also broke through the limitations of the domain, and their strength has been improved. Especially the domain master Mingguang, who is very talented, has grown in strength by leaps and bounds, and has become the strongest in the two domains of the Feixing domain and the Feiyun domain."

"Thus, the Master of Mingguang gradually delegated his affairs to his subordinates, and began to explore farther places in search of greater progress. Sometimes even a single exploration would take years or even decades."

"In the end, an accident happened. During an exploration, the domain master Ming Guang has not returned for a hundred years, and there is no news. Everyone in the Feixing domain tried their best to find out the news, but they didn't have any clues."

"Just like that, three hundred years have passed, and there is still no news from the Mingguang Territory Master. In this regard, everyone guessed that the Mingguang Territory Master must have encountered an accident, and may even have disappeared. Therefore, a new Territory Master was re-elected , called Moon Shadow."

"The Flying Star Region has lost the most powerful person, and the situation will inevitably be somewhat turbulent. Fortunately, the new Moon Shadow Region Lord, although not as strong as Ming Guang, is also very strong, and finally stabilized the situation."

Fade Chen and Xia Minglei listened attentively, imprinting the legendary names in their minds.

"Mingguang, Moon Shadow."

Ming Guang paused, sighed, and then his tone became heavy: "But not long after the Moon Shadow Domain Lord stabilized the situation, a piece of news shook the entire Flying Star Domain."

"At that time, news came from Feiyunyu that they were attacked by the 'Heavenly Demon Domain'. The opponent was stronger than them, and Feiyunyu might not be able to resist it."

"After hearing the news, the domain owner Yue Ying and the leadership were shocked. Once the Tianmoyu conquered the Feiyun domain, the next target would undoubtedly be the Feixing domain. The strength of the Feixing domain is comparable to that of the Feiyun domain. If the Feiyun Region can't resist it, the Feixing Region may also be difficult to resist, and the only result will be death."

"In order to save himself, the master of the Moon Shadow Territory discussed with everyone and finally made a decision that he must train a group of masters as soon as possible to resist the attack of the Heavenly Demon Territory."

At this moment, Fade Chen and Xia Minglei couldn't help but clenched their fists, and seemed to become nervous and worried along with the seniors in the story.

"We must cultivate masters!"

"How to quickly cultivate masters is the key!"

Tianming said: "Indeed, you guys have hit the point."

"How to quickly cultivate masters, everyone thought of many ways at that time. After the final trial, a method was determined. In a nutshell, it is 'concentrate resources to do big things'."

Fade Chen thought about this familiar saying, "Could it be that this method is to collect cultivation resources from various worlds and provide them to some masters to quickly increase their strength?"

Tianming confirmed, "Exactly."

"At the beginning, I said that the various worlds in the Flying Star Field were connected to each other, so the auras were also connected to each other, and the monks in each world were similar in strength."

"But now, the situation is critical, and we must concentrate our cultivation resources."

"Therefore, the Moon Shadow Territory Master cut off the connections between the various worlds. He set up a magic circle somewhere to absorb the spiritual energy of the various worlds, and concentrated them in one place. Then he selected a group of top masters and highly talented youths to practice penance here."

"And this place is the original palace where Mingguang Domain mainly practiced, called Diyuan Palace."

"Diyuan Palace, absorb spiritual energy and supply one place."

The combination of these words made Chen Fei realize something.

"Master Tianming, you said that the Diyuan Realm was artificially built."

"Could it be that this Diyuan Palace is the initial starting point of the entire Diyuan Realm?"

Tianming confirmed with a voice: "Exactly. The current Diyuan Realm was developed step by step based on the original Diyuan Palace. It is precisely because of this that the name Diyuan Realm came into being."

"Then what happened afterwards? How about the Heavenly Demon's attack? Did the Feiyun Region block it? What about our Flying Star Region?" Xia Minglei couldn't help asking.

Tianming brought the topic back, and continued to narrate: "Feiyunyu resisted for five hundred years, but in the end it still couldn't resist, and was conquered by Tianmoyu, completely annihilated."

"It's no surprise that the next target of the Heavenly Demon Region is our Flying Star Region. They immediately formulated an attack plan for the Flying Star Region, and are planning to continue their attack after a short rest and take down the Flying Star Region."

"At this time, after 500 years of intensive resource training, a group of top masters headed by the Moon Shadow Territory Master has further improved their strength. The original high-endowed seed youths have also grown up and become a group of backbone forces."

"In the end, our masters from the Flying Star Region, led by the master of the Moon Shadow Region, fought against the masters from the Sky Demon Region."

"Even though we have made great progress in the past five hundred years, the Heavenly Demon Realm is already stronger than us and has more masters. Therefore, the final battle is still very difficult."

"In the end, after nearly a hundred years of hard work, our Flying Star Realm masters beat them back after inflicting heavy damage on the Heavenly Demon Realm masters. But we ourselves also suffered heavy losses. Seventy percent of those masters sacrificed. Even the domain masters Moon Shadow also died in the battle."

"But it turned out to be lucky. We kept the Feixingyu and did not follow in the footsteps of the Feiyunyu."

Speaking of this, Tianming's tone subconsciously became agitated, as if he had secretly seen the tragic battle that year.

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