"What happened next? What happened after the great war? Did the Heavenly Demon let it go? How will the remaining masters deal with it?"

Fade Chen and Xia Minglei still had doubts in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to ask.

Tianming said in a deep voice: "In that battle, both we and the Heavenly Demon Region suffered heavy losses, so the two sides ushered in a rare period of peace."

"It's just that the domain master Yueying sacrificed, so people elected Wu Song, the original commander of the Diyuan Palace, as the third flying star domain domain master. He will lead everyone to stabilize the post-war situation and defend the flying star domain."

"After Wu Song became the domain master, he did a series of things to stabilize the situation."

"After that, a problem emerged and became the focus of everyone's attention in the Flying Star Region."

"During the five hundred years of preparing to fight against the Heavenly Demon, the communication between the small worlds of all parties was cut off, and the spiritual energy was absorbed and supplied to the Diyuan Palace. Although this quickly gave birth to a group of top masters, it also caused the original small worlds The aura is thin, and the number and quality of monks have dropped a lot compared to before."

"Therefore, after the war, the representatives of the small worlds of all parties proposed to Wu Song to reconnect the small worlds of all parties and close the spiritual energy absorption circle of the Diyuan Palace."

"This proposal is reasonable. After all, it was only for the five hundred years that special measures were taken to meet the war."

"However, Wu Song, the domain master, finally rejected the representatives' proposal. His biggest reason was that the Heavenly Demons had only temporarily ceased fighting and had not been completely repelled. They may attack again at any time. And the experts of the Flying Star Domain suffered heavy losses. It is necessary to maintain a certain number of masters in order to resist the possible attack of heavenly demons."

"Although there were dissatisfaction among the representatives of the small world at that time, the reasons Wu Song said were very likely to happen. In the end, after some discussions, most of the representatives accepted Wu Song's reasons and agreed to continue to maintain the status quo. Five A hundred years to prevent the attacks of the demons."

"In this way, Diyuan Palace continued to concentrate on absorbing the auras of all worlds, and cultivated a group of masters. The surviving masters like Wu Song have also made further progress."

"Since this period of time, the Heavenly Demon Realm has not launched another attack. Therefore, the representatives of the various small worlds once again proposed to Wu Song to restore the original state, but the final result was—"

Speaking of this, Tianming sighed and stopped speaking.

Fade Chen and Xia Minglei looked at each other, and they could already guess what happened next.

"Wu Song probably didn't agree with the proposals of the representatives, and still cut off contact and absorbed spiritual energy from various places."

"No one is willing to give up the benefits at hand."

Tianming let out a long sigh, and said leisurely: "Exactly, there is no doubt that Wu Song and his group of people who participated in the great battle are the heroes of our Flying Star Region."

"However, even a hero cannot resist the temptation of profit."

"When they are superior and use the best resources to cultivate the strongest strength, the rest of them become sacrifices in their eyes. What's more, there is such an excellent excuse for the demon to attack."

"Thus, Wu Song once again rejected the proposals of the representatives, and even strengthened the magic circle to continue absorbing the spiritual energy from the small worlds of all parties."

"Such actions aroused the dissatisfaction of the representatives of the small world, and even triggered a battle."

"It's just that, after thousands of years of isolated development, Wu Song and his group of masters who grew up in the Diyuan Palace are much stronger than the monks who grew up in small worlds from all sides. Those representatives undoubtedly failed. "

"So, the next thing will become a matter of course."

"The connection between the small worlds of all parties was completely cut off, and the Diyuan Palace absorbed the spiritual energy of the small worlds from all sides, and it became more and more fierce. It was only later, after several resistances, that a ray of life was left for each small world to absorb their respective top talents.”

"Even in the follow-up, after Wu Song reached the peak of his strength, for personal desire and enjoyment, he directly intercepted his hometown from the original small world and put it on the Diyuan Palace to form a special small world. At the same time, it also absorbed a group of relatives, friends and fellow villagers.”

"These behaviors of Wu Song have undoubtedly become a role model for other masters. Therefore, the original batch of masters also followed suit. They each brought their hometowns and relatives and spliced ​​them on the Diyuan Palace."

"Slowly developed in this way, after several generations and hundreds of thousands of years. Diyuan Palace has gradually grown from a palace at the beginning, forming a relatively independent mansion. The original batch of top masters, naturally It became the royal family of each prefecture and has been passed down from generation to generation.”

"Among them, the Daming Mansion back then, the very first mansion master, was a master from the earth. The Great Yan Mansion was founded by a master from the Great Yan Realm."

"As for the current Great Spirit King Wu Qi, his ancestor was Wu Song, the third domain master of the Flying Star Domain back then."

When Fade Chen and Xia Minglei heard this, they couldn't help feeling heavy.

The hero who fought against the enemy for the people at the beginning turned into a vicious tiger who oppressed the people after hundreds of thousands of years.

After a while of silence, Fade Chen thought of something, and asked aloud, "Master Tianming, that's why you started the fight later?"

Tianming said, "You can say that."

"I practiced from the earth about 80,000 years ago and entered the Daming Mansion at that time. I was lucky. The owner of the Daming Mansion at that time had a good personality. Ten thousand years later, I became the second in command of the Daming Mansion."

"It was also at that time that I saw all kinds of ugly phenomena in the earth element world."

"I saw that the people in the Diyuan Realm are superior and treat the people in various small places as lowly ants."

"I also saw that they wantonly oppressed the small worlds, collected the cultivation resources of the small worlds without any scruples, and took them for themselves. At the same time, they mocked the pariahs of the small worlds as stupid fools with no talent for cultivation."

"I even saw that the royal family of Fucheng directly squeezed out a certain small world and turned it into a barren land for their own breakthrough."

"After seeing these, I thought of the huge gap between the earth monks and the earth element realm monks, so I raised my doubts to the palace master. In the end, the palace master told me the cause and effect of all this."

"After I learned all this at the time, I was shocked for half a month. I was in a daze and didn't do anything."

"Later, I woke up. I went around the big mansions in the Diyuan world, and then went to the small worlds of the various places to investigate."

"In the end, I came to a conclusion that shocked me."


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