At this time, Fade Chen solved Agni and Leng Yan.

Wei Jinlong and Zhu Qing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with relaxed smiles on their faces, they stepped out and greeted Fade Chen.

The warriors hiding in the dark are also preparing to come forward.

But at this moment, a proud voice sounded, "Fade Chen, stop for me."

When everyone heard the voice, they couldn't help being startled, and then followed the voice to look over.

Then, they saw a man in military uniform and an old man come out.

Seeing these two people, Fade Chen and the others couldn't help but shrink their eyes, and said coldly, "It's you again."

And the warriors watching around, even if they didn't know Wang Zhiyi, they knew Zhan Hongtian Zhan Lao, all of them were full of curiosity and started talking.

"Why did Mr. Zhan appear? It's not for revenge!"

"No way. In the matter of Zhanlong, it was obviously his own fault first, and Fade Chen took action to eliminate harm for the people!"

"Although he said so, Zhan Long is the son of Zhan Lao after all, and no one can say for sure about revenge."

"No, it's not the old man who spoke, but the soldier."


Wang Zhiyi raised his cheeks slightly, looked at Fade Chen with a hint of arrogance, snorted coldly, suddenly raised his tone, and shouted sharply: "Fade Chen, are you guilty?"

Fade Chen frowned, looked at Wang Zhiyi, and said coldly, "What crime do I know?"

"Hmph, what crime?" Wang Zhiyi snorted coldly, then pointed to the fierce fire and cold flame that had just died, and said coldly, "Intentional homicide!"

Fade Chen couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Zhiyi coldly.

Seeing this, Wang Zhiyi's expression became more and more complacent, and he said: "Fade Chen, besides these two, there are also Zhanlong and more than 20 other foreign fighters. These people will all die in your hands. "

"Now, are you going to catch him without a fight or do you want us to do it?" Wang Zhiyi looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he stared at Wang Zhiyi and said, "You want to take care of these things?"

Wang Zhiyi looked righteous and awe-inspiring, and suddenly shouted: "I am a national soldier and a civil servant. I can't handle you, a murderer who kills innocent people indiscriminately!"

While speaking, Wang Zhiyi waved his hand, and a group of people immediately appeared around. Each of them was holding a weapon, with nervous expressions, and surrounded Fade Chen, apparently well prepared.

"Fade Chen, I'll give you one last chance. Turn yourself in now, maybe I can give you another chance." Wang Zhiyi looked at Fade Chen with radiant eyes.

Zhan Hongtian was also holding his breath at this moment, walked towards Fade Chen, and said earnestly: "Xiao Chen, to be honest, you deserved what you killed for killing these people, especially these foreigners. If it was normal , everyone turned a blind eye, no one is held accountable, no one manages, and the matter is over. But now, Mr. Wang has seen all this with his own eyes, and things are different!"

Fade Chen didn't change his face. He ignored Zhan Hongtian's threats and intimidation at all. He just glanced at the people around him, then looked at Wang Zhiyi, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you want to do it?"

Wang Zhiyi was taken aback by Fade Chen's eyes, and took a step back involuntarily, his heart beating violently. However, he quickly stabilized his emotions, snorted coldly, and shouted to Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me you want to break the law and resist arrest by force?"

"You can try it, how dare I!" Fade Chen waved a sharp light, drew a straight line in front of him, and shouted in a cold voice.

These words made Wang Zhiyi frightened and annoyed, and he staggered.

Zhan Lao hurried forward and supported Wang Zhiyi at once. Then, he looked at Fade Chen, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Chen, I know you are quite capable. But the fact that you murdered and violated the law is in full view, and the evidence is solid, you can't justify it."

"So, there is no benefit for you to violently resist the law now." Zhan Lao said, "Of course, I also understand your difficulties. These people came to your door and threatened you first, and you really had to take action. So, There is still room for things to turn around, as long as you sincerely admit your mistakes and sincerely make contributions to the army and the country, the matter is not unsolvable."

After saying this, Zhan Lao took a look at Wang Zhiyi.

Wang Zhiyi put his hands behind his back, and said in an official tone: "Mr. Zhan interceded for you, and I will give you a face. As long as you admit your mistakes with a good attitude and actively cooperate with our work, the matter is not difficult to solve. Of course, This requires you-"

Before Wang Zhiyi could finish speaking, Fade Chen sneered, and interrupted Wang Zhiyi directly, "Good attitude, cooperate with the work! Hehe, you just say it directly, don't you just want me to hand over my practice and martial arts? Why bother?" So secretive and oblique."

The thoughts of the two were directly exposed by Fade Chen, and their expressions immediately sank, and they glared at Fade Chen fiercely, with gloomy expressions.

"Fade Chen, I have good intentions, so don't be ignorant!" Wang Zhiyi shouted angrily.

Zhan Lao also shook his head, looked disappointed, and sighed: "Xiao Chen, I really think about you, but you misunderstood me, this is really chilling!"

Fade Chen watched the performance of the two with a sneer, unmoved, and said coldly: "If you want to do it, do it. But this time, I won't hold back."

Hearing this, Wang Zhiyi couldn't help but tremble, and a look of horror appeared on his face. Thinking of the scene where he was almost strangled to death by Fade Chen, the veins on his forehead suddenly popped out, and he agitated.

Zhan Lao's complexion also sank, he snorted heavily, glared at Fade Chen, and said, "Fade Chen, do you think you are so strong in martial arts that you can be unscrupulous? I might as well tell you that Mr. Wang is a special force in the army. A member of the organization. Their spirit dragon is specially designed to deal with you illegal warriors, once the spirit dragon makes a move, no matter how strong you are, there is absolutely no possibility of escaping."

Wang Zhiyi then said: "Fade Chen, don't force me, the Spirit Dragon, to do anything to you, otherwise—"

The two looked at Fade Chen proudly and confidently.

On the other hand, Fade Chen couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face after hearing Wang Zhiyi's identity. The corners of his mouth even twitched, almost laughing.

"Are you from the Linglong organization? What level?" Fade Chen asked.

Wang Zhiyi looked proud, held his head up and said triumphantly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, I, Wang Zhiyi, am the director of the Hannan City Branch of the Linglong Organization. Warrior matters."

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhiyi looked at Fade Chen, snorted coldly and said, "Now, you know you are afraid!"

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