Mr. Zhan immediately chimed in and said, "Fade Chen, Director Wang hasn't done anything yet, and you still have one last chance. Otherwise, if you regret it after Director Wang gives an order, it will be too late."

Following Zhan Lao's words, Wang Zhiyi also raised his right hand in cooperation, and the Linglong team members under him immediately raised their weapons, ready to fight, and approached Fade Chen.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Even the martial artist hiding in the distance couldn't help but feel a tremor at the moment, and couldn't help but feel worried for Fade Chen.

"This spirit dragon organization, I've heard of it, is equivalent to the police who manage our warriors, it's not easy to mess with!"

"I want to feel bad for Fade Chen! When Zhanlong brought those foreign warriors to threaten us, why didn't these Linglong people come out to help? Now that Fade Chen repelled the enemy for us, they came to arrest people .Things that bully the weak and fear the hard!"

"That's what I said. But after all, Fade Chen was caught by them, and there's nothing he can do about it!"

"Hey, according to me, let's give in first! After all, Chen Fei can be regarded as killing harm for the people. If he has a good attitude, he still has a chance to be pardoned."

"However, according to Fade Chen's character, I'm afraid he won't give in!"

"If there is a fight, it will be troublesome!"


Just when everyone was talking and worrying.

Seeing that Fade Chen didn't respond for a long time, Wang Zhiyi got impatient and said, "Fade Chen, my patience is limited. Do you really want me to do it?"

While speaking, Wang Zhiyi raised his arm to the highest point, and was about to swing it down forcefully, ordering to attack.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly burst into laughter, glanced at the Linglong team members, then glared at Wang Zhiyi, and shouted coldly: "Do you fight with me?"

"I would like to ask, when did you Linglong team members become bullying and fearing the hard, and eat the inside out? When foreign warriors came in to make trouble and beat people, where did you go? When Zhanlong threatened the warriors, where did you go?" What's wrong? The national army is supporting you, so is it for you to oppress your own people?"

All the team members couldn't help lowering their heads when they heard this, with a hesitant expression on their faces.

Seeing this, Wang Zhiyi's face turned cold, and he shouted: "Fade Chen, what nonsense are you talking about. When will it be your turn to intervene in our Linglong matter?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhiyi swung his arm heavily and shouted: "Do it, catch him for me!"

Upon hearing the order, the Linglong team immediately mobilized and surrounded Fade Chen.

Seeing that the battle was about to start, at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly took out a certificate, and shouted at the Linglong team members who rushed over, "I see who dares to do it? Stop it!"

The Linglong team members who rushed over were stunned in place, their faces full of shock.

Seeing this, Wang Zhiyi frowned and shouted: "Who told you to stop. Go ahead and arrest him, did you hear me?"

Facing Wang Zhiyi's order, these spirit dragon players still did not move. Immediately, Wang Zhiyi's face turned pale with anger.

He rushed over, slammed his head at a team leader, and was about to slap him off, "I asked you to do it, did you hear me?"

The captain didn't dare to dodge, he could only stand where he was, and met Wang Zhiyi's slap abruptly.

But at the critical moment, Fade Chen slapped Wang Zhiyi hard on the face, and directly slapped Wang Zhiyi back.

Wang Zhiyi was stunned by the beating, stared at Fade Chen with scarlet eyes, and shouted angrily: "You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me—"

At this time, Zhan Lao came forward with a frown and said, "Fade Chen, do you know what you are doing! You are attacking the government officials of the country, you are challenging the army and the country."

Fade Chen gave a cold snort, and slapped Zhan Hongtian and Wang Zhiyi's faces with his ID card, and then said coldly, "You can see clearly, who is challenging the army and the country?"

Zhan Hongtian and Wang Zhiyi's cheeks were flushed from the beating, and they were almost furious. But at the critical moment, when he saw the logo on the military-green certificate in Fade Chen's hand, he couldn't help being stunned, "The logo of the Spirit Dragon Organization!"

Immediately, the two of them took a closer look and were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Chen Fei, the special instructor of the Linglong Organization, the rank of major general in the military."

"Here, you, Fade Chen is also a member of Linglong?" Zhan Lao looked at Fade Chen with a face full of surprise.

Wang Zhiyi's face was filled with disbelief, "Are you a special instructor of our organization, or a major general! This, is this fake?"

Fade Chen snorted coldly and said, "Fake? You can try it to see if it's fake."

Wang Zhiyi shuddered. Seeing the clear steel seal and the special anti-counterfeiting mark on the Linglong organization certificate, he couldn't help but trembled in his heart, "It's true, it's actually true."

At this time, the gaze he looked at Fade Chen changed completely, his mouth moved, and he didn't know what to say, "Chen, Instructor Chen, you, me, this—"

Fade Chen snorted coldly and said, "What's the matter? Are you going to arrest me?"

"No, no. This is a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. I didn't know that instructor Chen, you are also a member of our Linglong, so the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. The family didn't know the family." Wang Zhiyi quickly explained with a smile on his face. road.

Fade Chen didn't give him a good face, and said coldly: "Misunderstanding? In other words, if I am not from Linglong, it is not a misunderstanding."

"No, that's not what I meant, I just, just—" Wang Zhiyi didn't know how to explain it at all. Because he never dreamed that the person he had to deal with turned out to be the boss of his own organization.

Fade Chen snorted coldly, and did not intend to give him a chance to explain. He said in a deep voice, "I will report your behavior. As for how the organization will deal with you, follow the regulations."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhiyi immediately collapsed to the ground. Because he clearly knows how strict the organization's regulations are, once this matter gets involved, he will definitely be finished. Being dismissed is still the lightest, and he may even go to a military court and be sentenced to prison in the end.

Fade Chen glanced at the paralyzed Wang Zhiyi, snorted softly, then looked at Zhan Lao, and said, "Zhan Hongtian, as a veteran of the military, you meddled in the actions of the Linglong organization, and together with Wang Zhiyi attempted to use power for personal gain. How to deal with the matter, I don’t need to say more!”

At this moment, Zhan Lao seemed to have aged ten years, and his whole body seemed to have been drained a lot. With his head drooping, he said weakly: "I, I know I was wrong, and I will confess to the organization."

Fade Chen snorted coldly, and shouted, "Take them away."

Those Linglong team members acted immediately and took Zhan Hongtian and Wang Zhiyi away. As for the rest, Fade Chen will take care of it with a phone call.

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