Taking back his eyes, the leader turned to Xu Junshan and said in a voice, "General Xu, you are a general in the army. The top management is very disappointed with you for openly participating in this kind of lawbreaking. You -- "

before he finished, Xu Junshan waved his hand and interrupted him," I'm no longer a general in the army. "

"Uncle Xu, no leader. I have an idea

At this moment, sitting in a corner of the conference table, Zhao Gang made a sound.

All of a sudden, the scene was quiet, the atmosphere was a little depressed, and everyone couldn't speak.

"I asked you to come here to solve problems, not to listen to your complaints and find reasons." Ning Xu interrupted the crowd.

"Yes, after all, Xu Junshan is the God of war in China. His sudden departure will really cause a lot of discussion."

"Team leader Xu, this time, the public opinion has a great influence. I'm afraid it can't be calmed down for a while. Moreover, some things are confidential, and we can't explain them to the public. " A member of the meeting spoke out.

"Can you do it or not? If you can't, get out of here and change people to do it!"

"Let you explain things and control public opinion. It's not to make things worse. "

At the moment, seeing all kinds of comments on the Internet, Xu Ning was so angry that he patted the table.

After Xu Junshan left his post, Zhou asked him to deal with the follow-up affairs, and the result was a mess, which made him very angry.

The meeting was presided over by a middle-aged man with glasses, about 60 years old. His name is Xu Ning. He was Zhao Jingguo's successor.

At the moment, a group of people in a conference room inside the red wall, after reading the report, look very blue and look very ugly.

Countless people are shouting for justice for Xu Junshan and Chen Fei. Things are getting out of hand.

Not only did not play the effect of explanation, but angered a lot of netizens, waves of hot waves of denunciation, in the network after another.

As soon as the notice came out, it immediately triggered a bigger discussion.

At the same time, the notice also denied the news that they suppressed Xu Junshan and Chen Fei. Solemnly, this is just a normal personnel transfer.

The incident was so serious that the government finally had to issue a notice to explain that Xu Junshan's departure was due to personal reasons and had nothing to do with the incompatibility spread on the Internet.

Hundreds of millions of netizens left comments on the Internet, asking the authorities to thoroughly investigate the matter and give Xu Junshan and Chen Fei a fair treatment.

These rumors spread on the Internet, and immediately caused the hot discussion and discussion of countless netizens.

In the end, they were marginalized and driven away because of their discord with some people at the top. That's why Xu Junshan left this time.

As a result, many people speculate that Xu Junshan and Chen Fei are of the same school. They have contributed a lot to the country and the people over the years. As a result, they are still ignored and suppressed.

It was also listed that over the past few years, Chen Fei has made great contributions to China, especially in those two battles to repel foreign fighters. But it still hasn't been reused.

At the same time, some people dug out the relationship between Chen Fei and Xu Junshan.

All sorts of clues are linked together, so that countless people have speculated that the reason why Huaxia God of war retired from the army and left was because he was not in line with the ideas of some high-level people and was beaten away by the other party.

Of course, there are also a series of things that happened recently, which were brought about by the qintian martial arts school. The death of Zhang Qingyu, Zhang Yao, mysterious black robed man and Zhao Jingguo.

There are also news that two second leaders, Liu Zhenjiang and Luo Hongnan, have problems one after another.

There are speculations about the rise of military schools and the decline of military status.

In recent years, Xu Junshan has been neglected and isolated.

For a time, relevant news was dug out one by one.

Some media people with keen sense of smell also seem to be aware of something, making in-depth reports and asking why Xu Junshan left the army at this time.

When Xu Junshan announced that he would retire from the army, many veterans all over the country asked him not to retire.

However, the achievements and status of Xu Junshan over the past few decades lie there, especially for many older people who respect him as if he were a God.

In the past two years, Xu Junshan's name as the God of war in China seems to have been gradually weakened due to the injury and the rise of martial arts, and the related discussion is also much less.

After all, this is the God of war of China. In the past decades, China had been a pillar of the Chinese nation.

As soon as the news was published, it quickly became the front page headlines of major media and caused numerous discussions.

Xu Junshan, known as the God of war in China, has been standing in China for decades. He publicly announced that he had retired from the army and left. Since then, he has become an ordinary man.

However, on the fourth day, a piece of breaking news ignited China and even the whole world.

This matter seems to have passed away and buried in silence.

Chen Fei didn't ask for anything.

At the same time, he also asked Chen Fei what compensation he needed.On the phone, Zhou, with a weak voice, expressed his apology to Chen Fei, indicating that Zhao Jingguo's action was not his intention.

Three days later, Chen Fei received a call from Mr. Zhou.

It seems that nothing happened.

For three days, it was quiet and there was no news report.


Chen Fei went back to the villa to help his wife heal.

Xu Junshan waved goodbye.

"Take good care of your family!"

"Also, Xiao Chen, I will deal with this time. You don't have to worry too much."

Xu Junshan laughed and said, "it's OK. In the past two years, there have been too many changes. I don't want to go back if I want to sit down. "

Chen Fei looked at the embarrassed villa, looked at Xu Junshan, said: "thank you, Uncle Xu!"

At the scene, calm was restored.

Helpless, the leader can only wave a "withdraw", and then with the people left as is.

Xu Junshan said that he would not resist and would cooperate with the investigation, but they still did not dare to arrest people because of their great influence.

Chen Fei didn't cooperate with the investigation, but they were too strong to arrest people.

For a moment, the scene fell into an embarrassing situation.

In view of this, the leader did not dare to order the action in the end.

Once you move him, the chain effect will be that the big guys behind him are hard to deal with.

He is the Chinese god of war who has been standing in China for decades, and a military symbol who has carried the Chinese army through the difficult decades.

But the focus is not on Xu Junshan's status.

It's not that they can't win Xu Junshan with the help of their internal guards.

Although Xu Junshan's strength has declined due to his injury.

The leader heard this, not only did not feel any relaxation, but more and more nervous.

Seeing this, Xu Junshan said in a voice: "as an ordinary citizen, if you want to arrest me for investigation, I will cooperate with you in your work."

The leader of the internal defense team frowned and looked at Xu Junshan, unable to speak for a long time.

Hearing this, Chen Fei was also surprised.

Xu Junshan said: "last night, I submitted my resignation. From now on, I am just an ordinary Chinese, not a general in the army. "

"Er -" the head of the inner defence team looked surprised.

Xu Ning looks at Zhao Gang and looks a little slower. After all, he is very familiar with Zhao Jingguo and has a good relationship. Zhao Gang's father died. He still has to take care of his emotions.

"Zhao Gang, what can you do?" he said

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