Zhao Gang squinted and said in a cold voice: "Uncle Xu, in fact, you don't need to pay too much attention to the network public opinion. Those people are cheering on the Internet one by one, but really let them do things in reality. Ha ha, I don't think many people can do it at all, just a group of keyboard men. "

"As long as we wait for the news to happen, we will not be angry."

The man pointed to the reporter who had just asked the question and said in a voice: "just now, did you ask Xu Junshan about his resignation from the army and the Internet rumors?"

The sudden change of people made all the reporters under the stage and countless audiences in front of the screen look puzzled and surprised.

The man, in his thirties, came to the position of spokesman.

He whispered a few words to the spokesman. He looked surprised. Then he nodded slightly and stepped back.

However, without waiting for the speaker to finish, suddenly a man about 30 years old came up next to him.

The spokesman looked a little ugly and stressed again, "what I said is true. Please don't be deceived by rumors. We --"

countless viewers also scolded in front of the screen.

Many reporters said they did not believe this too official response.

After the response, the scene was booed.

"As for the news and conspiracy theories circulating on the Internet, they are all nonsense. They are rumors deliberately made up by some people in order to disturb the people. They are all false."

The spokesman's face also changed. After a pause, he said: "for Xu Junshan's resignation, this is a normal personnel transfer and General Xu's personal wish. We respect General Xu's great contribution to the army and the country. "

Once this question was raised, it immediately set off the scene and made countless audiences look forward to the news.

A reporter was named and asked the doubts of more than one billion viewers, "what do you think of the resignation of General Xu Junshan and the news spread on the Internet that General Xu and master Chen were pushed out by the top and had no choice but to leave?"

And at this point, the point finally came.

Half an hour later, many viewers were so disappointed that they were ready to turn off the live broadcast.

In a curse, the press conference was not in a hurry.


"It's really chilling that Xu Zhanshen and master Chen have made such a great contribution to us, but they were excluded from us."

"The more you don't respond, the more ghosts you have. In my opinion, the rumors on the Internet are most likely true. Master Chen and Xu Zhanshen are excluded. "

"Damn, I'm looking forward to it. They'll explain. As a result, it just fooled us. "

"Ha ha, don't you understand? Those reporters are all arranged. This press conference is just a passing show. Do you think they will really respond? "

"And the exclusion of master Chen and Xu Zhanshen, that's the point."

"Who wants to listen to those old sayings and ask about Xu Junshan's leaving the army?"

"Damn, what messy questions do these reporters ask? Why don't they ask the key questions?"

In this way, countless audiences were furious.

The spokesman also gave a high sounding reply.

What is the direction of military reform.

What is the future development route of Wudao in China.

It's just that at the beginning, the reporters asked some irrelevant questions.

The spokesman picked up the reporters and answered the questions one by one.

The reporters immediately jumped up and raised their hands to ask questions.

Finally, after that, the press conference got to the point.

At the beginning of the press conference, there was a set of official speeches and sayings.

Almost a billion people watched the conference at the same time.

At 10 a.m., the press conference began, and all the Chinese TV stations and network media broadcast live simultaneously.

For a time, the press conference attracted the attention of the whole China and even the world.

Under such great pressure, the government finally held a press conference on the matter and decided to explain the relevant issues at the press conference.

However, the heated debate caused by the resignation of the Chinese god of war continues to expand, and countless warriors and veterans have expressed their incomprehension and hope that the authorities can give a reasonable explanation.

The meeting inside the red wall is naturally unknown to the outside world.


"Well!" Xu Ning nodded.

Nodded to agree to come down, "that thanks Uncle Xu, I certainly try my best to finish good work."

With such a statement of Xu Ning, Zhao Gang naturally will not shirk.

Xu Ning couldn't see what he thought. With a firm expression, he waved and said: "your father has made great contributions to us, and Zhao Gang, you have also participated in a lot. I have made up my mind about this matter. Come to me if you have any gossip. "

"Uncle Xu, I'm too young and too young to hold such an important position. I'm afraid there will be some gossip!" Zhao Gang pretended to shirk.Xu Ning said, "I'm worried. So, Zhao Gang, after your father went. Now we are short of a contact person with taboo island. It happens that you have this channel. Why don't you take up the post? "

Zhao Gang said: "Uncle Xu, taboo island has strict rules and strict hierarchy. It's hard to find out about high-level affairs. My friend revealed a little because he had a good relationship with me before. More accurate news, I'm afraid -- "

" really? Can you get the exact time and information? " Asked Xu Ning.

Zhao Gang said: "the specific decision has not yet been made, but one thing is certain. The three palace masters will never allow Chen Fei to act recklessly. Before long, taboo island will definitely take action. "

Hearing the speech, Xu Ning said in a hurry, "how did the three palace masters decide?"

"He has reported the matter, and now he is waiting for the decision of the three palace masters of taboo island."

Zhao Gang saw the eagerness in Xu Ning's eyes and nodded: "before, my father contacted taboo Island, and I met a friend. I told that friend what happened here

When Zhao Jingguo was killed suddenly, the connection with taboo island came to an abrupt end. Xu Ning period of time, really can not contact the people of taboo island.

But before, it was Zhao Jingguo who presided over the contact with taboo island.

For taboo Island, Xu Ning naturally wants to get in touch and ask them to help.

When Xu Ning heard this word, his eyes sank and he said in a low voice, "do you have any news from taboo island?"

Zhao Gang lowered his voice and spat out a word, "taboo island!"

"Which point?" Asked Ning Xu.

Zhao Gang continued: "Uncle Xu, there is one more point. I don't know if you have considered it."

"This -" Xu Ning had nothing to say.

The reporter nodded and said, "I did. Who are you?"

The man said, "my name is Zhao Gang, the son of Zhao Jingguo."

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