Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1309: North Palace


"Goodbye to you!"

Both Ling Zhantian and Hong Potian looked cold and with a murderous look, and their strength broke out without any reservation, but they intended to kill Song Kun here.

In the bread box, Nangong Yue suddenly stood up, staring blankly at the void in front of her, and as soon as she dried up, they all saw that Song Kun had reached an extremely dangerous point, and she might die in the next moment.

When Bei Gongyu saw this scene, the corner of his mouth finally smiled, but there was some regret in his heart, and the boy was so dead.

"Oh, finally it's a bit interesting, it is worthy of my master to come up with some real skills!"

At this moment, Song Ye, who was in a state of despair, suddenly made a laugh, and the ordinary spiritual sword in his hand suddenly burst into a mysterious atmosphere that was unclear and unknown, and it instantly diffused, dissolving the stagnant void and affecting It was the momentum and momentum of Ling Zhantian and Hong Potian.


The two's attack was suddenly blocked, and they stopped at a distance of ten centimeters in front of Song Yi.

Skyless! !! !!

"Breakthrough Sword" first move!

Sword Qi, endless sword qi is derived from the void, overwhelming and dense, each sword qi emits a terrible breath, each breath can make ordinary combined biliary tremor.


Ling Zhantian burst into drink, his body looks like he was backed up by an invisible big hand, Hong Potian jumped directly into the sky, and planned to break through the roof, and fled, while the other two guards flew directly out of the window with the northern palace Sweeping away.


Song Yan spit out two words gently, hundreds of swordsmanship appeared strangely around Hong Potian and Ling Zhantian.

Each sword is like the beginning of the fit.

Hundreds of swords rushed to kill, as if the early days of Lily's body joined forces.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The two frantically infused Zhenyuan into the Tiger King armor, hoping to block those terrible sword qi, and at the same time, waved their weapons to block the sword qi.

As if raindrops hit the banana, a series of sword spirits constantly bombarded the two bodies.

Just persisted for less than half a second.

With the sound of “噗”, Tiger King Armor can no longer withstand the blow, the light is dim and broken, more sword air is volleyed, and in a short time, the two ensembles are shot into a hedgehog.

"Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, the eyes of the two fits began to fall apart. Then, the body fell to the ground, and a lot of blood continued to flow from their bodies.


"Ling Zhantian and Hong Potian died like this?"

Some monks who have been spying on the situation of the war, see the two who have fallen to the ground, feel unacceptable. It is too incredible for a distraction to kill the two fits in a single stroke in the later period.

"Hahaha, I've decided, Song Ye, my friend, my son has made a deal!" Suddenly Nangong Yue burst out laughing.

Hearing his laughter, the puppets who opened their mouths returned to their hearts.

But they still carried an inexplicable shock in their eyes.

Inside the small tea shop.

Murong Hongdou felt the amazing sword spirit from Zixiange, and his face paled slightly: "Grandpa, what happened in Zixiange, is Son Song okay?"

"He had a fart, he was killed in the middle of the two fits!" The old man said ruelessly, and in his heart he scolded Song Kun for being perverted. It seems that the old man did not have such a pervert when he was young. Where did it come out?

Inside the Purple Fairy Pavilion.

Song Yan glanced lightly at the bodies of the two men, snatched their weapons and stored the spirit ring, stepped out of the window, suspended in mid-air, smiling at Bei Gong, a few hundred meters away.

"Prisoner of the palace, do you want to continue?"

I heard that the normal state of Beiyamiya's cheeks turned blue, then red, and then turned into iron blue. This reciprocation looks quite interesting, just like the face change in Sichuan opera.

"My son, this person's strength is unfathomable, and we are not his opponents!" Said Thunder God's guard's voice.

"Yes, son, you are porcelain, he is a rotten stone, there is no need to hit him against it. Today, there are means to deal with him!" Another guard also quickly spread a voice to advise, they were afraid that Bei Gongyu continued to order them to go to Song砚 Desperately.

Although they are the guards of Kitamiya Aya, it is not because their names are not required because of Kitamiya Aya's order. Therefore, it is best to stay away.

Bei Gongxuan stared at the two coldly, making the two hearts tight. However, Bei Gongxuan did not finally issue an order for them to shoot at Song Xuan.

He is not a fool. Even Ling Zhantian and Hong Potian are not Song Yan's opponents. The two guards around him are definitely not his opponents. Therefore, it is him who continues to lose hands and loses face.

"Very good Song Ye, you are the first one to let this son suffer. I remember this kindness, let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Beiya Gong turned directly into a streamer lasing, and the two guards also turned into streamers to follow.

"Haha, I don't think there will be a time when Bei Gongyu admits it, Brother Song, admire and admire!" Nangong Yue flew out from the tea house opposite, congratulating Song Ye with a smile on his face.

"I've seen Brother Nangong!" Song Yong smiled and gave his fist!

"Brother Song, I have a few friends who want to know you. I wonder if Brother Song is willing to show his face?" Nangong Yue said again.

"it is good!"

Song Xun did not refuse, followed Nangong Yue to a luxury box of a restaurant.

There are already waiting in the box, seven people in total.

Upon seeing Song Ye's arrival, all seven stood up and welcomed them.

"Brother Song, this is Dongfang Yubai, the third oldest general in the East, this is Lu Yan, the youngest son of the Lu Yushi family, this is Xing Wuji, the young grandson of the Xing Shang family, this is the second son of the Zhou Shilang family, Zhou slope……!"

Nangong Yue was one of the referrals for Song Yong. All seven were sons or grandsons of the court minister.

As for Nangong Yue himself, his father was a general who was a dynasty, and Nangong was invincible.

Because there was no war for too long in the Zhou Dynasty, the general's power was not as good as that of the North Palace Master, and the father of Dongfang Yubai was the invincible vice general of the Nangong.

Don't look at this group of puppets who are usually arrogant and have high eyes, but it doesn't mean that their IQ is weak. Therefore, they are quite enthusiastic about Song Qiao, and they don't hold any puppets.

Song Kun is not the kind of person who is false and high, plus mixed with several worlds, what kind of people have not seen, so soon he and Nangong Yue and others.

The meal lasted more than two hours, and the sky darkened.

"It's time to end the game here, or else, let's go pick the star tower and continue drinking?" Dongfang Yubai suggested.

Zixinglou is one of the ten largest green buildings in the Imperial Capital.

Although it is a blue building, not everyone can go in. Therefore, after hearing the introduction of Dongfang Yubai to picking the star building, Song Ye also developed a lot of interest, so they went together.

[Off-topic by the author]: Two more, thanks for the reward in [account also]

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