Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1310: Zixinglou

Zixing Tower is located in the prosperous area of ​​Emperor Capital. It is just now night, but in front of the building, there are a large number of guests seeking pleasure.

Since Zixinglou is one of the top ten greenhouses, naturally no one can enter.

So who can enter?

There are three points to sum up. First, either you have the strength, as long as you cultivate to reach the distraction period, you can enter unconditionally.

Second, there is talent, any kind of painting, calligraphy and painting, as long as you are sure to pick the star tower, you are eligible to enter. The stronger the country, the richer the people, the higher the spiritual pursuit. Therefore, this In a prosperous place, calligraphy, painting, and calligraphy are all popular.

Third, there is money. If the above two points are not reached, then only the Lingjing can be paid in, and the entrance fee is high, one hundred Zhongpin Lingjing.

"Well, isn't this Oriental boy?"

As soon as Song Ye and his team arrived in front of the Xingxing Tower, a discordant voice sounded.

The crowd looked around and found that the talking man was a handsome young man wearing a white robe, holding a folding fan in his hand, pretending to be handsome, and behind him two guards who were distracted.

As soon as he saw the other person, Oriental Jade's face sank, and he sneered, "It seems that I did not look at the yellow calendar today, but I came across a product like yours!"


The young man in the white robe shook his wrist and opened the folding fan brush. He shook the folding fan smartly and said, "Smelly! Smelly!"

Suddenly, Oriental Jade's face became extremely gloomy.

Just before Dongfang Yubai re-opened, the young man in white robe passed by him regardless of his eyes, then picked up the writing brush placed in front of Xinglou, dipped it into the ring, and swayed for a while.

Then a beautiful little poem jumped on the paper.

"Eligible to enter?"

The young man in the white robe threw the writing brush in his hand and asked the deacclaimed director at the table.

"Of course it is qualified, please ask Mr. Shen Tu." The deacon said very politely.

Shen Tubai suddenly turned his head after taking a few steps, and said to Dongfang Yubai interestingly: "Oriental Yubai, I heard that every time you enter the Star Tower, you can only enter it with Jiao Ling Jing?"

"What's the matter with you?" Dongfang Yubai said coldly, his face looked extremely ugly.

Shen Tu smiled whitely: "Also, rude people like you can only enter by reciprocating spirits!"

For a moment, Oriental Jade's face became more and more ugly, and even his body trembled slightly.

The accompanying Nangong Yue and others did not look so good.

"Brother Nangong, what's going on with Dongfang and the other party?" Song Yan asked, with some curious voices.

Nangong Yue quickly explained to Song Kun with a voice.

This Shen Tubai's father was the left servant of the Ministry of Li, at the same time, he was also a relatively well-known poet in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He was nurtured by his father. Shen Tubai also liked poetry since childhood.

The reason for his revenge with Dongfang Yubai is quite dog blood. The two of them fell in love with a woman and pursued that woman at the same time.

At the beginning, the two were more restrained, but gradually, the two fought a real fire, even at the expense of life and death. As a result, they lost each other and both were raised in the mansion for more than half a year.

As a result, another man appeared while they were recovering, chased the woman, and eloped together.

After learning the news, Dongfang Yubai and Shen Tubai almost blew up their lungs, but they did not blame the fourth one in tacit agreement, but blamed each other for dragging each other's hind legs.

Therefore, even after the injury, the two sides did not continue to fight for your life, but each other looked at each other extremely disgustingly. When they met, either you hit me or I mocked you.

After listening to the story of these two people, Song Yong could not help but feel a kind of laughter.

"Oriental jade cypress, or else, you can make a poem and let everyone look at your literary talents?" Shen Tubai uttered a provocation again, and the slight disdain and sarcasm revealed in that look made Oriental jade cypress particularly uncomfortable.

But he is not interested in this poem, let alone poetry, it is difficult to recite even a few poems.

Just when Oriental Jade Cypress didn't know what to do, a sudden whisper came from his ear.

Suddenly, his eyes lightened, he strode forward, grabbed the writing brush and waved on the rice paper:


Swallowgrass is like Bess, and Qin Sang has low green branches.

When Jun Huai returns to the sun, he is choking off his bowel.

Spring breeze doesn't know each other, what's wrong?


Oriental jade cypress threw away the writing brush, but it was made in one fell swoop, without any stagnation in the middle.

Seeing this, Shen Tubai couldn't help but hesitated for a moment. His eyes fell on the rice paper, and his face became extremely ugly. He did not expect that Oriental Jade Park could actually write a poem, and the level was still above his. .

Suddenly, in his heart, he didn't know what kind of goods Dongfang Yubai was. Even if he could not write such a poem for another ten years, someone must have written it for him.

For a moment, his eyes slowly passed Nangong Yue and others, and finally fell on Song Yan.

Nangong Yue and others know what level he is, and he can't write such poems, so it is likely that this strange boy is writing poems for Eastern Yubai.

However, he did not point out, but looked at Song Yan deeply, turned and walked towards Zixinglou.

This made Oriental Jade Cypress, who had a heart to show off, suddenly feel extremely lost.

"Please come in."

The deacon was kind.

Next, two of the seven people in Nangong paid Lingjing, while Song Ye and the other five entered directly, because their cultivation reached the distracting period, unlike the oriental jade cypress, only the late stage.

It's not that big to watch the Xingxing Lou from the outside, but after entering, I found that there is no luck, at least ten times more than the outside looks.

"Some sons, are you going downstairs or going upstairs?"

As soon as Song Ye and his party came in, a beautiful young woman greeted her and asked enthusiastically.

The hall is divided into hundreds of small spaces by screens, so that they can not affect each other, and there are separate boxes upstairs.

"Go upstairs."

Nangong Yue waved his hand.

Suddenly, the expression on the face of the beautiful young woman became even more enthusiastic. The private box consumption upstairs is not cheap, and the guaranteed consumption is one thousand Zhongpin Lingjing.

Don't think that there are not a thousand Zhongpin Lingjing, and the total assets of Jade Girl Gate are only about a thousand Zhongpin Lingjing.

Entering the box, Nangong Yue said to the beautiful young woman: "Don't fool us with vulgar powder and bring the most beautiful ones to my son!"

While talking, Nangong Yue directly threw a piece of superb Lingjing to the other side.

The beautiful young woman calmly put away Ling Jing and laughed: "Please wait a minute, the slaves will call the girls over and let them choose."

Nangong Yue waved his hand: "Come on, right, and arrange a good wine and food for us!"

[Digression by the author]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Celle Erluqiu] Two great rewards

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