Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1316: Haunted house

"Old man, this mansion is so good, how could there be a problem, you can't talk nonsense!" The dark-skinned young man cried, seeing that things were about to happen, and suddenly he jumped out of a troublemaker. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

The old man sneered: "Hey, naturally the old man is not talking nonsense, but is justified. According to the old man's observations and calculations, this is a fierce house, who lives and kills!"

"Impossible!" The swarthy youth screamed.

"Why? Not convinced yet, then I ask you, was the former owner of this house killed by someone?" The old man asked.

"The self-cultivation world is weak and powerful, killing people to gain treasure, and being killed is only to blame for incompetence, what a peculiar thing!" The dark youth retorted loudly.

"I'll ask you again, how did the last owner of this mansion die? It's also dying!" The old man's face became more and more calm, and seemed to be able to calm the other side.

Hearing the old man said, the dark-skinned youth's face became increasingly ugly: "It's just a coincidence, it has nothing to do with this mansion!"

The old man squinted at the other side, and a smirk emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Dare to quibble, then tell me, how did the 369 members of the family of the last owner of this mansion die?"

Hearing the old man said, there was a flicker of panic in the dark young man's eyes: "It's too long, I don't know."

"Old man, let me tell you, the 369 members of the host family were all beheaded by the court, and even their souls are still imprisoned in Xingtian Pavilion."

"How do you know?" The dark young man blurted.

The old man shook his pride proudly: "Look at what is written on it?"

"The **** of magic!" The dark young man couldn't help reading these four words.

"I know the astronomy and the geography. I know 50,000 years ago and 50,000 years ago. What else does the old man not know?" The old man said disdainfully.

Hearing the old man said, the dark youth apparently showed disbelief.

"Hey, don't believe me, then the old man will count it for free for you!" The old man quickly printed his seal while talking, and after a short while, continued to say: "Hey boy, your current name is Wu Peng, but your real name It ’s called Wuyang, right? "

For a while, the dark-skinned young man's face became extremely frightening. Because of the name Wuyang, he had not used it for hundreds of years, and almost no one in the entire emperor knew the name.

Without waiting for him to speak, the old man continued: "You lost your father at the age of three and lost your mother at the age of five. At the age of six, you became a little croaker. At the age of eight, you were accepted as a disciple by a monk. Unfortunately, the monk taught only After you have been killed for ten years, you have become rootless duckweed again. You are worried that your master ’s enemies will find you, so you rename it Wu Peng, and then float on the rivers and lakes for several years, and come to the imperial capital ... Finally , Have you become a dude, right? "

"Yes, you're right!" Wu Yang stared at the old man with a stunned look, and nodded subconsciously.

"Then do you still doubt the old man?" The old man asked proudly.

Wuyang looked at the old man with a face of admiration: "No doubt, how dare the young dare to doubt the old gentleman, yes, old gentleman, can you get lost for the little guidance!"

"Hey, ask the old man to point you out for your persecution, I'm afraid you can't afford it!" The old man waved in disapproval.


Suddenly, Wu Yang knelt down in front of the old man, put his storage ring on both hands, and said with excitement: "Old god, this is the villain's entire family, and I ask you to point out the future for the villain!"

"Well, for your sincerity, the old man will give you a pointer or two!" The old man calmly put away the storage ring, and then began to stamp and calculate. After a short while, he opened his mouth. : "Hey boy, if you continue to stay in the imperial capital, then you can only be a buddy in your life, your chance is in the south, all the way out of the imperial capital to the south, not a hundred years, your kid's future is boundless! "

Hearing the words, Wuyang was overjoyed, and three buzzers were hurried: "Thank you for your guidance, thank you!"

"Get up!" The old man raised his hand.


Wu Yang was ordered to stand up.

"Hey kid, now you talk about the lowest price of this mansion!" The old man asked with a proud glance.

"Back to the old gods, the price of this mansion is 23,000 pieces of superb Lingjing. The villain's authority can be less than 500 pieces at most!" Wu Yang answered truthfully.

"A dare to sell more than 20,000?" The old man sneered. "If it wasn't for the old man who could dispel the evil spirits in the hare, he would have turned away!"

Wuyang dare not refute: "Yes! Yes! The old **** is right, but the villain really only has this permission. It is better that we go back to the teeth first, and the villain should go to the deacon to report, it should be less!"

"That way, just go back to your teeth!"

So the group went back to Yaxing again, and Wuyang invited the deacons of Yaxing, thinking that the middle-aged man had a cultivation practice in the late period.

After some greetings, the two sides got to the point.

"Deacon, what's the lowest price for your fierce house?" The old man asked sharply.

Deacon Ma was a bit displeased with the old man's ruling on the murderous house, but the first three owners of this mansion did die horizontally, so he was a bit dumb to eat Coptis chinensis and could not speak.

So I can only be depressed: "The minimum is 22,000."

"Twenty-two thousand!" The old man sneered.

Dean Ma said: "That mansion believes that this senior and Song Gongzi have already watched it, and it is very good in all aspects. It is definitely not a loss to buy the price of 22,000!"

"But it's a fierce house!" The old man bit the matter and kept it.

Hearing the word "harsh house" again, Deacon Ma was a little annoyed: "In this way, I will drop another 500 yuan, which is already the lowest price!"

"Hey, five hundred dollars, you're embarrassed to speak!" The old man said with a quibble.

"That being the case, the old gentleman please come back!" Deacon Ma was provoked.

"Go and go, don't blame the old man for talking, and help you publicize that fierce house!" The old man got up and walked out.

Deacon Ma heard the words, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes, and he said coldly, "Mr. Old, I advise you not to talk nonsense, otherwise, beware of trouble!"

"Are you threatening me?"

The old man turned back and smiled disdainfully.

"Come here!"

As soon as Deacon's voice fell, there were four distracting thugs.

"Deacon Ma, don't be impulsive. The old **** is an expert, and you can't offend!" Wu Yang persuaded nervously.

"Get away!"

Deacon Ma slapped Wu Yang fan with a slap, then stared at the old man and said fiercely, "Teach this old guy a lesson!"

"Look at me!"

A distracted thug grinned, stepped forward, and waved to the old man.


Murong Hongdou exclaimed that she was about to rush up. Unfortunately, compared to distracting thugs, her speed was too slow.

While Song Yan kept watching, he didn't mean to do anything at all. He wanted to see how the old man really was.

[Author off topic]: Three more come, thank you for your great reward

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