Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1317: Eat a pig and eat a tiger?

Seeing that distracted thumping palm was about to fall on the old man's face, the old man couldn't help but stare at him and yelled: "Little bunny, even an old man like me hits, aren't you ashamed?"


A loud slatter sounded.

But it wasn't the old man who was beaten, but the disappointed thug, and the man who hit was actually himself.


The next moment, the distracted thug screamed, and he was a little cyanotic, wondering why he was beating himself.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Murong Hongdou finally rushed to the old man and asked with a look of concern.

"What can I do, just because this little bunny can't hurt the old man!" The old man said very stinking.

Seeing this scene, Song Yan was in his heart. Just now, he had been paying attention to the old man's movements, but he could not see what the old man had done in the end, so that the distracting thug suddenly closed his hands and fanned himself. hand.

"Is it true that the other person is an expert at playing pigs and eating tigers?" He wondered.

Deacon Ma also felt a little dazed when he saw this scene, and then yelled at the distracted thug: "Wushan, what the **** are you doing, I'll let you teach this dead old man not to let you hit yourself and be a shame!"

"I ...!" Wushan, a distracted thug, was a little bit aggrieved. He didn't know what was going on just now, and the ghost sent the hand back and gave him a slap.

Feeling the hot tingling on his cheek, his eyes were cold and he stared at the old man: "Dead old man, I'll kill you!"

In Wushan's eyes, the killing was completed and he punched out.

"Little bunny, it seems that the slap just now didn't make you realize the mistake!" The old man sneered.


With a moan, Wushan's tall body flew out like a cannonball, flew out of the room, and landed in the yard.


He spit out blood, and looked very embarrassed.

Weird! Endless weirdness!

Because it was still himself who hit Wushan, just as before, seeing that he was about to hit the old man, and then he strangely closed his hand and punched his chest without any intention of keeping his hand.

"What exactly is going on?"

This time, Song Yun released his consciousness. Every move of the whole room could not escape his investigation. At the same time, he opened the perspective of magical powers, but still could not find out how the old man controlled the distracting thug. Distraught.

Yes, he suspects that the old man used some special means to temporarily control the distracted thugs.

Song Yong is confident. Even if the jealous master does something in front of him, he can't escape his eyes. Why can't he find out how the old man did it? Is he an immortal master?

The old man's method completely shocked Deacon Ma and others, but he was quite excited after a slap in the afternoon. The secret is that the old **** is the old god, and the method is really mysterious.

"How about the three of you?"

The old man followed the other three distracting thugs.

"no no!"

There is a lesson from Wushan. The three of them are not stupid. How can they not know that the old man is an expert.

Deacon Ma stared at the old man with an ugly face: "Who the **** are you and why are you here to make trouble?"

"Oh!" The old man spit on the ground, disdain: "You guy really can't talk, we obviously came to buy a house, how did it get into trouble in your mouth?"

"You go, we will not sell that mansion!" Deacon Ma said in a little frightened.

"Hey, if your shopkeeper knows that you drove the guests out, don't know how to clean up you?" The old man sneered: "Well, the old man doesn't want to care about juniors like you, let's say, how many spirits are there in that haunted house? Sell!"

Deacon Ma hesitated, and gritted his teeth, "At least 20,000!"

"Ten thousand!" The old man slowly quoted a price.

Deacon Ma almost jumped up when he heard the offer from the old man: "Impossible, this price is too low!"

"Then don't blame the old man for helping you propagate this fierce house. At that time, the house will be smashed in your hands, even if it is 10,000, it will not be sold!" Said the old man with fearlessness.

"That's our business too, you go away!" Deacon Ma waved. The fortune-telling old man was too weird. He didn't want to tell him more.

"Ma Yuan, what do you mean, who gave you the right to drive away the guests?" At this moment, a young man in Jinyi stepped in and questioned Deacon Ma with a poor face.

When he saw this young man in brocade clothes, Deacon Ma's face changed drastically, and he quickly stepped forward to salute and greeted, "I've seen my son!"

"I ask you, why do you want to drive away the guests?" Jin Yizi still asked with a poor expression.

"My son, it wasn't his subordinates who kicked them out intentionally, but the old gentleman was entangled here. He took a bid for ten thousand superb crystals at the mansion in Xicheng. You know, the price we took over was more than ten thousand! Deacon Ma said extremely wronged.

"Oh, is that so?" Jin Yi youth looked cold.

"My son, my subordinates dare not have a half-sentence! Please ask my son to check!"

"Hum!" Jin Yizi snorted and followed the old man: "Old thing, do you know who this tooth line is? Is it tiring to come to trouble with me?"

"Hey, here's another little bunny who doesn't know how to respect the old man!" The old man and old **** said freely, without paying any attention to Jin Yizi.

Seeing that the old man was disrespectful to his own son, Deacon Ma saw an opportunity to please his own son, and quickly jumped out and pointed at the old man and cursed: "Old man, you are presumptuous. My son is the third son of Weizhifu. Open your dog eyes to see Now, is it possible for my son to be guilty of guilt! "

"Well, Weizhifu's son, so powerful, so bad!"

Just then, a dissonant voice sounded.

"Wipe, who is it, roll in for Lao Tzu!" Jin Yizi was furious.

"Lao Wei San, your temper is really getting bigger and bigger, this boy is coming in, what are you going to do?" Just then, a handsome man stepped in and looked at Jin Yi boy with disdain.

Upon seeing the other person's features, Jinyi's face suddenly changed, and he bowed and said, "Ah, Oriental boy, it's you. I don't know it is you. I just made a mistake, please forgive me!"

Yes, it's Oriental Jade.

Dongfang Yubai ignored the son of Jin Yi, strode in front of Song Yan, and said with a smile, "Brother Song, if you want to buy a house, why don't you say that, I'll just send you one!"

"Brother Dongfang, you are polite!" Song Yan stood up and said.

Dongfang Yubai laughed: "You and I don't need to be polite. Come and follow me. I happen to have an unoccupied house. If you don't see it, go to my dental shop and choose it!"

Song Min groaned slightly and said, "Since Dongfang is kind, I'm welcome!"

When the Wei Family Prince saw this, he couldn't help but think about it, even the Oriental Jade Cyclone had to take the initiative to send the house man. How could it be simple? For a time, he was very dissatisfied and stared at Deacon Ma, secretly, waiting for this event. Give this guy a lesson.

Deacon Ma was completely dumbfounded and regretted inexplicably. He knew Oriental Jade Cypress, the son of General Dongfang, and the imperial concubine, and even his own son had to seduce each other.

However, he offended the friend of the Oriental Son. I am afraid that his son will not give him good fruit.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [also in the account] [Dragon World] [td92985623] [心 以 无 i] [Unearthly Emperor] five great rewards

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