Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1695: The Power of the Time Sword

"The demon king of Chu is crazy, dare to challenge four senior deities at the same time!"

"He is too inflated. If he keeps a low profile, the future will be brilliant, but now ...!"

"Yeah, the gap between the middle-level deities and the high-level deities is too big. Can he cut off a middle-level deity and not put the high-end deities in his eyes?"

At this moment, no one is optimistic about Song Kun, and no one believes that he can defeat the four senior gods and join forces.

"Longevity God, this is a good seed for our human race. If you get the transcendence of the created **** light, after he becomes a god, he can protect the human race for you, so I hope you can come forward!"

The prophet goddess with green hair looked at the elder shinto with an old face.

The God of Longevity, one of the three senior deities of the human race, is also considered to be the strongest one.

Hearing words, hesitation flashed on the face of the great **** of longevity.

"Longevity God, I also agree with the statement of the Prophet Goddess!" Another respected **** Yao Yao said.

"it is good!"

Longevity God nodded, stepped out, and came to the front of the formation.

"I've seen the elders of the Tianfeng tribe!"

"It turned out to be the God of Eternal Life, it's polite!" The elder nodded.

The Tianfeng tribe's life span is far longer than that of the human race, but this long-lived **** is a strange species, and his life span is much higher than other human race deities.

"Can the elder give the old man a face and spare my juniors!"

The Great God of Longevity speaks directly, saying what he meant.

"Impossible! How could he kill my goddess to spare him!"

In addition, respect the senior deities of the Tianfeng tribe.

"If the eternal **** can persuade him to let the women around him join my Tianfeng tribe, the old man can consider it!" The elder laughed.

For a while, the **** of longevity looked at Song Yan, and Shen said, "Chu Fan must have heard it. The girl around you joined the Tianfeng tribe is a goddess, and she will never suffer. How about taking a step back?"

"The big god's mind and the boy's heart lead, Wei Wei is my wife, how can you give it to others!"

Song Zheng shook his head and responded very sincerely.

"Well, do yourself a favor!"

The Great God of Changsheng sighed, and then stepped back. He had already done his best, but Song Xun refused to accept it, and he had no choice. Besides, he also refused to completely confront the Tianfeng tribe for the sake of a tribe descendant. If you want to capture a **** of good fortune, if the Tianfeng tribe is offended and killed, he will be stumped, and he may fetch a bamboo basket.

"It's still the problem, are the four of you going together or to die alone!"

Song Kun provoked again.

"Hum, the thief is dying, the old man is here to chop you!"

A high-level deity stepped forward, with a simple black sword in his hand, and cut a sword at will.

The seemingly simple sword contains the supreme mystery, and it has no trace, making it impossible to find.

"Good swordsmanship!"

As a master of Kendo, Song Xun nodded secretly, and the green sword in his hand also cut out.

His sword has traces to follow, but it can be said to be quite simple and unsophisticated, but the pervasive sword has a sense of ruin.

Over the past few months, he has run out of fruit, and it is almost impossible to promote cultivation. Therefore, he specializes in kendo, and his understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique has risen to the next level.


The two swords collided in the void, making a crisp sound, but immediately separated and continued to cut out.


The two had dozens of moves against the sword. Except for the first collision, there was no collision afterwards.

However, the senior gods present and the senior gods around him saw the face of such a confrontation look very dignified, sometimes with a variety of looks flashed on their faces.

Because this is the collision of "Tao" and "Tao". Abandoned all fancy moves.

"I can't think of Chu Fan's Kendo cultivation so high, I'm not as good as it!"

An intermediate **** specializing in Kendo sighed.

"If this son does not die today, the future will certainly surpass the old man!" Changsheng Dashen also lamented.


Suddenly, Jianming came, stern and tactful, and then everyone saw that the black sword in the hands of the senior **** of the Tianfeng tribe actually broke apart.

Suddenly, his figure was in place, and then a little blood stained his brows. Then, the light of his eyes gradually dissipated, and eventually disappeared.


The next moment, the lost body fell to the ground directly.

"The Devil King has won!"

"Oh my God, he can kill advanced gods!"

"The Devil Chu is going against the sky!"

The spectators who were not optimistic about Song Yan changed their minds.

But some people poured cold water.

"He can cut one high-level deity, but the Tianfeng tribe also has three high-level deities and twenty-one middle-level deities. If they make a shot together, the King of Devil Chu will have no life!"

"Well, that's the truth!"

"With this child, my Terran rankings will definitely rise by two levels! It's a pity ...!"

The goddess of the prophet glared, staring at Song Yan.

"Let's three of you together!"

Song Jianjian refers to the elder and two other senior deities.

"Kill him!"

In the eyes of the elder, murder is brewing, and the heavenly stele has not yet been opened, and the Tianfeng tribe has lost a high-level deity, which makes her very difficult to accept. Therefore, at this moment, he was really angry and wanted to completely kill Song Yan.



The elders and the other two high-level deities almost never shot.

One palm, one punch and one abduction respectively contain the flavor of the avenue.

Advanced gods are the strongest beings under the heavens in this world, so they can master some heavens. Therefore, their moves are not gorgeous and not fancy, but the heavenly atmosphere in it is terrible!

In the face of the siege of the three senior gods, Song Xuan felt a little shrunken. He was sure that if he did not show his ability to press the bottom of the box, he would probably lose.

In this case.

Suddenly a transparent knife was condensed in his left hand.

"Breaking the sword of heaven, the sword of time gives me the chop! Chop! Chop!"

Between swords and swords, Song Yan directly urged the stars to the extreme.

"Puff puff!"

The two sides were evenly divided, and each was shaken back 100 meters.

There was a little blood on the corner of Song's mouth, but the faces of the three of them became much older, especially the other two senior gods who had a black hair became white-haired and elder.

The elder's white hair became more shiny.

The sacred sword of the years is the years. Under the impetus of the fourth stage of the stars, the sword can cut the life of the other party for thousands of years. Even if the life of the Tianfeng tribe is long, they will not be able to bear it suddenly.

"What magical power is that? It's terrible! If you change to me, it will turn into bones with one shot!"

The goddess of the prophets saw the clue, and said in an astonishing tone.

"What a terrible sword! If you change to me, you will bear up to three swords!"

Longevity God also secretly sighed.

As for the elders of the Tianfeng tribe and the other two senior deities, there is a deep taboo on their faces. They seem to have the upper hand and let that Chu Fan be injured, but it is them who really suffer. Under the sword, they lost 30,000 years of life.

How many swords can they withstand even if they have a long life?

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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