Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1696: Mito

"How, isn't the taste of my years knife?"

Song Kun held a sword in his hand, and despised the elders of the Tianfeng tribe and two other senior gods.

Hearing his words, the three's faces quickly changed.

But there was no intention to continue.

After a long while, the elder suddenly said, "Chu Fan, how about this matter?"

She has realized that even if they can cut off Chu Fan today, they will definitely pay a heavy price, and the heavenly stele will soon be opened. If the Tianfeng tribe lose one or two senior gods, they will definitely lose in the next battle.

So even though she was very uncomfortable, she had to take a step back.

"So far?"

There was a bit of playfulness in the corner of Song's mouth: "Not so easy!"

"What else do you want?"

The elder stared angrily at Song Yan, with anger and disgust written on his face.

Song Yong said eagerly: "You just need to make a promise. From then on, whenever you see me, you must retreat three feet away, and you cannot be my enemy. Today, I will spare you!"


"You dream!"

"Chu Fan, you don't have to go in!" The elder's face was as gloomy as dripping water.

The elders and two other senior deities expressed strong opposition to the conditions proposed by Song Yong.

"Since you don't agree, let's go on!"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed, and there was a crazy splash of war.

Feeling the madness in his eyes, the three elders were all shocked, but more were angry.

The elder resisted the anger in his heart and continued: "Chu Fan, the old man admits that your magical power is really great, but my Tianfeng tribe can become the second race of the Manggu mainland, which is not as simple as you think. If you If you do n’t know how to move forward, do n’t blame the old man, please come out of my tribe ’s inheritance Tianbao to deal with you! ”

"Okay, then you have to pass on Tianbao, just to let you see the power of your family to inherit Tianbao!"

Song Yan was not afraid, but pressed hard.

For a moment, everyone sighed that this demon king of Chu was almost bold.

There are several inherited treasures of the Tianfeng tribe, but there is only one inheritance of the Tianbao, and all of the ancestors of the Tianfeng tribe obtained from the fortune of the heavenly stele.

But each hit takes years to gather energy.

Over the years, the inheritance of Tianbao has only condensed five hits.

Use one hit and one hit less, so, as a last resort, the elder does not want to use the inheritance of Tianbao.

Upon hearing the name of the inheritance of Tianbao, Ouyang Weiwei suddenly changed color, and immediately informed the power of the inheritance of Tianbao Song Song, reminding him to be careful.

"Okay, if you want to die, you will be perfected in your old age!"

The elder's eyes were cold, his face was full of murderous power, and a fist-sized red bead was added to his hand. This is the ancestral Tianbao that the ancestors of the Tianfeng tribe brought from the Fortune of Heaven.

"go with!"

I saw the elders waved at will, and the fiery red orbs flew up, and the fiery red glow of light suddenly bloomed.

The light of God passes, the void is frozen, and time is frozen.

Immediately after being touched by the light of God, Song Yan felt that his body could no longer move, as if he had been completely imprisoned, and at the same time, his thoughts became extremely slow.


Then, a wave of devastating light came towards him. He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't control his body.


The next moment, Song Kun was hit by light waves, and a violent energy directly hit his body in an attempt to destroy everything.

But at this moment, the power of the star **** body burst out automatically.

The star map emerged, and countless stars burst out of the Supreme Divine Power, and instantly destroyed the power that had invaded him.

"Haha, this is what your Tianfeng tribe calls the inheritance of Tianbao, and its power is just average!"

Song Kun laughed, but he was secretly vigilant, if he hadn't cultivated the star **** body to the late fourth stage, he might not be able to stop the attack.

"Are you okay?"

"Traditional Tianbao can't kill him!"

Seeing this scene, the elders and the gods of the Tianfeng tribe showed incredible colors.

"Otherwise, come again!"

Song Yan chuckled at their dementia's gaze.

The longevity **** is also very shocked. Although it is not him who inherited Tianbao's attack, he was scared only by the breath. He was sure that if he exchanged his position with Chu Fan, now he is dead Nothing left.

"I do not believe!"

The elder erupted and spurred the inheritance of Tianbao.

Suddenly, the fiery red orb bloomed again and again with the fiery red **** light, covering Song Kun.


Destructive light waves hit Song Yong again.

But when the waves cleared, Song Yong still stood there intact.

"Not fun, come again!"

Song Yong shouted towards the elder, with a strong sense of provocation, so that everyone in the Tianfeng tribe hated for a while.

"How is that possible? How is it possible!" The elder elder man's face flashed with madness, and once again urged the inheritance of Tianbao.


Destruction Lightwave once again focused on Song Yong, but he remained unscathed.

"Smelly old lady, attacked me three times, and I'll give you three swords!"

Song Yong's voice sounded again. Then, he stretched out his hand and added a golden pagoda in his palm.

"go with!"

The pagoda flew out, rising in the wind, instantly expanding a thousandfold, and between buzzing, a powerful repressive force radiated, covering the elders.

Then he stepped forward, and the sword of years in his hands cut three swords in a row.

With the fall of a knife, the elder's face suddenly became much older.

The two swords fell, and the elder's figure became stingy.

The three swords fell, and the elder turned into a dead bone.

As soon as the detective grabbed it, the inheritance of Tianbao fell into Song Ye's hands, and then the Xuanhuang pagoda was put away, and Song Ye returned to his place.

The scene became silent for a while.

It's horrifying to kill a senior deity with three swords.


A gust of wind blew, and the elders, who had turned into dry bones, collapsed and turned into a pool of dry bones.

For a time, all the spirits of the Tianfeng tribe had a chill in their hearts.

"Oh my god, the three-bladed sword cuts the high-level deities. This is not against the sky, but the Chu Devil is breaking the sky!"

"The human race is booming!"

"In the world, no one can beat the Demon King!"

"The Manggu continent will usher in the era of the King of Devil!"


Within the valley.

Ao Tian slowly retracted his eyes, but a handsome cheek was almost twisted: "He, how could he be so strong? I don't believe it! Don't believe it!"

I think he is the most outstanding Tianjiao of the real dragon family for 100,000 years. Before he became a god, he has the strength of the peak of intermediate gods. Once he becomes a god, he can walk sideways even in high-level gods.

However, he did not have the confidence to resist the Tianfeng tribe's inheritance of the Tianbao attack, nor did he have the confidence to kill the elders of the Tianfeng tribe, because the elders were the most powerful gods besides the Tianfeng tribe.

But now, she died under that Chu Fan's three swords.

Even the patriarchs of the True Dragon tribe cannot kill the elders of the Tianfeng tribe with three swords.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [frog eats mosquito] [more than a year] Two big rewards

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