Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1806: Grave world

Song Yong could not help speeding up and flew towards the monument.

After a long while.

Song Yong arrived 200 meters away from the monument. The monument is about a thousand feet tall, like a tombstone.

Just as he passed the immortal knowledge, he found that the tombstone actually sent out a mysterious force to isolate him from the investigation.

He frowned slightly, and looked carefully at the tombstone. Many mysterious inscriptions were engraved on the tombstone, but Song Kun could not understand it.


Suddenly, there was a little more vigilance on Song Ye's face, but there were two figures under the tombstone.

Taking a closer look, Song Yan found that the clothes on these two men were very tattered, just like beggars, but judging from the breath, both men possessed the strength of the late peak of Dixian.

At the same time, while he was looking at the two men, the other side was also looking at him, and there was a look of joy on their faces when they saw the dry clothes on Song Yang's body.

Then they met each other, quickly exchanged their gazes, and hurried to Song Yan.


Seeing the two getting closer, Song Yan frowned, because both of them were dirty and faintly smelled, and for a moment, he was a little strange. Both of them obviously owned the land fairy. Xiu Wei, why do you make yourself so dirty and stinky, you have to know a few tricks to make yourself clean.

"Xian You was just involved in the world of this tomb?"

Suddenly, one of them opened his mouth, revealing two rows of dark teeth, and a stinking smell came from his face.

"This place is called the World of God's Tomb?"

Song Yan asked in a deep voice.


The man nodded and reminded: "Xianyou might as well come in and talk, so as not to be attacked by those evil spirits!"


Song Yi thought of those monsters that were killed by him instantly.

Just then, five monsters suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away, and rushed towards the three of Song Yong.

Seeing that both of them looked slightly changed, they quickly backed away, and the man shouted again: "Xianyou quickly enter the 100-meter range of the tombstone. In this way, those demons can't hurt you!"

As soon as his heart moved, Song Yan quickly stepped into the 100-meter range of the tombstone.

Sure enough, the five demon monsters saw that Song Yan had entered the 100-meter range of the tombstone, and they all stopped, and then resigned unwillingly to hover around for a quarter of an hour and left.

Song Yan looked at the two people: "Two immortal friends, who arrived in the beginning of the next year, don't know much about this world. I wonder if the two can introduce them for the next!"

"Of course there is no problem!" One of them nodded: "I don't know how to call Xianyou? From which fairyland?"

"My name is Song Yan, and I am from the Langxian Fairy!"

Song Song said.

"It turned out to be Song Xianyou. My name is Zhou Tianlong. This is Yang Emperor."

After a brief greeting, Zhou Tianlong began to tell: "This world is called the tomb world. The origin of the name of the tomb world is because there are many gods buried here, and each tombstone represents a god!

This world is very big, but no one can tell how big it is, and those demons are monsters that are formed by the fusion of the corpse gas emitted by the corpses of the gods in the tomb of the **** and some substance in this world. They are wise, but they like to devour immortals very much, and they are also the natural enemies of all the immortals in the world of **** tombs. Moreover, their number is extremely large, fearing that they are no less than tens of billions. Get close, otherwise, the immortals in this world will have been eaten by them already! "

"Where did the immortals of the tomb world come from?"

Song Yan asked.

"This Song Xianyou has no idea. This world is connected to the Three Thousand Fairies. People who come to this world are basically drawn into this world that has been involved in the cracks of time and space. Of course, there are some Jedi Forbidden Lands that can be directly connected. To this world! "

"So it is! Can we leave this world?" Song Yan asked again.

Emperor Yang said: "It's easy to get in and get out! It is said that reaching the tenth level of the ancestor of the ancestors can break the barriers of this world and leave, but it is impossible at all, because the immortal spirit of this world is too thin, not to mention cultivation, even if it is It ’s impossible to sustain self-consumption, so the longer you stay in this world, the weaker it is! "

Having said that, Emperor Yang paused and looked at Song Ye and asked, "Does Song Xianyou know what it is for us to fall into this world?"

"What is it?"

Emperor Yang sneered: "When we were involved in this world, we both had the cultivation practices of the late Jinxian. After staying in this world for three thousand years, we all degenerated to the late earth fairy!"

Suddenly, Song Yun's heart moved: "Since there are so many gods' tombs in this world, there should be a lot of good things in it. Isn't anyone going to steal the tomb?"

"Grave Robber? Hehe!"

Emperor Yang smiled: "Song Xianyou, you are so naive, how can the tombs of the gods be stolen so well, but their graves are filled with various horror restraints. Even if Zu Xian breaks in, there will be no life, otherwise , The things in the tomb of God have long been stolen! "

"So how many immortals are there in this world?" Song Yan asked again.

Zhou Tianlong said: "It's not too clear, but there should be millions of people. After all, the world is too big!"

Suddenly, Song Yan's expression changed slightly, but he found that the fairy Yuanli in his body actually became extremely dull, and he looked at Zhou Tianlong and Yangdi subconsciously.


Zhou Tianlong suddenly exclaimed, then, a sinister smile appeared on his face: "We forgot to remind Song Xianyou that there is an invisible corpse of gods around this tomb of the gods. Do not let the gods corpses enter the body. Your fairy power will freeze! "

"is it?"

Song Yong said lightly, the other party didn't forget to remind him, but he didn't intend to remind him at all.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Hey, it depends on Song Xianyou's taste! Don't give up your storage ring!"

Yang Emperor's Yin Road, looking at Song Yan's eyes became full of greed.

"Then what are you going to do?" Song Yan asked again.

"As long as you obediently hand over the storage ring on your body, we will naturally not treat you. If you don't hand it over, don't blame us for being rude!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Tianlong's face was fierce, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"I'd like to see how rude you are!"

Song Yan's face did not change color.

"court death!"

Zhou Tianlong drank softly, a fairy sword appeared in his hand, and fiercely chopped towards Song Yi.


Song Zheng raised his hand and flew Zhou Tianlong with his sword.

"You? How can you be fine?"

Emperor Yang looked at Song Ye in a panic and asked.

Song Yan smiled: "It's not that I'm okay, but that I can kill Xuanxian by my flesh alone. Naturally, it's not a big problem to deal with your two little miscellaneous fish!"

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks [yasvhshasd] [jiangshang fishermen] two great rewards

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