Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1807: Heaven and Earth Legend

Hearing that Song Yiguang could kill Xuanxian with his flesh, Yangdi immediately knew that the two of them had kicked on the iron plate. Although he had some doubts about Song Yi, he could defeat Zhou Tianlong by raising his hand, not both of them. People can fight.


Emperor Yang fell to his knees and scratched his head, saying, "The grown-up is forgiven, the villain has been blinded by his interests, and he has asked the grown-up to spare the villain. This time, the villain is willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

"Do you deserve to be a cow or a horse?"

Song Yan sneered, the two were dirty and smelly, and he was not interested in using them as cows and horses.

Hearing Song Ye ’s words, Yang Emperor ’s entire face became extremely ugly. Suddenly, he thought: “Master, villain knows that the prohibition on a certain tomb is damaged. As long as the adults are willing to let the villain pass, the villain can bring My lord, maybe you can take the treasure in the tomb of God! "

"That being the case, why don't you take the treasures inside!" Song Yan asked coldly.

Emperor Yang explained: "The grown-up looks too much at the villain, and the cultivation of the villain has fallen to the level of the earth fairy. Even if the restraint of the tomb of God is damaged, it cannot be broken into by the villain, but the grown-up can only rely on the body Cut Xuanxian, he must be shocked, maybe the adults have a chance to enter it! "

Song Yong said coldly, "Since then you can lead the way. If it is true, I can spare you life. If you dare to hide or have any conspiracy, then don't blame me for beheading you!"

Emperor Yang hurriedly said, "Dare! How dare you, villain! By the way, the freezing of the fairy strength of the adult is also very easy to solve. You only need to take a spirit grass that grows near the tomb of the god!"

"is it?"

Song Yan glanced and found that a black spirit grass grew around the tomb of the god.

As soon as the detective caught it, the spirit grass was captured by him from the air, and then directly thrown to Yangdi.

The other party is also very knowledgeable, put it in his mouth, bit it and swallow it.

Seeing that the other party was okay, Song Ye took a spirit grass suit. This time the other party did not lie. After serving this spirit grass, the fairy Yuanli, who was frozen in his body, soon recovered to normal.

"Let's go!"

Song Yan urged.

"Master, please!"

Soon, the two left the tomb of the god. As for Zhou Tianlong's life and death, neither of them was mindful.

After moving on for half a quarter of an hour, Song Yun could not stand the speed of the Yangdi turtle, and urged, "Hurry up!"

Emperor Yang smiled bitterly: "Adults are not villains who don't want to hurry up, but they need to consume Xianyuan power as soon as possible. The fairy spirit in this place is so thin and terrible that all, every trace of every cent is very precious. , Less than a last resort, absolutely will not use Xianyuan force! "

"Take it!"

Song Yan directly threw a hundred cents of stone to the other side and said, "Clean your body!"

Seeing these hundreds of immortal stones, Yang Emperor's eyes could not help light for a while, first thanks to Shane, quickly drew up, and at the same time ran a few immortals to clean up quickly.

"It looks much better now!"

Song Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

The two sides continued to go on the road, and under the show of light, Emperor Yang was more than ten times faster.

In an instant, they went forward for more than three hours.

During this period, I also encountered several demons, many of which were hundreds, at least a few of them, all of which were captured by Song Kun with the palm of his hand, and the Emperor Yang knew the strength of the master. How powerful.

At the same time, they passed by a tomb.

Song Yang asked Yang Di how many **** tombs in the world, and the other side told him that there are many **** tombs in the world, and new **** tombs are created every year. The immortals who live here guess that these new **** tombs The gods came to this world to build, and even suspected that this world is still connected with the divine realm.

Some people want to find a way to the divine realm, but no one succeeds.

With a movement in his heart, Song Yun secretly communicated with the old instrument spirit in the temple, and asked, "Old spirit, can you shuttle directly to the **** realm?"


The old spirit was very sure, but immediately his words turned: "But shuttle to the **** realm will consume a huge amount of energy, even if all your immortal stones are not consumed, the main thing is that your strength is too Cowardly, appearing in the divine realm will be squeezed into pieces by the pressure of the divine realm! "

"So scary?"

Song Yan secretly tongued out.

Originally, Song Kun wanted to sneak into the realm of the gods to see if he could get some artifacts back. Now it seems that it is simply whimsical.

After five days and five nights of rushing, he finally reached the tomb of the **** said by Yang Di.

It's just that some people have already made their way, and there are still a lot of people, no fewer than a hundred people.

Subconsciously, Song Zheng looked at Emperor Yang.

Emperor Yang quickly explained: "My lord, I have found that the tomb of this **** has been damaged for some time, it is likely that other people will not find it, so it is definitely not me who leaked the news!" "Do you know this group of people? Identity? "Song Zheng looked at the group of people in front of the tomb. They were relatively clean and dressed, either shortly after entering the world of the tomb, or they had immortal stones on them.

"This group of people seems to be people in the Golden Sword Realm!"

Emperor Yang said hesitantly.


Song Yan raised an eyebrow.

The other party continued: "The Golden Sword Fairy ranks very high in the Three Thousand Fairies and is said to be close to the top 100 Fairies!"

"Is there a ranking between the fairyland?"

Song Wei is a little strange.

"Doesn't the Lord know?"

Emperor Yang looked at Song Yan strangely.

"Tell me, do you know the ranking of the Langxian immortal world?" Song Yan threw another hundred immortal stones to the emperor.

The other party was overjoyed and said quickly: "Master, as far as the villain knows, the rank of Langxian Fairy is after 2,500!"

"Who determines this ranking and how to calculate it?" Song Yan asked again.

Yang Didao: "Every 10,000 years, the Three Thousand Immortals will compete for rankings in the heavens and the heavens. Each immortal will send a hundred celebrities, a hundred earth immortals, a hundred golden immortals, a hundred mysterious immortals, and a hundred ancestral gods and other immortals People fight against each other, get a point for a victory, deduct a point for a loss, and then add all the points together, with a score of up to a hundred cents, then you are eligible to enter the second round of the top ten fairyland competitions ! "

"Then what good is this ranking?" Song Yan asked.

Emperor Yang said with excitement: "Of course it is good. It is said that Tianwaitian is the garbage dump of the **** world. Therefore, there are broken artifacts and techniques of spiritual practice.

If you are lucky, you can find the divine domain left after the death of the god. If you refine the divine domain, you may become a **** directly.

However, these good things are limited. Therefore, only the three thousand fairyland can compete. The top ten fairyland can enter three days in advance, the top hundred can enter two days in advance, and the top five hundred can enter one day in advance. , The sooner you go in, the more benefits you get, so every fairyland places great importance on rankings! "

"That's it!"

Song Ye was suddenly surprised, but when he looked at Xiang Yangdi, he had a little more fun. This guy said that he fell from Jinxian. How could a Jinxian know so much?

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [I feel bad] [Jiang Ge] [Peak] [Sword Holder] Four great rewards

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