Magic Love Ring

Chapter 919: Xia mawei

Song Kun knew that Lin Xia was planning his night patrol, all he wanted was to give him a power.

As soon as he entered the city special police, he made great achievements, and after taking D-level gene nutrient solution, he has become a seventh-level soldier. That strength is stronger than Lin Xia.

If it wasn't for Song Yigang's joining the city special police, this squad leader would probably not be able to do it.

Therefore, he was very jealous of Song Yan, so he would deliberately "take care of" him when patrolling the patrol table.

However, Song Yan did not agree with this.

According to his practice, not sleeping in March or May is not a problem, not to mention, this night patrol is not daily, just twice a week.

So he smiled and said, "Captain Lin, I obey the arrangement."


Xu Dahai sighed secretly, this Lin Xia deliberately aimed at Lu Feng as long as he was not blind, but also understood why Lin Xia targeted him, and he was somewhat disdainful of Lin Xia.

After Lin Xia left, Xu Dahai pulled La Songhua's sleeves and motioned him to speak outside.

"Xiao Lu, you have to be careful with Lin Xia in the future."

"Thank you Brother Xu for your concern, I will." Song Zheng nodded.

In a blink of an eye, it was Song Ye's night patrol.

The patrol time is from 9pm to 7am the next day.

Night patrols will not have too many manpower. Each brigade will have six people and five brigade together, but thirty people.

Thirty people are responsible for the entire city of Shanmei, and the task is still very heavy.

Huang Zhong is patrolling with Song Yan tonight.

Huang Zhongcai joined the city special police in his early three years. He is the pinnacle of the fifth-ranked soldier and has a bold personality, but he is strictly controlled by his wife. For this, he was not teased by the special police of the same team. .

In his words, I am respecting my wife, not afraid of my wife.

On the patrol car, Huang Zhong was passing on the experience to Song Yong: "Xiaolu, the patrol section is mainly composed of three sections, one block, and three sections are nothing. The most important thing is the green willow street. The green willow street is We have famous entertainment streets and entertainment venues in Shanmei City. Fighting and fighting often occur. However, we have limited manpower. If no casualties or damage are caused, try to keep both parties private. Remember, do n’t be fooled. Arrests!"

"Thank you for pointing out, I remember." Song Zheng nodded. There are many things that the city's special police control in this world, which almost integrates the real-world traffic police, patrol, and criminal police affairs, but fortunately, there is Skynet Now, this greatly eases the work of city special police.

Otherwise, even 500 special police officers in the city can't handle so many things from morning to night.

The patrol car first flew over three sections. Nothing happened on the three sections. This world, regardless of the cars on the ground or the flying cars in the sky, is controlled by intelligent systems, so the chance of a car accident is very small.

Then, the patrol car came to Luliu Street.

The whole street was very lively, and speeding cars landed in front of every entertainment venue.

"Have Xiaolu been here before?" Huang Zhong asked.


Huang Zhong laughed: "If you have the chance, you must try it. It's still very fun here. Unfortunately, the consumption here is too high, and it's not something that a small special policeman like us can come here at will!"

"Really? After that, Brother Huang took me to see."


The patrol car turned around in Luliu Street and found nothing. It left and continued to patrol the other three streets.

After repeating this cycle, two hours passed.

The other three road sections began to reduce traffic, but Luliu Street became more and more lively.

Patrol is a fairly boring business.

"Xiao Lu, otherwise you will be a while, I will stare first." Huang Zhong looked at him.

"No, I'm okay, or should you just wait for a while?" Song Yan smiled.


Huang Zhong was not polite. Only two hours had passed and eight hours before work.

Time and time again, time after time, the time has come to one o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly, the intelligent system in the patrol car sounded: "Someone will fight in the Red Sun Night Club, please patrol special police Huang Zhong and Lu Feng to deal with it!"

"Come here!"

Huang Zhong suddenly opened his eyes and immediately ordered the patrol car to fly to Luliu Street at full speed.

At the same time, he once again told Song Yi: "Xiao Lu remember, don't be impulsive when you will go in. People who can go to Red Sun to consume are all people with identity."

"I know Brother Huang!"

The patrol car was flying at full speed very quickly, but it was already above the Red Sun Night Club in more than fifty seconds.


As soon as the patrol car landed, Huang Zhong pushed the door and said again, with a dignified look: "Remember Xiao Huang, see what happens!"

Red Sun Entertainment Club has three floors.

The first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the private room, and the third floor is the VIP room, which is not much different from the real world entertainment venues.

"Two police officers are here. Come with us."

At the door, a staff member waited there, and when they saw them, took them inside.

"Bang, bang!"

"Click! Click!"

As soon as he stepped into the lobby, Song Yan saw an extremely chaotic side. Dozens of people were fighting in the lobby, and the sound of broken wine bottles was incessant.

"Brother Huang, what should I do?" Song Yan asked.

"Let these **** fight first, and wait for them to fight enough, then we will come forward." Huang Zhongdao.

Song Zheng nodded, and didn't rush up like Erleng. His eyes swept away, and the situation in the entire hall became clear. Don't look at these people playing lively, but they didn't kill them, but they intentionally hit Things are average.

This made Song Yong have a suspicion. Will the two groups make an appointment to deliberately hit the Red Sun?

"Two police officers, can't you ignore them, let them stop, or we will be demolished by us here!" The staff member who brought Song Yong in urged.

"Our police need you to teach the case, while waiting to go!" Huang Zhong glared coldly at the staff member.

"Sergeant, you can't do this. If you stand by again, I will consider complaining to you!"

The staff member's attitude suddenly hardened.

"Okay, if you like complaints, go!" Huang Zhong said disapprovingly.

"This police officer is so breathy!"

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded, and then, a young woman in a kimono was seen, and two white men in suits arrived.

"It was Miss Sakura."

There was a hint of taboo in Huang Zhong's eyes.

"Island people?"

When she saw the woman's dress, Song Yan's eyes couldn't help but look at it. I didn't expect that this race also had this race.

"Why don't you stop them, this police officer? If you don't stop, then Sakura can only let my people do it!" Sakura said quietly.

"It's not necessary. This is our job. We don't have to do it for Miss Sakura!"

Huang Zhong stepped out and shouted at those who were still fighting: "Everyone give me a hand!"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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