Magic Love Ring

Chapter 920: Do you want

With a shout, the group of people who were fighting together stopped.

One of the young men came up and laughed, "It turned out to be Police Officer Huang, are you on duty today?" Then he glanced at Song Kun: "Well, this police officer is more face-to-face, new?"

Huang Zhong glared and scolded: "Shen Xingchen, can you stop for a while, even if you want to make trouble, you can't pick a place. Here is the red sun, can you make trouble?"

Shen Xingchen shouted quickly: "Council Huang, you are wrong with me. Today isn't it that I am in trouble. Do n’t I complain about selling fake wine here? I didn't expect Jiang Weina to say that the wine here could not be fake. I The brothers under his hands also drank a lot, and they started fighting!

"Here is the red sun. How can fake wine be sold? Shen Xingchen, you do n’t know wine, do n’t just casually slap it!"

Just then, a thin young man with earrings came up. Needless to say, this guy should be Jiang Wei in the mouth of Shen Xingchen.

Shen Xingchen pointed angrily at Jiang Weidao: "Sergeant Huang, you see, this guy has to raise the bar with me, or you can check to see if the wine here is fake!"

"Okay, let me go back to the police station and tell me!"

Huang Zhong scolded.

"All right, I listen to Officer Huang." Shen Xingchen laughed.

"I also listen to Officer Huang." Jiang Wei followed.


Just then, the sound of cherry blossoms sounded.

"Police Officer Huang can take them away, but let's talk about compensation first."

"Why, you still have to pay for fake wine!" Shen Xingchen heard and stared at the cherry blossoms with a bad look: "My brother has a dizzy head after drinking your red wine fake wine, and it is not bad to ask you for compensation And asked me for compensation. Is there anything wrong? "

Huang Zhong shouted, "Those who break others will have to pay, and Shen Xingchen will not be a rogue here!"

"Isn't that just asking for money? I don't really lose money! Take it!"

"Slap", Shen Xingchen threw a pile of money at the foot of Sakura, and looked at her provocatively: "Miss Sakura, is this money enough?"

after an hour.

Shen Xingchen and Jiang Wei waved goodbye to Huang Zhong, and left with a group of men hooking up.

"Do you have something to ask?" Huang Zhong smiled while looking at Song Ye.

"They deliberately went to the Red Sun to make trouble?" Song Yan said.

Huang Zhong shook his head: "Although these two boys are foolish, they are still morale, but the place where Red Sun eats people is not vomiting their bones, but I did not expect that these two boys dared to run to Red Sun to make trouble. They are suffering! "

"The Red Sun will avenge them?" Song Zheng said again.

"Falling people's faces, how could they let them go so easily!" Huang Zhong said meaningfully.

Hearing that Song Yong could not help but think.

Nothing else happened during the next patrol.

In the morning, I returned to the special police department and just met Xu Dahai.

"Xiaolu, were you used to patrolling last night?"

"Very good, Brother Huang takes care of me."

"Xiao Huang is not bad. Hurry back to rest!" Xu Dahai patted Song Yan's shoulder.

After patrolling at night, I don't have to go to work during the day.

However, just as Song Yong was about to leave, Lin Xia suddenly stopped him and said, "Xiao Lu, Zhou Yangwu has something to ask for leave today. It's very urgent, otherwise, you work hard to help him off work?"

"Huo! Here it is again!"

Others heard the words, knowing that Lin Xia was starting to make things difficult for Song Ye again. They had just been on a night shift and actually asked him to help Zhou Yangwu top class. Isn't this bullying?

"Okay." Song Zheng nodded, thinking of Lin Xia a little more.

When Lin Xia left, Xu Dahai gathered up again: "Xiao Lu, you can't be too weak, lest people think you are bullying."

"It's okay, I'm not tired anyway!" Song Yan smiled disapprovingly.


Xu Dahai shook his head and turned away.

There is a cafeteria in the special police base. After having breakfast, Song Ye partnered with another special police and began patrolling.

I did not expect to receive a report just after patrolling.

Song Yan and the special policeman hurried to an apartment and found that the door was open. After entering, they saw a messy living room. Some people were lying on the floor in the living room. call.

Coincidentally, this group of people Song Kun knew that it was Shen Xingchen and Jiang Wei who made trouble in the Red Sun last night.

At this moment, Shen Xingchen and Jiang Wei are both in a coma. Their legs are twisted and should be interrupted.

On the spot, Song Kun had an idea, which was the revenge of the Red Sun.

I just didn't expect that Red Sun's revenge came so fast, which indirectly illustrates the arrogance of Red Sun.

"Hey, who made you like this?"

The special policeman came to a moaning young man and asked.

"I don't know, the man is wearing a mask," the young man said angrily.

"Do you mean that only one person was injured?" The special policeman asked again.

"Yes, it's just one person, hey! Police officer, please don't ask, please help us call a doctor first!" The young man urged.

"Xiaolu, call for an ambulance!" The special police officer ordered Song Yan.

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded, called the ambulance, and then his gaze burst into the living room.

The people who shot were very strong, at least nine-level soldiers, and the methods were quite fierce. Although there was no death at the scene, they were basically broken arms and legs, especially Shen Xingchen and Jiang Wei. Not to mention, he was seriously injured.

Soon, an ambulance arrived and moved the group up.

"Brother Li, what next?" Song Yan asked.

"What else can you do, report to me first!" Li Yuanbing said lightly, seeing such things a lot, don't pay much attention to it, since the other party dare to make a fool's shot, it must have destroyed the traces, most of them can't catch people Shen Xingchen's group can only think that they are unlucky.

"Brother Li, do you want to contribute?" Su Song suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Li Yuanbing looked at Song Yan.

Song Yan smiled mysteriously: "I have a way to find the killer."

"Really?" Li Yuanbing's eyes brightened.

If you want to be promoted, you have to work hard and score dozens of people seriously injured. This case is not small. If you can catch the murderer, you can't escape a d-level credit.

"follow me!"

A quarter of an hour later, Song Yun and Li Yuanbing appeared in front of a high-end community.

Li Yuanbing glanced at Song Yan: "The murderer won't be here, right?"


The security work here is very good, but the door guard did not dare to stop when Song Ye and Li Yuanbing wore police uniforms.

Song Zheng pointed to a small villa and said, "The killer is inside. Should we wait for support or catch the killer directly?"

Li Yuanbing is not stupid. He can score dozens of people seriously injured by one person. The strength is certainly not low. Can only two of them catch it?

But if you call for support, the credit will definitely be diminished. In the end, Li Yuanbing gritted his teeth: "After reporting to the headquarters, we will start directly!"

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded.

After a short while, Song Xuan and Li Yuanbing fell into the wall and landed on the lawn. There was a small swimming pool not far away, and a white strong man was swimming in it.

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[Author off topic]: Three more.

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