Magic Trick

Chapter 22 - Double


While everyone is having fun, the door opened and two ladies who looked gothic based on their fashion sense, which is basically everything black. They walked towards Miss Conflagration and Salvatore.

"Oh, we have new guests. Welcome, ladies. You're just in time for our next song. What are we doing next, baby?" Miss Conflagration asked Salvatore, but right before Salvatore responds, Fei stepped into the conversation and greeted them.

"Welcome to the Xing mansion, Sorcha and Sinead."

The one on the right was Sorcha and on the left was Sinead. They looked alike, but there are differences in their style. I guess, they're fraternal twins.

"What's all this, Fei? Since when did you become a fan of men in dresses?" Sorcha sarcastically asked.

"It's drag, bitch," Miss Conflagration defended right away. "And I think this bitch wants to be read. Fine, let's get it on." Miss Conflagration went down the platform and faced the ladies, but right before Miss Conflagration started to read her to filth, Sorcha brought out a broken glass and attacked her. Fortunately, Salvatore's arm blocked it and it hit his arm instead. It was bleeding, but Salvatore did not even look like he's hurt.

"Sorcha, stop it or I'll have to send you out of the room," Fei warned. He then healed Salvatore's wound.

"Fei Xing, why so serious? We, [Sterlings], just wanna have fun," Sinead took out a long needle and licked it.

Taki stood up. "Sterlings, huh? Do you wanna say something to us, Irish?"

"Yes, Takipsilim Marasigan, also known as the Philippines' Amalgam. What's wrong with what my sister said?" Sorcha stated, as she moved her eyes across the room. "Let's see who are the other Sterlings here… Hmmm… Janardan and Sanjivani Anthony of Mumbai, Sterlings. Salvatore Mantovani of Milan, Sterling. Reginaldo and Raimundo Oliveira of Rio de Janeiro, Sterlings. And…"

"Then we have here our dear Takipsilim Marasigan of the Philippines, Amalgam. Manaia Campbell from New Zealand, Amalgam. Kaltrina and Flutura Hysenbelliu of Albania, Amalgams. And—"

"Jasmine Iris Anemone Midoriyama-Xing, Amalgam," Jia proudly spoke, as if the shy girl was totally replaced with a fierce woman.

"Foxglove Erigeron Iberis Midoriyama-Xing, Amalgam," Fei said in a serious tone. "And what it is that you want to point out, Sorcha and Sinead Kavanagh, Sterlings of Dublin?"

Sinead guffawed. "This is fun. It only took two words to ignite you all."

Sorcha looked at me and Miss Conflagration. "We have mortals here with us, dear sister. That one," Sorcha pointed at me. "and the man in a dress."

"It's D-R-A-G, you bitch!" Miss Conflagration shouted. "You fun-sucking slut!"

"Look who's talking. You're no fun at all as you're wasting our time with your jokes and tunes," Sorcha said, then she faced the rest of the people. "How about a real fun instead? Let's have a friendly match outside."

"Sterlings versus Amalgams," Sinead added. "Unless you're all chickenshit to do it."

"Stop pushing our buttons, Sinead. We're not afraid of you," Manaia said.

"Wait," I said. "There are only six Amalgams here. You, Sterlings, are seven."

Sorcha clapped her hands slowly, as if she's mocking me. "You know our vocabulary, mortal. Impressive."

"He's Trick Sylvanie and I'm Miss Conflagration, bitch, and don't you dare forget that," Miss Conflagration uttered.

"Blah, blah, blah. All talk, no—"

"Oblivion's ready," said Haru who cut off Sinead and stepped out right away of the room.

"Wonderful, Haru Xing-Hoshino, Amalgam," Sinead said and walked towards the door. Sorcha followed her.

Janardan stood up and said, "This is just a friendly match, okay? I mean… Sorcha and Sinead, they wouldn't be called 'Double Trouble' for nothing. I'm sure you know that very well."

Jia just shook her head and gave a faint smile. "Let's just have fun."

While we were walking, I felt some sort of terrifying feeling inside me. I guess that reflected in my face, so Fei held my hand. After that, somehow I calmed down.

[It's just how these Irish ladies are. They feel like they're the superior witches.] Fei talked in my mind.

[Will you be okay?] I asked.

[Definitely. You're here. Why would I not be okay? I feel more invigorated 'cause you're beside me.] Fei said.

And I blushed again, I could tell.

We now reached the Xing mansion grounds in oblivion mode. Again, everything was black and white. It was Miss Conflagration's first time here and she was in awe.

"Okay, mortals. Since you're of limited service, how about you pair us up? Who's fighting who?" Sorcha asked.

"Do it, Trick," Miss Conflagration commanded.

I actually have a set on my mind, so I spoke.

"Okay, the Albanian sisters versus the Brazilian brothers. Then, Manaia versus Janardan. Sanjivani versus Jia…" Then I looked at Miss Conflagration. "Haru versus Salvatore."

Miss Conflagration winked at me like I knew what's on her mind. Well, I'm sure she's expecting this battle.

"And lastly, the Irish versus Fei and Taki," I stated.

Sorcha cackled. "Interesting choice, mortals. All set?"

"Go!" Sinead signaled.

All of them found their own spaces. The Albanian sisters and the Brazilian brothers went east. Taki, Janardan, Sanjivani, and Jia went west. Haru and Salvatore are in the southwest part. Those remained in front of the mansion are me, Miss Conflagration, Taki, Fei, and the Irish.

I pulled Miss Conflagration near the mansion door as this will be a very dangerous match, I could tell.

I watched the east side and I saw the Brazilian brothers attacking the Albanian sisters. Reginaldo and Raimundo's powers are lightning and thunder. Kaltrina and Flutura's powers are animal metamorphosis. Both Kaltrina and Flutura turned into turtles and hid inside their shells. Reginaldo and Raimundo then combined their powers and made a thunderstorm in the sky, attacking the Albanian sisters. The shells remained unharmed, so did they another round of lightning assaults, throwing zaps of lightning to the sisters. Still, the Albanian sisters hid in their shells. Furious, the Brazilian brothers, formed a massive electric ball and hurled it towards Kaltrina and Flutura… and nothing. After a while, the sisters transformed to their original bodies and… they're radiating with lightning. They absorbed the powers of the Brazilian brothers! Now, Albania is attacking Brazil! Wow!

On the west side, Jia and Manaia were not moving. Sanjivani and Janardan sat on the soil, Indian-style, and chanting as if they're doing yoga. It seemed that the Indian siblings controlled the movements of Jia and Manaia. Their shadows moved and held Jia and Manaia's shadows captive. Hence, the lack of movement. The Indian shadows were fighting Jia and Manaia's unmoving shadows in a hand-to-hand combat, as if their shadows were like punching bags, but the pain is reflected to Jia and Manaia.

I took a look in the southwest where Miss Conflagrations eyes are locked. Haru brought out a book and took out the letters and enlarged them to hurl Salvatore. I couldn't tell which are those, but I think I saw Chinese, Japanese, K/orean, Thai, and of course, Latin letters flying everywhere, attacking Salvatore. However, Salvatore's body became as elastic as trampoline, as the letters just sprung away from it, and it seemed that he wasn't affected at all.


And in front of us… Taki and Fei preparing to fight Sinead and Sorcha.

"Are you ready, sis?" Sorcha asked.

"I never thought you'd ask," Sinead commented.

Sinead sketched a lion on air with her fingers, and the lion became real! The lion ran towards Fei and Taki, but Fei, gladly, had his force field shield ready, which both Miss Conflagration and I also had. He also protected Taki with that.

Taki, on the other hand, brought out a small, foldable knife and raised it. Then, butterflies fluttered from everywhere and formed a colorful whip, which is similar to a stingray's tail, from the edge of his knife. He then whipped the lion and it roared loudly, in pain, then disappeared.

Sorcha took out again a piece of broken glass and threw it on air. She then magnified it and threw it at Fei, but Fei, using his sword, he shattered it into tiny bits… which was a mistake. Sorcha controlled the pieces of broken glass and attacked Fei. He was wounded!

"Fei!" I screamed.

Good thing he can heal himself, so the wounds were cured in an instant. However, Sorcha had a devilish smile. He sort of pulled something, and… there were tiny bits of glass left from the wounds. Fei yelped in pain as he got wounded again.

Taki released the butterflies from the whip and commanded them to pollinate the entire area. The powder that the butterflies emitted created a hazy mist, which he used to hide himself in scourging Sorcha with the butterflies returning to the small knife to become a whip. He was successful as Sorcha's face was bleeding.

He returned beside Fei. "How are you doing?"

"I need a little bit more time to heal. The glass made deep wounds in my body," Fei murmured. If only I can help him…

"Okay, I'll take care of it for now," Taki said as he ran to attack Sorcha again.

"Fei!" I screamed and ran to Fei to assist him in any way that I can. He was suffering and I was just there, standing, and doing nothing. That's unfair!

Yet… While I was running to him, here came Sinead drawing a train on air, and it was approaching me!

"Trick!" Fei howled, still weak from the previous attack. He could not move!

Oh, gosh! Someone please save me!

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