Magic Trick

Chapter 23 - Milky Way



Then, a loud bang occurred.

"No! Ellis!" I screamed. It was my good friend, Ellis, who took the hit. I looked at him lying on the ground, and I don't know if he's dead or what.

Haru and Salvatore stopped fighting and sort of heard my cry. Sinead was laughing maniacally upon seeing us in terrible shape. Then, suddenly…

Haru's face turned grim as if a foreboding event is about to happen.

He walked towards Sinead, clenched his fist, and punched her in the face. Sinead catapulted meters from where she was standing. Sorcha walked towards her sister and guided her to stand up.

"How dare you, Haru," Sorcha hissed.

"How dare you hurt Ellis," Haru whispered. "I'm gonna make you pay for it."

"That bitch shall die!" Sinead screamed, while wiping her bleeding jaw.

"No, you shall die," Salvatore said, while standing next to Haru. It seemed that the fight has now changed to the Irish versus Haru and Salvatore.

Taki moved right away to Ellis to see him. It's good to know that he's just unconscious, but deeply hurt. He said that he has also healing rituals that could alleviate Ellis's pain for the time being.

Fei, on the other hand, was slowly regenerating from Sorcha's attack. He's getting better and better, but I think he's not yet ready to fight. He needed to rest a little bit more.

In times like these, my apprehensions are gone. I wanna take all of Fei's cum and defeat those sluts with my powers! No one dares to hurt the people that I care for!

The Albanians and the Brazilians stopped fighting, so were the Indians, Jia, and Manaia. They all gathered near us and just watched the Irish, who started this [friendly] match, which didn't look friendly at all right now, and Haru and Salvatore fight… to death.

"You're dead, Hoshino," Sinead, who is still struggling because of Haru's jab, drew a diamond and gave it to Sorcha. Sorcha then magnified it and shattered them into pieces, controlled them, and raised them up. She formed a shape similar to the Milky Way, as if those diamond shards were stars.

Haru, still unsmiling, tore a page of the book he was holding. Then, he bit his thumb and it bled. He dropped the blood on the page and the letters out of the page became knights in shining armor and arsenal. Glittering, to be exact, like diamonds.

Salvatore, on the other hand, remained calm and stretched his elastic body. He just kneeled and stomped the ground with his clenched fist.

Then the attack happened! Sorcha signaled the shards to go straight to Haru and Salvatore. Haru's order of knights blockaded the first attack. However, it was super strong that the first batch of knights was defeated immediately.

"No!" Haru yelled.

"Is that the best you can do?" Sorcha sarcastically asked.

There came the next batch of knights that created a formation to defend Haru and Salvatore. Haru sort of strengthened the knights as he added another layer of glimmer to them, making them more shimmering.

Sinead kept on drawing more diamonds as Sorcha added them to the Milky Way. These bitches are really having a combined strategy! Surprisingly, they were doing it well, which was annoying to see!

Sorcha, one more time, made another diamond storm and attacked Haru and Salvatore. Although, I'm really confused right now. Salvatore isn't moving. He's still kneeling with his fist on the ground, doing nothing. Why is he not helping Haru at all?

The special group of knights formed a big shield to protect Haru and Salvatore from the attack. Even though it was really impressive, the attack was still undeniably strong, as the shield was destructed once again.

"Oh, is that all you've got?" Sorcha asked. "You're just wasting your time doing those knights made of letters."

Haru demonstrated a devilish smile. "You think?"

Suddenly, Sinead was choking, because of… Salvatore's hand!

[Oh, that's why his fist was on the ground the entire time!] I thought.

Salvatore's hand moved underground and he managed to strangle Sinead from behind. He was really elastic! Impressive! I didn't know that both of them had it planned. Maybe, they're doing telepathy too?

"One move, Sorcha, and your dear sister will die," Haru said, as Salvatore tightened the strangulation. Sinead struggled to catch her breath. Of course, she couldn't draw anything to attack Haru and Salvatore in her current state.

"You sneaky asshole," Sorcha angrily spoke.

"Give up or give your sister up," Haru mercilessly uttered. He looked really scary, I would say.

"Aaaargh!" Sinead yelped, as Salvatore constricted his arm more, like a boa squeezes its prey.

Sorcha almost stepped, but Haru's words reminded her. "One move."

"Stop it!" Sorcha snarled.

"You know what to say," Haru said.

"Fine. I give up," Sorcha scoffed, but…

"I don't care," Haru murmured, then nodded at Salvatore. He then compressed Sinead's neck. Her face slowly became purple and her breath ended with a faint choke.

"F/uck you, Hoshino!" Sorcha screamed, but…

The Sinead that Salvatore was strangling was fading away. The real Sinead was lying behind her, unconscious. It was just an illusion, which I believe, Haru made.

"You f/ucking piece of shit," Sorcha swore.

"Stay away from Ellis or Trick, or I swear, I'm gonna really do it next time. Remember that," Haru said.

"I'll make you suffer, Amalgam. Remember that," Sorcha threatened, then both Sinead and her disappeared.

I checked Fei. "How are you now?"

"I'm good now. You're here with me," Fei said.

I held his hand and somehow I felt its warmth.

Haru and Salvatore went straight to Ellis. Taki, who attended to Ellis quickly, seemed calm. He had these leaves and stones placed all over Ellis's body.

"You know Sorcha doesn't let this pass," Janardan walked towards them. "You've hurt their egos big-time."

"I'm not afraid of the Irish," Haru uttered.

"To begin with, Sinead started it. She attacked Trick," Manaia said.

"I think, she wasn't really attacking Trick. It was Fei she was attacking, but Trick was beside Fei," Taki pointed out, which I think is logical. "Haru, what I did is like first aid. Right now, I can say that he's stable but he's still unconscious. He needed intensive medical care. It might take a while before he wakes up… or not."

"N-Not?" Fear appeared in Haru's face.

"The blow was too powerful. He was lucky enough that he's still alive, as a mortal couldn't survive it," Taki said.

"Thanks, Taki. I'll take it from here,"

Haru took Ellis's body to the mansion and Fei removed the oblivion. We all returned to the grand hall, as all of them sought forgiveness from each other. The Albanian sisters apologized to the Brazilian brothers, and vice versa. Jia and Manaia didn't take the attack of the Indians personally, so we're all good. Salvatore and Taki were on the lookout at the door, in case the Irish returns.

Fei and I decided to stay in his room and rest there. This night is full of unexpected events. I didn't know how I can handle this alone.

Both of us lie down in bed and didn't move. Fei's eyes were closed, so I did mine.

But… suddenly, he messaged me in my mind.


[Hey. You've been in a lot today. Take a rest.] I commanded.

[Hug me, please?] Fei requested.

I did hug him, tight enough for him to feel comfortable. [Is this okay?]

[No. I want you to be on top of me.]

For some reason, I followed. He groaned a little, though. Maybe I hit a wound?

[Is this comfortable?] I asked.

[I hope we're like this every night.]

[What? Me, on top of you every night?] Shocked, I asked.

[Yes, dry-humping, or some wet action, if you want.]

I just giggled. He's really naughty. I lie my head in his chest and rested too.

[Sleep. You'll need it a lot.]

And we rested the entire night.

The last three days have been really mind-blowing. Imagine, I was only a normal being until I got involved with these sorcerers. Never in my life I thought of this.

However, it feels great to be with someone who is dearly involved with you. Especially now that I woke up beside him.

He's still sleeping soundly and it's nice to see him looking peaceful, so I tried moving very slowly to not wake him up. However, when I was about to move, I saw that tall bump under the blanket.

[Oh, god… That must be so big.] I thought.

I sneaked and went under the blanket. He was wearing only a thin pair of boxer shorts, that's why it was protruding. I tried to be as silent as possible, so he won't wake up.

Then, I pulled his boxers up… and oh, my goodness. I couldn't see it that much because the room didn't have enough light, I'm under a blanket, and his dick is inside his undies, but…

I couldn't help but admire the silhouette of it. It's thick, long, and has a big head. I couldn't tell if he's cut or uncut, though.

Then, it pulsated, as if it was alluring me.

[Is he awake?] Well, my first thought is, I guess it could pulsate even if he's sleeping. He might be having a sexy dream, but then he asked.

"Like what you see?"

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