Magic Trick

Chapter 34 - You'll See


He must be up to something. Preparing breakfast, perhaps? Doing something to make me feel better?

Well, I woke up feeling well-rested. It seemed like I really regained my energy after what happened last night. I stood up and moved the curtain. The sun was scorching hot, and it didn't look like it's morning. It's like high noon now.

A few moments later, I heard the door opening. I looked at who entered and that made me smile. It was Fei.

"Hey, you're up!" He moved closer to me and kissed me on my lips. I obliged, though it's kind of awkward. Morning breath, or are we past that?

"Yeah, good morning. How long was I asleep? Did I have those seizures again?" I asked.

Fei chuckled. "Sweetie, first of all, it's already three in the afternoon. Second, you've been asleep for three days. It's the third day, actually."

I was shocked. "Three days? That long?"

"Yup, and no worries. No seizures, but a couple of jerks. Now… How about let's do the other jerking?" He even raised his eyebrows twice.

I slapped his arm lightly. "Silly. How's everything in the house?"

"They're all preparing. Don't worry," Fei said.

I sighed. "I should be preparing too. I only have four days left to prepare."

"I got you. Now that you have your powers, we can find out what you can do, aside from sleeping that long," he winked. "Do you feel hungry?"

"I don't, actually. I feel like I'm full, like I don't need food or something, which is terrible, because I love food," I confessed.

Fei giggled. "I feel you, but it would really help you build your stamina. How about coffee? You might be a barista, but you don't know that I can do good coffee too."

I felt like he's challenging me. "Really? Show me what you've got, then."

We went to the kitchen and he took some instant coffee, sugar, a box of milk, and hot water from the electric kettle. He also got a wooden spoon and he started mixing the ingredients and whipping the coffee by hand. Although he's not using any magic, his hands are really fast.

"So, you're showing off your dalgona coffee making skills. Impressive," I clapped my hands for him.

He just smiled and put on his concentration face after, which was really cute. When the coffee was puffy enough, he poured milk on the other cup and he then put the puffy coffee on top of it.

"Here you go, good sir," Fei gave me the coffee and I tried it.

"Wow. Now, I can say that I resign from being a barista," I joked.

"You liked it?"

"Like it? Love it!" I blurted out. "Hey, by the way, where's Ellis?"

"Oh, let me take you to him." In just a moment, he walked me towards the rear end of the mansion and Ellis was in Miss Conflagration mode. She had her own runway and she was walking, voguing, doing those wild poses. Haru was staying on the side, sitting on a chair, reading a book.

"Ellis!" I shouted. He did not respond and kept on walking.

"Maybe you should call her using her drag name?" Fei suggested.

I just nodded. "I got that covered. Miss Freaking Conflagration!"

"Tricky-Trick-Trick! Finally, you've risen from the ashes!" Miss Conflagration went in front of me, and so as Haru.

"It's been three days," Haru told me. "Were you really that exhausted?"

"I guess I am," I replied.

"Well, it didn't take me eight hours before I got this superpower. Watch," Miss Conflagration said as she changed her drag in just a click of her fingers. And she did it again. And again. Every single time she clicked her fingers.

"What? That's your power?" Surprised, I said.

"Well, this is what I wanted for now… Maybe something will come up later," Miss Conflagration said.

"So…" I looked at Haru and looked at Miss Conflagration again.

"Oh… No, no… If that's what you're thinking. I had my cum in a syringe and I injected it to him like morphine," Haru said.

I nodded and looked at Fei. "Oh…"

"So… Three-day challenge… Hmm…" Fei looked at Miss Conflagration with a little disbelief.

Miss Conflagration looked at Haru. "Three days, remember?"

Haru scoffed and left us. He went back to the chair where he was reading his book.

"What the hell, Ellis!" I yelled.

She just clicked her fingers and her drag changed. "Cool, right?"

"I mean, as much as I wanna know what happened between you and Haru, why of all superpowers, you chose this quick drag change? You know that you will be fighting in a tournament a few days from now," I said.

"I should know how to look good first. At least, if I died in that battle, I died beautifully," Miss Conflagration said. "How about you? Do you even know what you will do?"

I sighed. "Unfortunately, not yet, but you'll see. I'm gonna be more fabulous than you."

"Then, work, bitch. I'm practicing my poses right now," Miss Conflagration spoke, then returned to the runway.

I'm really happy to see him again, and in great condition. Actually, she's correct. I should get to work. I should identify what I can do.

I looked at Fei and asked him, "I'm a little dizzy. Maybe it's the sun."

"Oh, let's go back to the room, so you can rest. Are you sure you're not hungry?" Fei asked.

"No, I just needed to rest, I think. How about you? Are you gonna be with me or are you doing something else?"

"Actually, I just checked on you to see how are you doing, but I'm a little busy in the office, delegating some stuff," Fei said.

"Oh, please. I'll be fine. Go back to the office. I'll be in your room when you get back," I said.

After he brought me to his room, he went back to the office. I'm now alone in the room, which means I can check the two teams. I wonder what happened while I was away.

So, I close my eyes and…

I arrived at Valenti, where…

"Hey!" I shouted. It seemed like a battle was about to start again. All of them are lined up, with their weapons ready.

"Master." All of them faced me and bowed.

"What's happening here? Are you all fighting again?"

Aillard cleared his throat. "It seems that what we have been talking about isn't going anywhere."

Vigdis talked immediately. "Because no one is listening."

I groaned. "Come on."

I walked and sat under the tree with rainbow leaves and looked at the wonderful sky. I saw them in my peripheral vision that they were approaching me.

Eneko started talking. "Master… I think this is an issue of too many chiefs but not enough Indians."

"I believe it's more like all are chiefs and no one wants to be the Indian," Kalliste said, and for the very first time, I heard her voice.

"I think that's kind of racist, so let's stop that, okay?" I sighed again in disappointment. "Did you know that I have to be in a tournament of life and death in the next four days? If I die, you might all die too. So, I need you all to make this work."

"And what we need from you right now is your direction, Master, just like before we arrived here," Ciaren stated.

"Your word is our command," Hanniel added.

I think I lost all the words that I need to say. I made them fight randomly, then they almost destroyed the entire Valenti. Then, I left them again to discuss if the sky fits heaven, which I said and I don't know if it fits the context at that moment, but I just said it to leave them a sassy line. Yet again, it didn't work. And now… They're about to battle once again. Good thing I arrived before something happens.

I finally understand my role here. I thought if I just leave them like that, they would come up with something. I should lead them. I should instill to them our goal.

But first… For me to do it, I should know them. It might be a given that they treat me like their "master", which is still a mystery to me, but I would like to take this opportunity to gain their trust. They should believe in me that I can lead them.

"Okay, guys, I don't know if you can tell, but I barely have any experience about this thing, so, can we just please be kind to each other? That's my number one rule," I said.

All of them nodded.

"Wait… Can you all please sit down? The grass is really soft," I commanded, then giggled.

"Oh… It is," Marcene said, and even she lie down.

"I like it," Gennady whispered. Good thing he's in front, so I can hear his soft voice.

"Next, I need to know what you can do, so we can figure out a winning strategy."

"Got it," Ferelith uttered, which somehow I felt like she was listening to me.

"Affirmative," Elaxi said too.

"And third, we have to have teamwork," I stated with full conviction.

"And how do we do that, Master?" Arnau asked.

"Simple. If we don't work together, we all die. I die, you die. As simple as that," I winked. "So, let's get ready to rumble!"

I hope that my pep talk worked.

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