Magic Trick

Chapter 35 - Frozen


It's really interesting to get to know each one of them. Some of them are fun to talk with, and some of them are a bit challenging.

So, I made a list, which I have to grab a pen and paper in Fei's room.

[Arnau – General Magic]

[Ciaren – Combat]

[Eneko – Mind]

[Ferelith – Transformation]

[Marcene – Summoning]

[Taneli – Dimension]

[Vigdis – Strength]

[Aillard – Shield]

[Elaxi – Time]

[Gennady – Telepathy & Teleportation]

[Hanniel – Healing]

[Kalliste – Transfiguration]

[Ufara – Witchcraft]

[Zathrian – Elements]

"Okay, team. So… Now that I have your powers, how are we going to deal with this? Any suggestions?" Now, I feel like a boss running my own company. Weird, but maybe I'm really destined to do this.

"I say, we determine who is the strongest among us. In that way, we know who will be the ones in the front line," Hanniel suggested.

"And who do you suggest in the back line?" I don't know if it's a word, but I just wanna make a point.

"Those who cannot fight," Hanniel replied.

"And are you saying not all of us can fight?" Marcene, who is surprisingly speaking in a different tone, argued.

"Okay, before this goes somewhere else, I wanna know among you who can confidently fight. Raise your hands," I commanded.

All of them raised their hands one by one. Some went fast, some sort of pensive, but one was really sure that he won't raise his hand. Afterwards, they all laughed.

"You big tree! You're so cocky earlier, but you can't fight?" Ferelith mocked him.

"Really?" Taneli asked.

"Shame," Kalliste added.

"I can fight, but I decided not to. Imagine, when you're all worn out, who will heal you? Who will mend your wounds? Who will, huh?" Hanniel stated.

Everyone remained quiet.

I giggled. "Okay, let's put it this way. You're fourteen, right? So, How about this? Let's figure out who will be the offense, the defense, and the balance. What do you think?"

"Sounds great, Master," Arnau even clapped when he heard me.

"So, Master, balance… You mean, someone who can do offense and defense?" Zathrian spoke.

"Exactly," I said. "So… based on your powers, the offense team would be Ciaren, Zathrian, Ferelith, Ufara, and Vigdis. The defense team members are Hanniel, Marcene, Aillard, Gennady, and Taneli. Balance team, we have Arnau, Elaxi, Kalliste, and Eneko."

After that, all of them talked at the same time and I could barely hear my own voice, as I tried to butt in. Then, I shouted.

"Guys! What the f/uck? Are we gonna fight all over this again?"

As usual, they remained silent. They really need to have a very firm leader. I hope I can be that.

"Okay, why did I appoint you your places? Because I wanna do something."

"What is it, Master?" Marcene asked.

"Fei taught me the basics of handling the elements. I'm sure our dear Zathrian here knows it, right?"

"Creation, control, colossus, curtailment, configuration," Zathrian recited the five Cs. "And it's more like our former master used not only me. It also includes Kalliste."

"O-Of course," I reacted. So that gives me the idea that… These beings know what has happened in the past while Fei and I were together.

I tried talking to Gennady. [So, Gennady… You knew everything Fei and I talked in mind back then?]

[Yes, Master.] Gennady politely responded in my mind too.

[I do, too, Master.] Eneko spoke as well.

I just cleared my throat. "Okay, that's good. So, by your former master's command, you are to work with each other… But now, you're not the only ones in this boat. You have the Karlbland, and I want you all to work well together. Say, Zathrian, the elements, right? How about we add a little twist to it? Say, Marcene here summons a…" I couldn't think of a creature. Creature, creature, creature…

"How about a…" Marcene raised both of her hands and slammed them down. Then, a large chimera appeared in front of us.

"Great, Marcene," I applauded her for being so proactive. "Thank you for summoning a…"

"Chimera," Marcene jumped in. "I normally summon historical or mystical creatures or beings, as long as I can do it."

I cleared my throat again. "So, Marcene here summons a chimera, but chimeras breathe fire, right?" I had to be sure. I think I've read about it in the fifth grade. "How about… with Zathrian's power of elements… this chimera here will breathe… ice?"

I've heard all of them uttered, "Ooh!"

"Zathrian, please do the honors…" I requested.

Zathrian smiled at me and aimed his hand at the chimera. Then, a blast of bluish-white beam burst out of his palm and went straight to the chimera's forehead. A few seconds later, an interesting tattoo appeared on its forehead. It's a snowflake.

After that, I instructed the beast. "Chimera, attack them!"

The wild beast opened its mouth and it emitted jolts of ice and it hit all of them very fast, except Zathrian, who was standing the opposite way, Aillard, who raised his long staff and protected himself.

After that, the chimera snorted with bluish-white breath and slept. I laughed as all of them were looking strangely funny being frozen. Zathrian and Aillard chuckled as well.

"I wish I had my phone to capture this moment. Look at them. They're all so silly!" I said, then, I instructed Zathrian. "Okay, Zath, please melt the ice."

Zathrian waved his hand and a fire symbol appeared on air. He blew the fire symbols and it reached the ice. In just seconds, the ice melted, yet the frozen Miscerei and Karlbland were still trembling.

Zathrian drew a circle on air and suddenly, we were all surrounded by a ring of fire, to keep us warm. The chimera was awakened, so it ran away. It hated the fire. After that, Zathrian extinguished the fire with his water power.

"Ooh! Good thing that beast escaped. Otherwise, he must have experienced a beating from me," Ciaren uttered.

"But that was fun!" Zathrian said. "You all looked like statues with silly faces. Elaxi can show them to you."

Elaxi clicked her fingers and she showed a movie-like scene on air of all the faces. I think I've seen this before. Fei did it before. So, it must be Elaxi's power.

Some of them are left with their mouths open. Some, tongue-out. Some, thrilled. Some remained consistent, poker-faced as always. But they all looked hilarious!

All of them laughed at how they all looked silly. Ciaren even stood up to look for that chimera, but Hanniel and Gennady stopped him. Taneli and Ufara kept on showing weird faces at each other to see who's uglier. Arnau and Marcene were doing the facepalm as Kalliste made fun of them, even though she looked worse. Down the poker-faced lane, we have Eneko, Ferelith, and Elaxi. Aillard and Zathrian are still laughing hard.

It's nice to see them having fun. I like what's happening now. It seems that all of them are starting to warm up to each other.

"So… Do you see what I want to do now?" I told them.

"To attack the Miscerei?" Elaxi said.

"And the Karlbland? Come on, Master, ugh," Taneli reacted.

"No… I just want to shake things up, but it was fun, right?" I winked.

"I must say it's innovative, Master," Vigdis praised.

"And really cool too," Ufara added. "Literally." Then everyone laughed.

"Thanks, you guys," I said. I felt that. They really appreciated what I have taught them. "Yet what I really wanted to do is to add another C in that five C. Therefore it will be six Cs."

"And what is that, Master?" Eneko asked.

"Combination," I said.

"Combination of the Miscerei and Karlbland?" Aillard spoke with a surprised tone.

"Hmm, that's odd, though," Vigdis whispered.

"Guys, did you see how fun it was before? I want that. And I want us all to be unified. Now that you are in one mastership, you will learn how to work well with each other... together. Let's all stop dividing you with your group names, Karlbland and Miscerei, although I must say, they were kick-ass names. But now, I want to call you…"

It lasted more than five seconds that I cannot think of a name for all of them.

"I think I'm gonna have to get back on you with that. That's my assignment. Now, your assignment would be… You will be developing the combinations. I'll divide you in five groups with an offense, defense, and balance member. First group, Zathrian, Gennady, and Eneko. Second group, Ciaren, Hanniel, and Arnau. Third, Ferelith, Taneli, and Kalliste. Fourth, Ufara, Elaxi, and Marcene. And finally, although we don't have a balance team member left, Aillard and Vigdis, show me how a shield can be used as an offensive attack and strength can be used as a defense. That would be all."

But deep inside me… I was just shipping the two of them! Oh, gosh. Aillard looks gallantly handsome and Vigdis looked so valiantly beautiful. I wonder if these two beings could have babies.

All of them are now looking so fired up. They seemed to have wanted to impress me this time. Somehow, that fun moment really bound us.

While I was about to leave, I can hear them with their strategies, sharing their thoughts without fighting. Ooh! I like it!

Since everything is smooth-sailing now, I closed my eyes and…

I'm back in Fei's room.

With Fei standing in front of me.

Without any clothes.

"Fei! What are you doing?!"

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