Magic Trick

Chapter 36 - Secret


"I just got home and I'm changing clothes, but I saw you giggling too. So, I stared at you until you woke up. You may be having a good dream, I guess."

I fixed myself and answered him. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not feeling strange or ill, too. I guess I must have recovered well. How about you? Are you doing okay today? How's work, by the way? Though I must say, I'm excited to work with you, but it seems that we don't have much time for that."

Fei sighed. It must have been a terrible day at work, plus what's happening right now on the magic side. "Yeah, I filed for indefinite leave and delegated all the work stuff to the employees. I even hired a couple more people to keep our company running. I'm not really sure until when will this tournament end. How are you, though? Are you sure you're not feeling sick or anything?"

I cleared my throat, then I spoke. "I'm doing okay now."

"Great," Fei tucked in the sheets and hugged me. "It's nice to be back here."

"Nice to have you back as well," I replied, then we stared at each other for a long time. We were not speaking a word, but I felt like in those eyes of his, he wanted to say a lot of things to me. He then smiled at me, that cute smile he used to do all the time.

"Why did you smile? What are you thinking?" I asked.

"I'm just happy that everything worked out well. You already have your powers, which…" Fei stood up, and there I saw his tool, although not as hard as last time, swinging. "…we haven't explored yet."

"Oh…" I swallowed. "Yeah, we haven't."

But… I did explore it.

"So… Let's go? Let's see what you can do?" Fei said. "Or… Let's see what you can do with my body first." He then moved closer to me in a sexy way.

"I think we need to prepare for the tournament," I said, then I stood up. I kissed him on the cheek and ran towards the door. "I'll see you outside."

But… Of course. As I ran to the back part of the mansion, he's already there, fully-clothed, and looking so hot.

"Nice try, sweetie," he teased.

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes, then I attacked him with a fireball.

The force field shield did not let my attack through Fei. He then smirked. "Wow. Look who's fired up! You're really feeling well now!"

A while ago, as I ran towards the back part of the mansion, I went back to Valenti to ask Elaxi to stop the time for a few minutes. I can see that everyone's peaceful and they're really talking about it. Then, I interrupted them because of this urgency.

"Okay, so Fei and I will have a test run on the powers. What do you think should I show him first?"

"I, Master, have a suggestion, and I hope you all like it," Ufara winked and explained her thoughts. All of them listened and I never heard any violent reaction. So, I decided to give them the green light.

In just minutes, they grabbed boulders everywhere, shaped them like platforms, carved symbols in them, and they situated each of them in a circle near the tree with rainbow leaves. Then, a podium is placed at the center. One by one, they stood on the platforms.

"So, there, Master. With the use of these platforms and this podium here, we will eject our powers for you to use anytime you wish," Ufara said.

"I like it. Good work, guys," I said, as I showed them my thumb pointing up.

All of them smiled and they were all fired up, just like me.

"For the first exhibition, I suggest myself, Master. Since our former master Fei taught you the five Cs, I believe we can show him the last C you wish to demonstrate through the elements," Zathrian initiated. "Then, we'll take turns on who works best for each of the powers that you need."

"Nice, I like that, but guys, I can't keep going back and forth here. We need to have some sort of communication. Eneko, Gennady, can you do something about it?"

"With pleasure, Master," Eneko said, as he approached the podium. Gennady followed too. Then, they both held each other's hands and released a circle yellow light, and it divided into fourteen small lights. These light balls went to each platform and it illuminated.

"We can all talk to you as long as we're in the platform, Master," Gennady said.

"Perfect. Get ready, guys!" Before I left Valenti, I asked Elaxi to unstop the time.

With that being said, here I was in front of Fei throwing that fireball at him.

"So… Fire, huh?" Fei said. "Have you practiced the five Cs that I taught you?"

[Get ready, all.] I told them in my mind.

[Yes, Master.] They replied.

I circled my finger on air and Fei got surrounded by fire. "Creation."

[Nice, Zathrian.] I said in my mind.

Then, I fully encaged him inside it, like a bird. Well, he had that force field shield, anyway. "Control."

[Ooh, a tad smaller, Arnau, please?] I told him.

After that, I enlarged the fire cage. "Colossus."

[Great, Kalliste.] I mentioned.

And in a click of my fingers, I resized the cage in front of him, like an anthill. "Curtailment."

[Good one, Ferelith.] I uttered in my mind.

Lastly, I summoned the small cage and changed the color of the fire into bluish-white and its form to a vulture. Then, it attacked Fei. "Configuration."

[Ooh, Ufara! I've never seen anything like it.] I told her.

[Kick-ass, right, Master?] She replied cheerfully.

However, upon doing that, I saw Fei's expression changed. He then clapped his hands and it rained like cats and dogs above the fire vulture. Slowly, it was extinguished right before it reached Fei.

Fei, with a serious face, walked towards me. "What were you thinking?"

"Huh?" Clueless, I was.

[Ufara? You told me this was a kick-ass attack?] I asked.

[Yes, Master, but…] I wasn't able to listen to Ufara's answer because I felt Fei's grip on my arm.

[We'll talk later.] I told Ufara in my mind.

[Absolutely, Master.] She replied.

"Are you going to kill me?" I've never seen Fei's face that grimly.

"No!" I strongly spoke. "I just did Configuration."

"Well, yeah, you did," said he, as he walked around. "How did you do it?"

Oh, gosh. I couldn't tell him my secret yet. This isn't a great time.

"Imagination?" I said.

"Well, you have a very creative imagination. What you did was a monstigna. It's a dangerous creature in a form of a blue flame that can be transformed into an animal. These creatures can kill a sorcerer just like that," Fei said as he clicked his fingers.

"Oh… I thought witches only die in burning," I said in defense.

"Of course they do," Fei sarcastically said. "I'm a sorcerer. A person of magic. Don't you think I'm totally different from witches?"

I closed my eyes and then I walked towards Fei and hugged him. "I'm really sorry, Fei. I didn't mean to do it. I just explored my powers. That's it."

He then reciprocated the hug. "I know. I'm just worried that you might be misusing your powers, let alone your powers will consume you. What if that monstigna turns the other way and it attacks you instead? These monsters can't be taught or controlled."

I sighed in disappointment. I wasn't letting go of the hug. I wanted to make him feel that I was so sorry.

He moved but I still hugged him. I'm so stupid.

"Hey, I'm not angry at you, okay?" Fei then cupped my chin and guided my lips towards his. "I'm just surprised. You did well, actually. I'm impressed."

"Really?" I said, teary-eyed.

"Yes, but you need to learn more than just exploring your powers. Tomorrow, we're gonna be in the library. I'll teach you a lot of things," he said.

"Like a seminar, yeah?"

"Yes. I'll invite the rest of the people too. We need to prep you up and it'll be info overload, but take all that you can get. The Krieg is a serious battle and being careless is the last thing you want to do," Fei uttered as he intertwined his fingers with me. "Now, since you almost killed me, I think I deserve a hot, sizzling sex tonight, don't you think?"

"Silly," I whispered.

We went back inside the mansion to rest. It was really a stressful night. Perhaps, it wasn't because of the monstigna, but because it was the very first time I saw Fei's face in full grim. It was terrifying, really. I never expected to see that.

Yet, when we went back inside the mansion, another terrifying scene welcomed our eyes. I cannot take another terrifying moment right now. I really just can't.

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