Magic Trick

Chapter 43 - Papa, Don't Preach


Ellis yelled at this big, bulky man, who I finally remembered. It was Branson Brynn of Las Vegas team. Why was he here? Did he know that one of the keys were here?

"I know you're a faggot from a mile away," Branson uttered.

"And I know an asshole when I see one," I clapped back, after insulting Ellis.

"Oh? Gay-dar? That's your superpower? I've mastered that since five, bitch," Ellis chuckled and brought out one gummy bear and threw it to Branson. It exploded the moment it touched Branson's body. Unfortunately, he turned out unharmed.

His arm was covered with different cards made of steel. I saw King of Hearts, Jack of Spades, Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Clubs, and a lot more. How did he do it? Was it his power? He can transform his body into cards of steel?

"Is that all you've got?" Branson snickered.

"Well, I've got this," Ellis showed him one of the keys.

"Ellis! Why did you show him that? Keep it right now," I commanded him.

"Sure," Ellis then put the key in his bra, as if he had big breasts to be held with that undergarment. "Get it from me, you big pile of shit."

"With pleasure," Branson walked towards us, and because of his weight, every step cracked the floor. Surprisingly, we weren't able to hear him earlier. Perhaps, it's because both Ellis and I were too busy rummaging the room for the objects.

However, after three steps, Branson disappeared in front of us. The next thing I knew was… he was holding Ellis in the neck and raised Ellis in mid-air. Ellis wasn't responding. He was just smirking.

"Give it to me, faggot," Branson said.

"Aaaah!" I screamed and summoned a medieval battle-axe from my bar code tattoo and sliced Branson's arm. It fell, and so did Ellis. Unfortunately, the cards flipped and grew his arm back. I was about to hit Branson back but he moved really fast and evaded my attack. He moved near the bathroom door.

I went near Ellis's body and asked him, "Ellis! Are you okay?"

"Of course, Trick. Why wouldn't I be?" said Ellis, but not in front of me. He was standing near the door, flickering the key.

When I looked at the one beside me, it was just a mannequin dressed as him.

Branson grunted. "You freak!" He was about to step until Ellis spoke.

"Stop!" Ellis screamed. "One move and your brain will explode. Oh, silly me. Let me correct that. Your head will explode since I'm not sure if you have a brain."

"The bows…" I whispered as I looked at Branson's hair. It was filled with little bows, which made him look hilarious!

I then moved towards Ellis and I looked at Branson. It wasn't just his head that was full of bows. His entire outfit had these small ones.

"When did you plant those?" I asked.

"I didn't. The gummy bears did," Ellis said.

I finally got it! When he threw the gummy bear bomb, it exploded into many more gummy bears who implanted the bows. That was similar to Haru's power, I think. I remembered when he turned the letters into knights during the fight with Salvatore.

"Take this away from me, you motherf/ucking shit!" Branson screamed.

"Poor Papa. Don't preach what you can't deliver, okay? If you wanna see your sons again, don't move. Just wait until we get the other Treasures. I might spare your life, then," Ellis returned the key in his bra and went out of the room. "Also, I'm not a motherf/ucker, because I don't f/uck moms. Call me fatherf/ucker instead."

But before I leave the room, I looked at him and said, "Sissy got your key, asshole."

Ellis and I went down using the fire exit stairs. I asked him about the bombs.

"Are those really bombs? Are you really going to kill him?"

"I'm not gonna kill him unless he did something bad to us. Don't worry."

We're about to reach the door of the next floor, so I opened it and stopped asking him about the bombs. When we went out, we saw a guy pierced with broken glasses on the wall. His blood flowed on the floor.

"Poor one," I said. "Who on earth did this?"

"So, you made it, huh?" a voice said from our behind.

I looked back and figured who it was. "Sorcha Kavanagh."

"You're lucky we're not looking for the same treasure. I would've not hesitated to do the same thing as I did with that Mexican," she said as she pointed to the guy on the wall. Yeah, they were against the Acapulco team.

"Do you really have to kill him? You can just get the treasure," I spoke.

"He didn't have it," Sorcha said. "but at least, there's one less opponent who will look for it. Common sense."

"Hey, she ain't that dumb, though. She just looked like it," Ellis commented, which made me giggle.

Sorcha giggled too. "I'm not gonna waste my time on you right now. Just wait on the arena. I'm gonna rip you two in pieces. Oh, if you will survive this level."

"Well, we got one of the treasures. Have you had any?" I asked.

Sorcha hissed and grunted. She just left.

Sometimes, when Ellis and I are in the mood to read or to throw shade at anybody, it's always a grand slam.

We then checked all the rooms in the hallway, but there is no key nor box. We decided to go down and we heard several jolts and whizzes. We checked who was there and I recognized one.

"Manaia!" I called him and Ellis and I went near him.

"Hey, Trick! Nice to see—" Manaia then swished his wand and pulled Ellis and me inside the room. He then tapped the door with his wand and the door was covered with a force field shield.

"Whoa! What was that? You're using a wand?" I said.

"Really? I wanna see you use [your] wand," Ellis bit his lip. I pinched his arm, though.

"Yeah, I'm not using my full power yet. I'm reserving it for other battles, although that Kenyan was unstoppable. He thinks I have one of the treasures. We didn't have any yet," Manaia sighed in disappointment.

"Don't worry. We're gonna see each other outside later, okay? Promise me," I ordered.

"I promise. But right now, let me take care of the Kenyan," Manaia waved his wand and exploded the door. He then ran and the Kenyan followed him.

Ellis then went near the window and checked outside. "The Swedes are already there. The Koreans too. The Russians and the French as well."

"Don't they run this tournament?" I uttered.

"So, there's some foul play happening? Hmm…" Ellis stared again at the window. "Oh, my! Fei, Jia, and Haru are going out of their building. Look!"

I ran towards Ellis and we even both put our heads out of the window and glanced downward. I saw the three of them walking towards the Sovietsky guard. Good thing they're safe.

"It's been, what, fifteen minutes? They're so fast," I said.

"We need to go now. Let's look for the rest of the treasures," Ellis said, which I agreed, but the moment I removed my head from the window, he then went back to staring at the window.

"If I ain't wrong…" Ellis murmured. "Oh, bitch! I got it!"

"What is it?" I looked out again and checked the surroundings.

"Second floor, the last window. Look!" Ellis pointed in the direction and I saw something glittering. Something yellow.

"Shit! That must be the other key," I whispered. "Good job, Ellis!"

"I only hear that when I go down on someone, so thanks, Trick," Ellis spoke.

We didn't waste a second, so we went right away to the second floor, but when we are about to go to the fire exit stairs, we encountered Rakisha.

"The hoes of Queens! Glad to see you again, girls! Most especially, you, Miss Conflagration, Ellis Sanz, slut, whore, whatever you call these days," Rakisha greeted.

"What's up, bitch?" Ellis fiercely responded.

"Rakisha! Girl, nice to see you. Have you found your treasures?" I asked.

"Yeah, baby, we're down to the last one. The box. I saw my boo, too! He had the yellow box. I knew my boo would do it!" Rakisha proudly said.

Ellis and I looked at each other. "That's great news. We found our last treasure and we're on our way there. Where is Oakley right now?"

Rakisha whispered. "He's still in rat mode. He's waiting at the entrance. Get to him right away once you obtain the last treasure! Go, bitches!"

"Thanks, girl! Promise me we'll see each other outside, okay?" I told her.

"Of course. We gon' tear this shit down, a'ight?" We then made a high-five, but Ellis and her just blew raspberries.

Good thing we still have more than thirty minutes and we are close to getting the last treasure. I have a great feeling about this. We're going out soon! I'm gonna see Fei soon! I can't wait.

Finally we arrived at the floor where we can find the last treasure. We ran towards the room, but the moment we arrived at the doorstep, someone spoke.

"Don't you even dare to open that door or else, I'll f/uck your brains off!"

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