Magic Trick

Chapter 44 - You Must Love Me


Ellis read the two sons of Branson Brynn to filth, before even saying hi to them. Well, technically, why would he say hi to them? We're not here to make friends. Silly me.

"It's him, brother. He's the one who planted the bombs on Dad's head," said Anderson Brynn, one of Branson's sons.

Grayson Brynn shouted. "You piece of shit. Why did you do that to our father?"

Ellis giggled. "Your father could use a touch of fashion, boys. You must love me for what I did to your father. He looked… cute now." 

I poked Ellis from behind with my finger. He knew what to do.

While they were talking, Ellis's right hand was creating a decoy of me from behind, just like the one he did upstairs. When the decoy was already done, and Ellis's mouth won't stop reading them to filth, I teleported inside the room without them knowing and removed the force field shield since I'm alone here and no one can feel my power. We talked about this technique earlier.

I saw the key attached to the edge of the window and I ran towards it until I cannot move my body…

"Not so fast," Grayson said and tapped my shoulder.

"How did you…" I uttered.

"Find out that you weren't moving? That behind the faggot was a decoy?" Grayson giggled. "You can't fool me. I hear the jingling of your powers from here, like the coins in the slot machine."

I cannot move my entire body aside from my mouth. "Shit."

"Oh, are you gonna get something there? How about you let me get it for you," Grayson then moved towards the window and detached the key. 

"Stop controlling me," I said.

Grayson laughed. "Let's have a deal. How about you ask your friend to remove the bombs on our father's head and I'll let you go?"

"Ellis!" I screamed. 

Ellis then emerged to the room with Anderson. "Trick, why are you running but you aren't moving?"

"That's my brother's power. He can control the movements of people when he touches them," Anderson said. 

"Anderson," Grayson uttered and shook his head.

That must be the reason he tapped my shoulder.

"You took after your father, didn't you? Both of you are not zombie-worthy," Ellis scoffed.

"And that is because?" Anderson asked.

"Exactly, my point, dear boy," Ellis said. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"What are you trying to say?" Anderson took a casino chip and held it like it's a knife that could pierce someone. "Oh, brother, you have one of the keys!"

"Yes, it's here," Grayson showed the key to them. "So, what we need to do is to tell father that we're only missing the box." Grayson then looked at me. "Take away the bombs on my father's head and I'll make your friend move again."

"Your father called me a faggot, which if he's gay or a bitch I know, he can call me that, but I don't know him, so he must at least treat me with respect. Also, he tried to kill me by choking my neck. What do you expect me to do? Say my safe word?" Ellis whiffed.

"Okay," Grayson raised both his hands. "Your friend here will be a talking statue forever if you don't take the bombs away." 

"Ellis, no! Don't leave me here!" I screamed.

Ellis sighed. "Okay. Fine. Take your daddy here."

Grayson nodded at Anderson and in a few moments, his father descended from above through the ceiling. Anderson made holes in each floor with his casino chip, which was undeniably sharp, that it can shatter walls. Then, Grayson controlled his father's movement from the higher floor down to the room where we are now.

"You faggot! Take these bombs now!" Branson angrily shouted.

"I told you not to call me faggot! Call me fatherf/ucker instead!" Ellis replied. 

"Dad! I made a deal with them. I have this guy here under my control. I will release him once this one removes all the bombs in your head," Grayson explained.

"Hah!" Branson yelled. "Do it now!"

Ellis did not move an inch.

"Hey! Ellis! Please. Do it now. Otherwise, I won't be able to move," I said.

Ellis bowed… and then laughed so hard.

"Ha-ha-ha! You fools! Those are just ornaments I use in drag," Ellis confessed.

Shit, so… What will happen to me now? Those were just Ellis's accessories! 

Branson took one and it didn't explode. 

"You liar," Grayson murmured. "Do you think your friend will still be able to move again after what you did?"

Ellis went in front of me and protected me. "You must keep your promise. I didn't explode your father's head."

"We may be gamblers, but we are not cheaters," Anderson said.

"Then let us go. I didn't do anything to your father, anyway," 

"You made me look like a fool," Branson growled.

"Didn't you already?" Ellis said, then he threw some of those gummy bears and they all exploded, making a cloud of smoke inside the room. The Brynns evaded the attack, though. However…

"Try your luck again, bitch," Anderson said, while he pointed the casino chip near my neck. I fiercely gazed at Ellis, telling him that I might die in a blink of an eye once that chip touches my neck.

"Come on, faggot. Drop your little bombs once more and I promise, my son will rip your friend like beef jerky," Branson threatened.

"Let go of Trick right now or I'll have you disqualified," Ellis warned, but he lacked conviction as he was rattling.

Grayson chuckled. "Disqualified? I don't think there's a rule that we could annihilate your dear friend here. But I'll make a deal. I'll let your friend go… If you defeat me and my brother in a match. Dad, can you please take care of our guest here? I think Anderson and I will play for a bit."

"With pleasure, son," Branson stood beside me and pointed a card near my neck. 

Grayson and Anderson moved towards Ellis and flicked a coin and a casino chip, then they kicked it towards Ellis. Ellis moved really fast and threw some of those gummy worms to them. The worms exploded but the brothers escaped faster. 

Since the room was filled with smoke, Branson took out a large card and fanned the smoke away. The brothers figured out where Ellis was hiding because of it. Grayson ran towards Ellis and they both had a combat fight. Anderson, on the other hand, was throwing casino chips that stuck the walls like shuriken, which Ellis was trying to evade. They must be that heavy and sharp. 

"Kill that faggot!" Branson commanded.

"No!" I strongly shouted. Because of that, I used my hand to emit a strong ice force, which froze Branson's body from the feet, going up to this neck, with a tip of the ice pointing to his neck.

"Kill Ellis and I'll kill your dad!" I shouted. I may not move but my powers can.

"Dad! No!" Anderson shouted.

Since Anderson was unarmed, Ellis kicked him from behind, and it made Anderson catapult to the other side of the room, but…

Grayson touched Ellis's leg.

Now, Ellis looked like he's a statue featuring a tae kwon do kick. 

"You really think you're better than us?" Grayson said, as he aided his brother. "We're three and you're just two."

"Math shocker, right?" Ellis cursed. "When I get out of here, I'm gonna make you kneel in front of me and make you my servants, you freaking Vegas bastards!"

"Like this?" Grayson just looked at Ellis and Ellis started to bend his right knee on his own, as if he was a knight.

"F/uck you!" Ellis shouted.

Anderson chuckled. "That's good. Lower, brother! Like they're worshipping us."

"Good idea, Anderson," Grayson said, and he made Ellis kneel lower, with both of his hands on the floor.

"Now…" Grayson nodded at Anderson and Anderson placed the casino chip near Ellis's neck. "Since the two of you are annoying the shit out of me, how about we end this little fight? We still have roughly twenty minutes left to find the treasures. Let's start by killing this f/ucking drag queen here."

"At least, you got one thing right," Ellis sassed. 

"Do it, brother," Grayson instructed Anderson.

"No! Stop it!" I shouted.

It was at that moment, Ellis knew he'll f/uck up, but…

"Wait!" Ellis shouted. "Don't kill us."

"Oh, do you wanna say your last words? Fine by me," Grayson said.

"I have one of the three treasures," Ellis confessed.

I closed my eyes in disappointment. Why on earth would Ellis give up our treasure? What was he thinking?

"Yes, son! That faggot has one of the keys," Branson uttered.

"Let's have a deal. I'll give you the key and you let us live. Make us move again. I promise we won't hurt you. Just spare us," Ellis said.

"Dad, are you sure? He might be fooling you," Anderson confirmed.

"No! I was in their room earlier and I saw it myself that he got the key," Branson said. It was true, though, but why, Ellis? Why?

Grayson sighed and stared at us fiercely. "Okay. Give Anderson the key, thaw the ice on Dad's, and we will walk away peacefully. In one minute, both of you can move again on your own. Deal?"

"Deal," Ellis moved his hand and took out the key from his bra. Anderson picked it up and showed the key to Grayson. Grayson did compare the two keys and they are identical. He took it from Anderson and kept both of the keys. 

"Now, thaw the ice," Grayson said to me. 

Using my hand, I thawed the ice with a small amount of firepower. Branson was now dripping and free from freezing. Right now, the Brynns had the two keys now.

"One minute," Grayson said before he left the room.

"Serves you just right," Anderson whispered and followed his brother outside.

"You bitches are not getting out of this building," Branson said, then he went out.

I groaned in disappointment. "Ellis! Why did you do that?"

"Because, Trick, I just tricked them," Ellis then showed his devilish grin.

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