Magic Trick

Chapter 63 - Someday (I Will Understand)

[Trick's PoV]


Finally, I disclosed this to Ellis. Well, at some point in time, he should know it anyway. I brought him to Valenti. 

"This is so magical," Ellis looked around and I can see in his face that he is in awe. 

"Come, I want you to meet some people."

I took him to the platform near the rainbow tree and showed him the Vogue. "Ellis, I want you to meet the Vogue."

"Vogue?" Then he danced it effortlessly. "That Vogue?"

"Well, I named them the Vogue, because of the dance," I said.

"Master, welcome back," Eneko greeted me.

"Thanks, Eneko," I told him. "Everyone, I want you all to meet my best friend, Ellis. Ellis, this is the Vogue."

"Pleased to meet you, Master Ellis," said the entire team.

"Where did they come from?" Ellis asked.

"These seven," I referred to the former Karlbland. "They came with me. Then, these seven," I then referred to the former Miscerei. "They're from Fei. They—"

"Hold up," Ellis stopped me from talking. "They came from you?" He referred to the former Karlbland.

"This is a funny story, so you listen carefully." I then told him the time when Mrs. Xing tried to kill me to bring out my powers. 

"Whoa…" Ellis was stunned by my story. "So, you mean to say, the Karlbland were with you from the beginning. Did you know why? Did you know you are a magical being?"

I shook my head. "I didn't. All did the Karlbland know is that they are tasked to reincarnate me. They will only find out what might happen if they reincarnate me for the last time, but I stopped them and I asked them to reincarnate me in this life, as Trick."

"So, what are you, really?" Based on Ellis's reaction, he couldn't understand what's happening. I got confused too. However, I'm still picking up the pieces of my true self, one at a time. Someday, I will understand who I am, and I hope all of these people are still with me. 

"I'm your best friend," I said with full conviction. "I'm your friend till the end."

Ellis looked at me sincerely and somehow I can see in his eyes that he believed me. "You better be, bitch. So… Let's get to know the bunch."

"Okay," I nodded and introduced them one by one. "Here's Eneko, Arnau, Ciaren, Vigdis, Ferelith, Marcene, and Taneli. Then, we have here Aillard, Elaxi, Gennady, Hanniel, Kalliste, Ufara, and Zathrian."

Ellis whispered to me. "Zathrian and Arnau are cute, but I think Ciaren and Aillard are the hard fuckers."

"Don't even think about it," I warned, then faced my team. "So, guys, Ellis here is my best friend, and we will do our best to protect him, okay?"

"Yes, Master," all of them agreed.

"Thanks. I'll see you all later, okay?" I bade goodbye and Ellis and I returned to the room. 

"Bitch, you don't have those spheres. You have a team inside you. Also, you have fourteen peeps. I only have seven," Ellis commented.

"Well, I may have a lot but they're really hard to control. It took me some time to make them follow me, especially the ones that came from Fei."

Ellis squinted his eyes. "So… those seven are from the man-juice, huh?"

I grinned. "Maybe when you do it with Haru, you might get another seven, yeah?"

Ellis's left eyebrow arched. "You know what, you're absolutely right. But… The seven I had was from him. They're from the Camo. Wouldn't it be redundant or something?"

"It might not hurt to try," I insisted.

"Hmm… But why are they in spheres? Why can't they be in full human forms like Aillard and Ciaren?" Ellis wondered.

"Really?" I scoffed. "Of all the Vogue members I had, you remembered Aillard and Ciaren?"

"Zathrian and Arnau as well," Ellis added.

I challenged him if he could recall the rest. "How about the Black guardian that I have? The one with a turban and in animal print dress? Do you remember her?"

"I think it was Angeline or something," Ellis guessed.

I winced. "Who is Angeline?" 

"Oh, Angelina. Yes, like Angelina Jolie," Ellis even pushed his lie further.

"It's Ufara!" I shouted. "Anyway, Fei said that he has spheres too, but maybe since you're the master of your power, perhaps, you can change them into something else?"

Ellis then held my hand and we were transported to this place where there were large orbs of various colors floating in mid-air.

"So, these are the spheres…" I reacted. They looked like giant wrecking balls, only colored. "Do they have names too?" 

"I only call them by colors. So, we have here Bittersweet, Maize, Pumpkin, Viridian, Denim, Mulberry, and Cerise," said Ellis and the orbs brightened.

"Ooh, have you tried exploding them?" 

"No!" Ellis strongly disagreed. "What if I lose my power? What if I explode here too? Have you ever thought about it?"

"No, but I could ask Haru."

Ellis scoffed. "He must be busy with that Dutch bitch."

"Explosion, it is," I insisted.

Ellis then raised both of his hands and shouted, "Spheres of Camo, heed my call. Come forth, you all."

"Do you really need to say those words? That sounds so old-school," I reacted.

"Don't you watch TV? This is how the main characters summon their guardians," he whispered.

One by one, the orbs came closer to Ellis. Then, Viridian glowed as the robotic voice spoke. "Master, we are ready."

Ellis spoke, "Thank you, Spheres of Camo. I have to ask you all this very important question, and I hope you have an open mind about this matter. Do you all have human forms or do you all just appear as these giant metal orbs?"

"We have human forms, Master," Cerise replied. "However, we are sealed in these spheres."

Ellis and I looked at each other and our mouths opened wide. 

Ellis cleared his throat and spoke once more. "Is there any way I can unseal you all out of these orbs?"

"There is, Master," Mulberry answered.

"How?" Ellis asked. 

"This metal sphere corrodes by using the flame of a monstigna," Bittersweet said.

My heart beat so damn fast. I remembered that ferocious beast. That bluish-white fire monster almost killed Fei. So, if in any case we summon a monstigna here, would it put Ellis's life in danger? 

"What is a monstigna?" Ellis asked. I remained quiet.

Maize explained the creature. Then, it warned us. "Master, just be careful as monstignas are uncontrollable." 

"If they are uncontrollable, how can I use them to unseal you?" Ellis further queried.

"That is yours to figure out, Master. There might be other ways, but that is the one we know of," Denim said.

"Where can we find a monstigna?" Ellis then asked.

"A witch or a sorcerer can summon it," Pumpkin answered that question.

"Okay, okay," Ellis nodded. "I'll return here until I figured out how to unseal you all. Thank you very much."

The spheres went back in mid-air and Ellis and I decided to return to the room. I was sort of stressed about the process of unsealing the spheres. It's because I know how dangerous a monstigna is, and I don't want something bad to happen to Ellis, or worse, kill him. 

"Why? What's bothering you?" Ellis noticed my expression. 

"Ellis…" I inhaled deeply before I responded to him. "I have summoned a monstigna before."

"Bitch, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ellis went closer to me and held my hand, but I removed it right away. 

"No!" I shouted. "We can't just do it as reckless as you want to."


I sighed. "Remember the time you were performing 'Rain On Me' in the Xing mansion? Fei and I had a fight before that. It's because I accidentally summon a monstigna that almost put his life in danger. Good thing Fei knew how to deal with that, since he's an experienced sorcerer. But us? If we summon that creature, what do you think will happen to us? What do you think will happen to you?"

"How dangerous is a monstigna?" Ellis asked.

I explained. "It can burn a magical being to death. You know, witches die at stakes by burning, right? That has the same effect. I summoned that and I could not control it. I just thought I could, because when I summoned it, it attacked Fei. Maybe because he's the sorcerer in front of that wild beast. But they're uncontrollable. They're fierce."

"Oh…" Ellis remained speechless after I told him about monstignas. 

"So… If it's not a big deal for you to unseal them, maybe we just don't need to do it. You might die, Ellis, and I don't want that to happen," I said.

"Well, why didn't you die when your guardians turn into humans?" 

"That's because Fei and I had sex, and they just appeared like that…" Facepalm. Do I really need to tell him again and again? 

Ellis groaned. "We're running in circles. Is this a catch-22 situation? No, because we have a solution! And that's the motherf/ucking monstigna. So, do it, bitch!"

"No! I won't sacrifice your life for this! I can't let you die, Ellis! Never!" I shouted. 

Oh, gosh, this is so stressful…

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