Magic With You

Chapter 101 - 101

February 28 Year 9001

Calter exited the bathroom inside his and Kence's room. Seeing the adorable 'kid' looking at him, Calter smiled warmly

"Big Brother, what took you so long? You were in there for a longer time than before" Kence asked curiously causing Calter to cough a bit and a slight blush appeared on the latter's face

"N-nothing" Calter awkwardly said. He didn't dare tell Kence what he did, that would just make the youth to think that he's really a pervert

As the young master is 'sex deprived' he doesn't have a choice but to use his own hands to 'take care' of himself. Kence stimulated him too much before to the point that it is literally hurting him

"Hmm kay! I'll go cultivate now Big Brother!" Kence said and started learning magical theories again. Calter looked at Kence like he's looking at a monster

Calter is still at the level 6 of Magic Apprentice but Kence already surpassed him! The bunny is at the 7th level of Magic Apprentice now after just a few months. Not just that, but Kence's comprehension is even above his level!

Kence's spell casting talent might be inferior to Calter but the young master is confident that the youth can defeat other geniuses at the Soaring Magic City! Kence is inferior to Calter on spell casting but he's above than the other geniuses in the city!

Although Calter is still more powerful than Kence as he can skip level and defeat those above his, but it still made him quite bitter. Thus, Calter become even more diligent than before!

"Alright, I'll go meet your teacher. We need to discuss things" Calter replied and went to Kence's side. "Give me a kiss first"

Kence obediently complied happily, he's now addicted at kissing his master too. Kence crawled on the bed adorably and pecked Calter's lips

But for the young master, that wasn't enough. "More?" Calter gently asked and Kence looked at him while pouting

"Big Brother, you're always kissing me too hard! You are making my lips swollen!" Calter can't help but chuckle at that. What can he do? He likes kissing Kence as it was too addicting

"Hahaha sorry. Then, just mark me again?" Calter asked hopefully. It has been a week since Kence gave him love marks and they were already fading to the point that you can only see it if you looked at it closely. Calter likes having Kence's mark on his body!

"Okay!" Kence nodded his head and went closer to Calter. However, Calter moved Kence's body so that he's sitting on his master's lap. "Remove these clothes for Big Brother" Calter said while pointing at his clothes. It was one of the clothes that Kence made and since then, Calter ignored all the ones he bought. The only clothes he wore now are the ones that was made by Kence

"Big Brother you are too lazy" Kence said while pouting and Calter chuckled bitterly. Kence just though he was lazy and asked the former to do it. When in reality, it would be more sensual if Kence was the one that did it

Calter feels like he is teaching a kid some dirty stuffs. "You are really too cute!" Calter said and ruffled Kence's hair liking how smooth it was

Kence shook his head at his 'lazy Big Brother' and started opening Calter's clothes to reveal the man's chest. The chest that he envied so much because of how manly it looks

The young master then put his hand at the back of Kence's head and guided the youth on his chest. Kence did as what he was told and made love marks all over Calter's chest up to his neck

When he was finished, Kence looked at the marks he made while nodding his head. "You marked Big Brother so Big Brother needs to mark you too" Calter said in mischief and started revealing Kence's chest too

Kence felt that his Big Brother is too weird, the man was so lazy to open his own clothes but then opened the clothes of other people. Kence just let Calter do what he wants so that he can cultivate later

Seeing those red nips again, Calter licked his lips and he can't stop himself from pinching it a bit which made Kence to gasp in shock. "B-Big Brother what are you doing! Y-you said that you'll only mark me!" Kence said with a red face

For Kence, nipple touching is a 'dirty stuff' and although he likes it but he also don't want to be a 'pervert' especially since he called Calter as a pervert before

"Hahaha sorry, it was just so cute and red!" Calter replied while still looking at those red orbs. No matter how many times he look at it, it was always as red as before!

As Otto is still waiting for him, Calter decided to speed things up and licked Kence's chest close to the youth's nipples. Kence's body shuddered and Calter sucked on his skins to leave marks

It was only a pity that Calter cannot leave marks on Kence's neck. "Hmm done!" Calter said and Kence started moving away from the former

Calter wants to touch Kence's soft bottom but he don't want the youth to run away from him again

"See you later!" Calter said and kissed Kence on the forehead before exiting their room


Entering a room, Calter immediately saw Otto that has a dark look on his face. Although Calter has a plan but as the Soaring Magic City's, City Lord, Otto was still stressed out at the state of his city

The economic damage is very high now and they can't let this go on. "City Lord" Calter greeted and the old man motioned for him to sit on the chair

Calter obeyed and Otto handed him the documents at how much money the city lose. However, unlike Otto, the young man has a relaxed look on his face

"Our next move?" Otto asked and Calter smiled. Since the city already lost a lot money, it is now time to earn those back with interest

"Have someone send this to the Fiery City along with the news of us having two more Grand Knights" Calter replied. He wants to make a move after having three Grand Knight slaves but reaching the Grand Knight rank is really hard. None of his slaves advanced in rank again even after all this time

But he wasn't discouraged, as long as Soaring Magic City has one more Grand Knight, he would be able to make a move on the enemy

"Tell Blaze that if they won't compensate us for three times the loss, we would wage war with them!"

A war! For normal people that is a cruel event that will harvest thousands of lives. However, to the powerful, it was an opportunity!

The mages can build reputation for themselves and even be awarded if they contributed a lot. While those ones that are really at the top will benefit a lot if they won

Cities swallowing other cities is very common. As long as the damage will not affect the whole realm, the Enchanted Alliance won't care no matter how many wars happened

There are magic cities there that conquered other cities and appointed their own people as the new City Lord. Calter wants to do that as conquering a city will bring a lot of riches

"What?! No, even if we have three Rank 3 Mages, it would still not be definite that we will win. Blaze won't accept paying three times of our loss" Otto said while shaking his head

They might have three Grand Knights now but if they start a war with Fiery City, Blaze and his men will have the home advantage. Cities have a lot of things for protection and defense like magic cannons and barriers

Soaring Magic City might even lose if they are that ones that will be the attacker. As for recruiting Rank 3 Mages in other cities, before, they can still do that, but now, they can't

The profits will be split between parties. At the minimum, they needs to recruit two or three more Grand Knights to really overpower Fiery City with minimum losses. If that happened, with the astronomical amount that Soaring City lose, even winning against the enemy might not be enough to cover all the losses

"Who said that we will attack them directly?" Calter asked while smirking. "What I want is their refusal so that we will have an excuse for war!"

Other Cities also don't want to be bullied and if a powerful city wage wars for no reason, the others would be threatened. They will think that Otto just wants to swallow other cities and they might form an alliance to defeat Soaring City

"Trust me, I have plans!" Calter reassured and Otto doesn't have a choice but to gamble

Early the next day, Otto immediately sent an envoy to Fiery City to deliver the message. But just like what they predicted, Fiery City directly refused. The amount that they will need to pay will make their city bankrupt and it wasn't surprising that they will refuse

Otto already looks old before but with the things happening, it made him looked older as he massage his temples

"City Lord, I told you not to worry, everything is under my calculations" Calter said but it just made Otto to sigh

On Calter's sides were the two Rank 3 mage slaves of his that were standing respectfully. Calter nurtured them before and now is the time to use them

"Number 31, enter the Fiery City and infiltrate a Marquees Clan and kill as many Magic Knights as you can. Flee as soon as you get a whiff that a Grand Knight will make a move!"

"Number 32, enter Fiery City too but be on standby. Hours after number 31 finished attacking, you will attack a lower Nobility Clan. Use the same spells and make it look like the two assassination are only done by a single person"

Calter said causing Otto to looked at him. "What?!" Otto asked in surprise before he realized what devious plan Calter has

"I-isn't this too much?" Otto can't help but ask as it was a bit against his morals. "City Lord, we asked for compensation but they still bullied us. If we don't do this, other cities will think that we are weak and also bully us. We declared a war against them and only the victor will survive and dictate what is wrong and right!" Calter said while smirking

Otto's heart shuddered a bit. Calter's plan is too shameless

Fiery City won't be afraid much on Soaring as the latter will become the attacker which would be the one at a disadvantage. However, what Calter is planning to do is not a direct war!

A Grand Knight can kill a number of Knights just by themselves. Calter's plan is to kill their enemies from the inside! If other type of mages did this, the risk for them is higher

But Calter's slaves are all darkness type mage! Concealing and being unpredictable is their forte! It would be easier to dodge their enemies' security while massacring clans

Just imagine that you are expecting a direct war but your enemy slowly killed you from the inside. As the defender, Fiery City cannot possibly attack Soaring as they would surely be defeated

With this plan, the moment that Blaze met Calter before already decides his fate! In the near future, Fiery City will be no more!

How brilliant, decisive, and cruel!

"Start moving a week from now. We need to let the news spread that Blaze doesn't want to compensate for our loss even though we said that we have three Grand Knights. The other Cities won't be able to do anything when that time comes" Calter continued and looked at Otto

"I hope the City Lord can have his mind at peace now. Everything is really under control. We lose a lot before but we will gain a lot more. Just relax"

Sure enough although Otto's morals are conflicted but to be at his current position, how can he be simple? He tasted the cruelty and hardships of life before and there are a lot of times that he needs to do devious things to survive

Otto still knows that to survive, sometimes, one needs to be cruel!

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