Magic With You

Chapter 105 - 105

"[Dark Magic: Shadow Sacrifice!]" Number 31 pointed his wand in the sky and multiple humanoid shadows were formed. Those shadows flew in the air and met the condensed balls of fire

The chest of the shadows opened up and trap the fire inside it. The shadows heated up and explosions occurred inside them. The shadows then dissipated into black specks of light

As these newly advanced Grand Knights are weaker than Blaze, the other Knights also helped and all sorts of spells with various effect, color, and element flew in the air and destroyed the remaining spell from Blaze

The City Lord seeing this almost lose his mind. A spell that can kill a few Knights were rendered useless in front of the Grand Knight and these Knights

The other hateful thing is that, since there are a lot of people outside his tower, Blaze didn't know where Number 31 is hiding. A dark type mage that is hiding is a fearsome enemy!

"[Fire Magic: Scorching Claw!]" Blaze activated another spell and more than ten claws of fire were formed. If any of this hits the Magic Knights below, all of them would surely be scorch to death

However, in front of all these Knights, even Blaze's powerful spell was too weak. It was extremely easy to destroy any spells he can use

In front of ten or so Knights, Blaze won't be this helpless. But in front of around four hundred Magic Knights, what can a single Grand Knight do?

Another volley of colorful spells destroyed those fire claws and the remaining ones slammed on the Magic Tower that was already at the brink of destruction

The walls of the tower started giving in. The powerful tower that can brought fear to any Magic Knights and even Grand Knights were like child's toy in front of Calter's forces

"What are you doing just standing there?!" Blaze lashed out on his own son and the few loyal guards with him. All of them visibly flinched and went on the open parts of the tower to use their spells too. Blaze's son shook his head helplessly as his eyes flashed with sadness for being treated like this again

Blaze and his subordinates' collective power was still not enough especially since their enemies have two Grand Knights and hundreds of Knights

At this time, number 31's voice was projected and entered the ears of everyone in the tower

"All of those that will surrender now won't die, but if you continue your futile resistance only death will be your fate!" Number 31 declared like a God

In front of all these people, he surely is like a God. He was the one that has the most power and even their master, Calter, gave him all the authority over these slaves

If Number 31 wants to, he can also kill everyone inside that tower. But he knew what the best outcome that his master wants. Calter wants all the Knights and even the two Grand Knights to surrender to him

For Calter, Grand Knights are the cream of the top and the things he will mostly rely on as he is still weak. While the Magic Knights are the future cream of the top. More Knights means higher probability that Calter will have another Grand Knight slave

The people inside the tower though loyal but still hold great importance on their lives. They also have people they love and still wants to be with them

Their loyalty waiver, visible at how they looked at each other. But Blaze won't let them betray him

"I will personally kill anyone who will try to betray me!"

Everyone shuddered as they knew that Blaze really meant what he said. Without a choice, the guards were force to continue activating their spells to cling to that little hope

"Hmph" Blaze harrumphed and turned his focus again on the enemies below. With the protection that the tower gave to them, he can hold on for a little longer. However, he still knew that it won't be long before the tower collapsed

Blaze was about to use another spell again when he sensed abnormal magic fluctuations. When he turned his head, he saw several of his guards were covered with a fiery aura and they jumped from the tower

"I surrender!"

"Please don't kill me!"

The guards said as the mana on their feet 'glued' them on the tower's wall and they run down the tower

"Bastards!" Blaze cursed. Without the support of his Knights, the tower eventually crumbled. He and his son was forced to exit it if they don't want the debris to fall on their bodies

As soon as they landed on the ground, the Knights surrounded and put a lot of pressure on them

Some Nobles and guards that were bullied by Blaze even have smiles on their faces. To see someone you hated in this kind of situation, how can you not be delighted?

"Surrender now or die!" The Knights around said but Blaze just looked at them hatefully

All of Blaze's powers exploded and fire spread around his body. The eight meters around him suddenly turned into an inferno. The Knights that were hit by that fire immediately died without even offering a bit of resistance

A cornered tiger is still a tiger! A Grand Knight is feared for a reason!

Even in front on these many Knights, Blaze still managed to kill more than ten of them using all of his remaining power

Number 31 and 32 heaved a sigh of relief and thank their master on their mind. Calter said to always be cautious. Even if the enemies were cornered, they must still use the Magic Knights as cannon fodders

Turns out that it was the right decision to not get close at their target even if it was already cornered. Even number 31 and 32 will be heavily injured at the least, worst case scenario, even they, might die from those flames

"Move away from the flames!" Number 32 shouted and even without his warning, those who saw what happened still did that

Those flames are made by all of Blaze's remaining mana causing his soul to ache badly and even then, these powerful flames won't last forever

However, to Blaze's shocked, he sensed magic fluctuation behind him. He wasn't able to defend, more like, he doesn't have any power remaining for that

A rope of flames wrapped around his body preventing him to move and escape

"I-I surrender!" His son said while raising his hands up in the air. Blaze cannot believe all of this. Of all people that will betray him, it was actually his own son?

His own son that he used all of his resources to foster and turn into a Grand Knight

"U-ungrateful bastard!" Blaze said hatefully while looking at his son before he threw up a mouthful of blood. It was both because of him forcing himself to make the flames around that killed more than ten Knights and also in anger for this betrayal

His son averted his gaze before looking at him with anger. "I-I wasn't ungrateful, it was you that never treated me as your son!"

The man removed his magic robes and burnt marks can be seen all over his body. The sight was so gruesome that even the experienced people around twitched

"Y-you, you only see me as your tool! Every time that I will not meet your expectation, you will hurt me! You even forcefully inject fire energies from the fire stones inside my body! You don't know how much it hurts!" The man said and started breaking down. Tears literally gathered around his eyes at reminiscing all the horrible things he experienced just to reach his current power

"I-I did it for your own sake!" Blaze defended himself. The flames around him already vanished but no one moved and just watched the scene unfolding in front of them

Humans are quite the curious creatures and most of them will want to see how a drama like this will unfold

"No, you did this for your own sake! You want me to become a Grand Knight so you will have a loyal powerful mage!"

"Ever since I was a kid, I'll always be locked in a hot room with occasional fire touching me so that I'll be able to understand fire magic easily!

"You thought that it was effective but it wasn't! It hurts so bad that I literally forced myself to learn magic theories because I don't want to feel that kind of pain again!"

"Did you know how much trauma that caused me? I even had trauma on every fire even though I am a fire mage!"

"I don't even use spells as long as it wasn't necessary because I was afraid that my own fire will hurt me!"

"Ever since I became a Grand Knight, the number of times I actually used a spell can be counted on one hand!"

The man had an outburst of emotion as all the pent up things inside him gush out like the water from a broken damn. His knees gave out as he cried from how the world is cruel to him

A child of a City Lord that should have an easy time in this world experienced such things. Even though he became a powerful fire mage, he gained a trauma on fire

Truly a pitiful creature, even the people around can't help but take pity on him

Number 31 and 32 used their spells and Blaze's own shadow bind him. Although the man is already covered by a fire rope, these two were ordered by Calter to be cautious at all times

Number 31 formed a hand from mana and pat the man's shoulder with it to bring a bit of comfort. He wants to do it personally but his master's order of being cautious is his number 1 priority

The man looked at number 31 with tears on his eyes as this was like the first time he felt this kind of comfort. Darkness type magic is not as cold as ice magic but it still feels a bit cold

A man who experienced heat his whole life finally experience something that is cold. It greatly touched him as it meant a lot

"Take an oath using the God of Order's name and become my master's eternal slave. I don't promise that you'll have a lavish lifestyle but at the least, he won't treat you this badly"

Calter might look cruel but it was only on his enemies. The man just mostly ignored all of his slaves and let them have progress of their own. Only now did Calter becomes stricter to number 31 and 32 but it has a reason

All Calter wants is for these two to be always cautious. If they acted hastily and without care, they might have not conquered Fiery City this easy and fast

But in normal times, aside from being cold, Calter is not that bad of a master. After the prisoners took the oath and become respectful to Calter, no one was bullied or got hurt

In fact, they were given an opportunity to rise above the masses

"It is your choice. My master said he'll be able to give me one favor if we successfully conquered Fiery City. I can use it to ask to ask Master to not let you be in any harm again and just become a teacher for our mages"

Before, Number 31 has bad impression on all Nobles. He thought that these Nobles had an easy life and were born with a golden spoon in the mouth

But Blaze's son situation prove him wrong. Those that are born into a good family also had their own hardships and horrible experience. It opened number 31's eyes and he don't mind using the favor to help this man

As if he saw a light, the man's eyes glowed as he looked at number 31. He thought that he will die but number 31 gave him hope

The man doesn't have much attachment in continuing to live because of all the hardships he encountered. However, there was a part of him that is unwilling to die without experiencing the good things in the world

Isn't it too unfair if he died while only experiencing all the horrible things?

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