Magic With You

Chapter 106 - 106

With number 31's few interactions with Calter, he has a bit of understanding on the man. Especially on the system that Calter uses for his force, that system was the one that enable him to become a Rank 3 Mage

As the one that personally experienced it, and as a person who already saw how the world works, number 31 is sure that Calter will soon have higher authority and power. It only needed time

Calter has a brilliant mind and even the system he used to nourish his force is very effective. With how the youth's mind worked, Number 31 is sure that Calter would want a fire type Grand Knight mage to teach other mages

As of now, they focused on dark type mages. But with Blaze's son, they would soon be able to grow Rank 3 fire type mages too

With Number 31's assurance, Blaze's son immediately did as what he was told and took the oath on the spot

"Are you sure you want to use the favor for him?" Number 32 asked. As slaves, to be given a favor by their master is am extremely rare thing. Number 31 cannot believe that number 31 will waste it like that

"I'm sure!" Number 31 answered while looking at the burn marks all over the man's body with pity. It gave him an urge to protect such a pitiful man

As more than half of Calter's goal is accomplished, number 31 looked at the remaining one. If it were him, he would directly kill Blaze. But he knew if he does that, he'll incur Calter's wrath. He might be severely punished by that youth

Number 31's eyes turned cold as he pointed his wand on Blaze and the shadows constricting its body tightened. "You have two choices, surrender and become my master's slave or die here" number 31 said coldly

As Blaze was in so high of a position just minutes ago, he still wasn't able to process that he fell in this kind of situation and turned his head on the side not wanting to answer

However, that is a mistake on his part. Number 31 just controlled some of the shadows to enter Blaze's body to give the man unimaginable pain

Only if torturing and threatening the life didn't work, would number 31 be allowed to kill Blaze

Blaze who was always in the pedestal already forgot what pain feels like and screamed at the top of his lung. His veins popped all over his body and some blisters even appeared. In terms of giving pain, dark magic is superior!

A man that no one dared to offend before was suddenly plunged in such a torturous situation is bound to break in no time. Sure enough, Blaze's resistance only lasted for a few minutes before he surrendered

"S-stop! Please stop!! Aahhkk!!"

The Knights around shuddered from this. A Grand Knight that they can only look up to is now in such a pitiful state. This broke their perception on Grand Knights

"Take the oath now or I'll continue torturing you. If torture doesn't work then only death will be your outcome" Number 31's voice was as cold as before as he doesn't have a good impression on this Blaze

Blaze gritted his teeth for a while and he didn't know what to do. He doesn't want to die but he also doesn't want to experience such torture again. And what he doesn't want the most is to be an eternal slave!

If he really took the oath, his life wouldn't be on his hands anymore. He would never be able to betray his master and can only live as a lowly slave

However, he sensed that the shadows binding him tightened again and this brought fear on his very being. He doesn't want to experience such torture again; he can't take anymore. With all the years that he lorded over a whole city; it lowered his pain tolerance a lot

Without a choice, he was forced to take the oath too. Only then did Number 31 walked closer to him. Calter put great emphasis on cautiousness and he cannot be careless

The shadows binding Blaze vanish but when number 31 reached the man, he threw a kicked straight to Blaze's face. The impact forced Blaze a few meters away as Number 31 strengthened his foot with mana

"Y-you!" After recovering from being kick like that, Blaze looked at number 31 hatefully. However, number 31 only smirked at him. "Master gave me the highest authority here. Aside from killing or disabling you, I can do other things" He said much to Blaze's horror

Blaze also cannot resist as he was already under the oath's power. Number 31's figure flickered and reached the side of Blaze again. The man already has blisters and wounds on his body but number 31 doesn't care about that and started a round of abuse

A father who hurt his own son is so lowly and needs to be taught a lesson

Number 31 only stopped when he felt a hand on his arms. When he looked behind him, he saw Blaze's son with tears on his eyes

"P-please stop..." the man pleaded. To be honest, although he hated his father, a part of him only betrayed the man because he doesn't want any of them to die

No matter what, he grew up timidly and still has some care for his father. Seeing the pitiful appearance of this man struck a string on number 31's heart and he cannot continue what he was doing anymore

"Okay" Number 31 simply said and helped the man in wearing his clothes again to cover the scars all over him. It's not like Number 31 is disgusted on it, but there are a lot of people nearby and being naked is kind of inappropriate

"T-thank you" the man said with a sad smile and number 31 nodded his head


The news of Blaze City being conquered by Soaring Magic City spread like a wildfire. All the weak Cities that took advantage on Otto before showed up one by one and paid for the economic damages that they caused

Fortunately for them, they didn't cause as much damage as Blaze made and they can still fork out the sum that they needed to compensate

But all of them become bitter as they earned a small profit before but then lose more than twice of it. It was such a hurtful outcome for them

Their decisive action was mostly contributed to the manner the Soaring Magic City conquered the Fiery City. Almost no blood was spilled and it took such a short time

Normal wars would take months or even years to have a result. But 'Otto' managed to win in less than a month. No one even knows what strategies the winning side did

All they know was that the Nobility Clans betrayed their City Lord and the other cities just credited it to Blaze's tyranny

However, the news of Blaze's son joining the Soaring City spread like a wildfire. In the surface, Otto's city now has three Grand Knights. As the ones that participated in the war were all Calter's slave, everyone thought that Blaze died. But in reality, he also joined Calter's forces

Calter don't want others to know the depth of his powers this early and intended to use Blaze in emergency. This can make their enemies to look down on them and lower their guards then turns out that Calter has one more Grand Knight with him

All the losses that Soaring sustained before from both Blaze and the other cities were compensated more than enough and Calter suddenly become rich

The first thing that Calter did was to buy a protective equipment for Kence in the Enchanted Alliance. It was a bracelet that can be manually use and will automatically activate if something threatened the user's life

It can defend from even a Grand Knight! But of course, only the weaker Grand Knights. But even then, it already cost a million magic crystals

Calter cannot even buy one for himself as it was too expensive. With the conquering of Fiery City, he gained a lot of money but he cannot just use all of it. Calter prioritized Kence first as he knew that he'll be able to conquer other cities in the future to buy one for himself

The next day, Calter along with Kence who don't want to be far away from him went to the Demon's Den. A Magic Tower was already built on it and the two went on deeper floor below ground

Just like most Magic Towers, the bottom part was mostly use to cage magic beasts or other experimental subjects

Inside the cages were Blaze and his son who was on a different cell. Number 31 and 32 is already there waiting for him

"Master" the two greeted and Calter just ignored them as he looked at the two people inside the cage

This is Blaze's second time seeing Calter. Although he already knows that this is his master, Blaze still cannot believe that a lowly Magic Apprentice that acted so respectfully at him before has this kind of ability

"You must be this idiotic man's son, right?" Calter asked and Blaze's son nodded his head fearfully

"Open his cage" Calter ordered and number 31 immediately obeyed. He doesn't want to lock this man in a cage but it was his master's order and he cannot disobey him

Kence who was quietly watching on the side blushed a bit while watching Calter. He doesn't know why but to see his master acting so dominantly like this brought strange and foreign emotions on him. He suddenly had an impulse to kiss Calter

Kence knew that what Calter is doing is.... 'bad'. However, Kence doesn't understand what really is happening. His 'bad' was only at the same level as someone that is a school bully or a pickpocket thief

The youth doesn't care though, for him, Calter will always be Calter! He will accept the man who was always there ever since he was young no matter what kind of person Calter grew up

In fact, Kence doesn't know it but he is 'turned on' to a dominant, cold, and serious Calter. He's like a young maiden being attracted to a bad boy

Blaze's son stood there without daring to make any sudden movements as he was afraid of what will Calter ask him to do

"Number 31 already explained your situation to me. You can be the fire mages instructor if you want. However, you need teach them for at least six hours if that is the only thing you will do. For now, I'll just call you number 33" Calter said and waved his hand to put the numbers "33" on the man's forehead

Number 31 or 32 only needs to teach the other mages for an hour a day and another hour for Denma. But that is because Calter still has some hopes that these two will still advance

Also, these two can execute the operation based from Calter's plan. While for this timid man, his chances of advancing further is low. It would be better if number 33 will be a full-time teacher for the other mages

"Y-yes" Number 33 timidly answered and Calter then turn to look at Blaze. Unlike number 33, Calter don't have a plan in treating Blaze 'kindly'

"As for you, if I don't have mission for you, you'll need to teach the mages for a full day. If they have some questions for you even at night, you are required to answer them!"

Calter doesn't want others to know that Blaze is still alive and the man can never exit the tower without his master's approval. Calter wants to be crueler to Blaze but he cannot do that in front of Kence

He knew that Kence won't be able to take an 'unsightly sight' and he needs to at least treat Blaze 'a bit like a human'

But there will naturally come a day when Kence will know how cruel Calter can be. Calter can only hope for the best when that time comes….

"Number 31, 32, arrange for the other Knights to come here in Demon's Den and recruit more fire mages. Also, arrange the naming in number. A-1 is for Magic Apprentices, B-2 is for Magic Warriors and so on!"

Initially, Calter only planned on having ten mages at each rank first to nourish but that plan changed. The number naming would be more troublesome now

The two nodded their heads and excused their self before Calter sensed someone tugging his clothes and turned to look at Kence who was looking at him with burning eyes

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