Magic With You

Chapter 118 - 118: Suspicion

"Where is your headquarters located?" Number D1 went straight to the point and asked the assassin that is now under his illusion

"The... headquarters...?" Krad furrowed his brows as the tone that the assassin used was of a questioning one as if he doesn't know the answer himself

"What do you know about your assassin organization? Does it really have no name?" Krad changed the question and waited for an answer

However, the assassin was still about to open his mouth when curse marks appeared from his forehead and spread down to his whole body

Krad jumped back and readied his wand as beads of sweat rolled down his face. He can feel a powerful force enveloping the assassin and it made him a bit afraid

Even the mana on his body was agitated. This kind of power is not something that Krad had ever felt to other people. It was tens of times more powerful than his own power!

After the curse marks spread on the assassin's whole body, those marks glowed with a blinding black light. Number D1 can feel the dense amount of mana inside those black colored curse marks and he moved away

Krad exited the cage and even conjured a barrier spell. Turns out his decision was correct as he saw the cage was blasted and scraps of metal flew everywhere

As the cages only have thin metals that are separating them, the other cages on the assassin's side also sustained damage and a hole appeared on them

Fortunately, the magic beasts inside those cages also have metals covering their hands and feet. Even though they were at Knight level, they still weren't able to flee after an opening was made on their cages

Number D1 wiped the sweat on his forehead as that was really dangerous. The power behind that explosion was even more powerful than his spells

If he was caught by it, he would surely die. Although Krad already wiped the sweats on his forehead, his whole body still sweated because of realizing things

An assassin organization that can do something like this is weak? Just looking at where a former human was, Krad can't stop his body from shivering a bit. Only some bits of flesh and bones remained on a healthy Magic Knight

The destructive power was simply too fearsome. Number D1 immediately contacted Calter and the youth ordered him to go in the City Lord's Manor to explain what happened

With a pale face, Number D1 head outside the tower and rode a Cloud Stepping Horse


At the City Lord's Magic Tower, Calter put his sound transmission back to his spatial ring before looking at the person on his side

To Calter's relief, Kence doesn't have a nightmare again today. Ever since Emily started a 'healing operation' for Kence's scarred mind, the youth although still have nightmares but it significantly lessens

Staring at Kence's sleeping peaceful face, Calter smiled a bit before giving the youth a kiss on the forehead

Although Kence doesn't have that much nightmares anymore, he was still too much of a light sleeper unlike before

Kence's adorable eyes slowly opened as he looked at Calter with tired eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" Calter asked in an apologetic tone

Instead of answering, Kence snuggled closer to him and Calter can only chuckle bitterly. He was about to head outside to meet with Number D1 but Kence is hugging him like this

Without a choice, Calter decided to stay for a little longer and just watch Kence's sleeping face. He's happy that Kence is already getting a bit better now

After some time, Calter sensed something on his spatial ring and took it out

"Master, I'm already here" from the stone came out the voice of Number D1. The voice entered Kence's ears and the youth woke up again

"You've got plans, Big Brother?" Kence's asked with a sleepy voice which Calter found as adorable. "Yeah" Calter simply answered. His plans for today is also not something he wants Kence to see as the youth might be more traumatized

Kence sensed the change on Calter's tone and opened his eyes wider. "It's fine, Big Brother. Do what you need to do" Kence said and raised his tired body to kiss Calter on the cheek before sleeping again

Calter took a deep breath and patted Kence's head before walking out of their room

The young master ordered Number D1 to enter the tower and meet him on a certain room there to talk

As soon as Calter saw his slave, he immediately creased his forehead as he saw the Grand Knight with a pale face

"What happened? Why do you look like that?" If it was simply not being able to extract information from the assassin, although Calter will be irritated but it wasn't enough to make Number D1 this afraid

"M-Master, I-I don't know how to explain this.... i-it is something unbelievable..." Krad started. Just thinking about the power behind those curse marks scared the man a lot

The mana was purer than his own mana by a lot of times! It was like the difference between the caster of that curse marks and a Grand Knight like Krad is mountain high

"Narrate what happened" Calter said while frowning

Not wanting to annoy his master, Krad narrated what happened as detailed as he can

"Master, when I put the assassin in an illusion, I immediately asked him where his organization's base is. However, he just answered me with 'The headquarters' In a questioning tone"

"Then I asked him what he know about the organization. B-but...he... c-curse marks appeared on his forehead. I felt overwhelming power on it and immediately exited the cage and made a protective barrier"

"If I didn't do that, I might be already dead by now!" Krad said with fear on his tone. Every word he said made Calter's face to darken as he doesn't like where this is heading

"The curse marks on the assassin glowed with a black light and a powerful explosion appeared! The cage was blasted open and even the cages next to it were damaged greatly"

"Just thinking of the power, the curse marks have is enough to make me shiver in fear. The mana was purer than any mana that I have felt my whole life"

The fear that Calter can feel from Number D1 made it so that he can't think that the man was exaggerating things. Number D1 is his slave and the man will always be truthful towards him

Calter's frown deepen at that and his mind started to work furiously. It seems like the enemy isn't as simple as he imagined them to be. He needs to be more cautious than before!

"Commission for another assassination task. After catching the assassin, don't interrogate them without me. Our next move will depend on what will happen"

The enemy still doesn't know who their enemies are. Calter still have one more chance to abduct one of their Knights. But after this, the organization will sniff that there is something wrong and someone is targeting them

If they are really so much powerful, then Calter can't risk it and he need to stop for a while on his revenge plan. Reality is really hard

Calter planned on extracting information from the Knight assassins on where their bases are then launch an all-out assault. Even if he can't know their headquarters, he was still willing to pay a lot of money to disrupt the assassin's business by commissioning task

In this way, instead of the assassins killing their target, they would be the ones that will die

An assassin organization that cannot kill anyone as they would be the ones to die, just what sort of pitiful state they are in if that happens?

However, now that there is something fishy on them, Calter needs to move cautiously. He won't risk his life as that will also risk Kence's own

"Yes, master" Number D1 replied before Calter looked at him with a threatening gaze

"Don't ever fail on this one. We can't afford to fail!"

A Knight falling in a Marquees Clan isn't that surprising. The risk was too high after all and Magic Knights have better senses than other people too

But that will make the other Knight assassins to be more cautious. If it happened for the second time in such a short time interval, then they would immediately know that there is something wrong

Thus, this is Calter's last chance to catch an enemy Knight


July 8 Year 9000

Just like the other times, Number D1 is in disguised again tonight. He was in one of the Marquees Clan acting like he's sleeping for the second time

As Calter doesn't want the organization to know that it was him or more like the City Lord that is moving against them, he can't use the Hale Clan again

Shan Clan is also not plausible as everyone knows that they are slaves of Calter. If the assassin was caught inside the Shan Clan then that will cast more suspicions

Thus, to force a Magic Knight to make a move, Calter chose the remaining Marquees Clan which was the Khan Clan

Just like the Hale Clan, the Patriarch of this clan knows that this was an operation by the City Lord. He was also under the oath from God of Order to not divulge any information just like Hale the Patriarch

Calter even chose someone that offended a lot of powerful Nobles before as the target to not make the enemies too suspicious

Although Number D1's eyes are close, his guard was raised to the maximum. This operation would be trickier than the last one and this harder operation is the one that he cannot fail

His hand under the sheet was tightly gripping on his wand and he is ready to react any time from now

After a few hours, deep in the night, Number D1 sensed someone staring at him. The assassin is more cautious this time. The night is silent and the only sound that can be heard was Number D1's even breathing as if he was really asleep

Number D1 can feel that the assassin is just checking out on things and the man was ready to flee if his target will attack

Thus, Krad doesn't have a choice but to remain still. A wand appeared on the assassin's hand and a gentle wind blew by. The wind has some mana with it as the enemy was just testing the waters

Krad knows what to do and creased his forehead a bit. This made the assassin to flinch and is ready to flee if his target will wake up

After the wind with mana vanish, the crease on Krad's forehead also vanish a few seconds after that. Only then did the assassin become confident and activated a spell as a blade of wind advanced towards Number D1

However, Krad's body suddenly jerked and the Knight actually still didn't let his guard down and was about to jump down from the mansion

But to the assassin's surprise, his shadows caused by the moonlight turned into tendrils that wrapped all over his body and locked him on his place

Krad waved his wand and used his own power to destroy the wind blade. Another figure appeared on the scene and Number D2 fell down from the top of the room

As this is the only chance of catching another Knight from the enemies, Caizher was very cautious!

Just a single Grand Knight is already overkill but he actually sent two!

Before the assassin can do anything, the two Grand Knights joined forces and shot a dark light from their wands. The light then entered the assassin's forehead and he lose consciousness

The two that overpowered their enemies heave a sigh of relief. With this, they succeeded on the operation that they absolutely cannot fail

Although them teaming up like this makes them think that it was too much, but they still cannot afford to take the consequences

They both saw the mutilated bodies of Brony and Bonny. Although they are absolutely sure that Calter won't kill them as he need them, but they might be torture like the two if they failed in such a simple task

They are Grand Knights and it would be their carelessness' fault if they failed on this one

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