Magic With You

Chapter 144 - 144: Cold Blue Kingdom

November 1 Year 20,345

Escardon Realm

Cold Blue Kingdom, one of the Three Great Kingdoms of Escardon Realm. Also called the Kingdom of Snow and Beauty

Inside on one of the rooms of the Royal Palace of the Crosmoner Family that is the Royal Family of the Cold Blue Kingdom, a youth around fifteen years old opened his eyes

The youth has pure eyes with an icy blue color that can make any men drown on it. The glaring bright light from the stones in the ceiling hitting the youth's eyes caused him to frown

The youth lifted his right hand to block the annoying light while his mind is in a confused state

"Who am I? What am I? Why am I here?" The youth asked towards himself. His mind is in a mess and his memories were in a messy state

The frown on the youth deepened because of his confusion and he tried to remember who he was and what happened to him. The youth moved his hands and hold his head with it while closing his eyes again

A piercing headache made the youth to scrunch his head from pain before he remembered who he was

He is Kence Russel Crosmoner. An adopted son of Otto Crosmoner, the brother of the current Blue Cold Kingdom King and Ruler

Kence sat on the bed and put his palms on his face. He doesn't know why he's this confused. How can he forget his identity? Even though he just woke up, he shouldn't be in this state

Kence furrowed his brows as he felt something hard making a contact on his snow-white face. When Kence looked at it, he saw two rings on his finger, one of them is a blue ring with a small ice crystal in the middle. While the other one is also blue in color but quite plain and doesn't have any design on it

"What is this?" The youth asked in confusion before remembering what it was. The ring with no design is his spatial ring. As for the one that has an ice crystal on it, it was called a Magic Ring

A Magic Ring amplifies the wearers' magical powers and also made it easier for them to cast spells. Kence's ring has a high quality among all the Magic Rings in the market as he's after all the adoptive son of the King's Brother

His Magic Ring has an amplification of 25%

The rings on his hand were both familiar and foreign to him. Somehow, Kence had a feeling that there is an important ring of his that is missing

"What happened to me? Why do I feel like having a Magic Ring is foreign and wielding a Magic Wand is familiar? Who even uses Magic Wands nowadays, that's just the thing that the old and undeveloped mages uses before" Kence said to himself

He has a feeling that he's forgetting something important which brought an uncomfortable feeling to his heart. He wants to remember that thing but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't remember anything

"I must have cultivated too much yesterday causing my mind to be this disoriented. But it can't be helped, the entrance exam of Escardon Academy is in the New Year. I don't want to be a student because of my foster father's backing" Kence said to himself with a determined tone before noticing the necklace on his neck

It is a necklace with an icy blue moon on it. It was the only thing that was left by 'Kence's biological parents' to him. "Is it just me or your color dimmed a lot?" Kence asked to the moon necklace before chuckling at his own silliness. "I must stop thinking too much on things, this might affect my cultivation"

Knock knock

Kence was dragged away from his own world because of the knocking sounds on his door

When the youth looked around him, he saw the appearance of his room. It was his own room yet it gave off a foreign feeling as if it was his first time seeing it

The room was tens of meters wide and long. His bed was enough to fit in five people with spaces between them. The sheets and pillows are blue in color that has different shades

There is a wide table with chairs near his bed that has a faint blue color

On the other side of the room was his walk-in closet and his window also have blue curtains. There are also large bookshelves that are all full of books regarding magic

Kence's room has an invisible formation that caused the room to have richer mana than normal places on the realm making it a comfortable place to stay. And almost everything inside his room is color blue

Knock knock

The youth was forced to stop surveying his own room when he heard someone knocking on his door again

"What is it?" Kence asked loudly, loud enough for the people on the other side of the door to hear. "Young Master Russel, breakfast is ready. Duke Otto is already waiting for you at the dining room"

"I'll be right there in a few minutes, thank you!" Kence replied which amazed the servant. Although the Young Master Russel is heavily doted by the King's Brother, the youth is still respectful to everyone whether they are a servant, noble, or royals

Kence moved out from his ridiculously large bed and threw all his thoughts aside

The youth entered the bathroom inside his room and took a quick shower. When he was done, he walked towards his closet and chose random clothes

Kence is currently wearing an inner shirt with a deep shade of blue and he topped it off with a lighter shade of blue robe. The robe is fully open on the middle section and it complimented the inner shirt

For his bottom, Kence is wearing pants that also has a blue color. It made him look like a person that likes the color blue a lot

But in the Cold Blue Kingdom, this was actually very common. The Kingdom has a large portion where the land is full of ice and snow. Even the area which is different has a colder temperature than the other part of the realm

The color blue is very common and most people like it. It was even a bit unusual if someone was wearing clothes that don't have the color blue

But although that is the case, if Kence was put in the middle of the crowd which has similar clothing to his, the youth will still stand out because of his appearance

Kence has a youthful look with a very innocent expression. He looks exactly like one that is always pampered since young that never experienced the cruelty of the world. His facial features made him look like a delicate flower that everyone should care for

Even though Kence is a man, but his cute and slightly androgynous beauty is a bit well-known by everyone in the Kingdom. If not for him rarely showing his face in the public, then he can surely enter the top beauties of the Kingdom

However, contrary to what the others will expect, he isn't someone that puts great importance on his appearance. After randomly picking his clothes and wearing it, he didn't do any other thing to his face or body and immediately exited his room as he doesn't want his foster father to wait

Kence's hair was still dripping wet but he ignored it as he's someone that doesn't wipe his hair with a towel and just let it dry naturally. He felt like it will damage his hair which is the part of his body that he put the greatest importance on

After exiting his room, Kence was assaulted by the feeling that the Royal Palace was a foreign place for him. He doesn't know why he felt like that but his 'memories' still contained the direction to the Dining Room

Every servant that Kence encountered along the way all greeted him respectfully and he naturally greeted back by giving them a smile

However, there are times that Kence will frown lightly. He doesn't like the looks that the other servants are giving him, it made him a bit disgusted

Kence doesn't want to be arrogant but he felt that those gaze contained indecent thoughts which made him dissatisfied. He dislikes people that are looking at him in that way

Somehow, Kende felt that there is only one person that can look at him like that. But as soon as that thought surfaced on his mind, Kence immediately shook his head

What is he thinking? There is no such person like that. He doesn't even know a lot of people as he's quite an introvert. Besides, why would he want someone to look at him indecently? Seems like yesterday's cultivation really affected his mind and Kence decided to take a rest today

As the Royal Palace is extremely huge, it took Kence minutes to reach the Dining Room where an old man and a woman can be seen inside

The old man has a head full of white hair and the woman on his side is also quite a beauty with a voluptuous body. The woman is Otto's adoptive daughter and is named Caizha

Both the old man and the woman has as an absent-minded expression on their faces as if there is something bothering him

Seeing those two, Kence finally sensed something that is familiar and he heaved a sigh of relief

"Father, Sister, I apologized for being late" Kence quickly apologized for making the two wait for him

A hint of color appeared on Otto's face and the old man shook his head. "It's alright, you are preparing for the Escardon Academy's Entrance Exam after all"

Kence smiled at Otto for being this understanding. His foster father is really kind and pampered him a lot!

With this, Kence walked towards the Dining table and one of the servants pulled the chair in front of Caizha

Kence thanked the servant before sitting on his chair. This made Otto to shake his head a bit. This adoptive son of his is really too kind-hearted and even thank a servant

"Let's start eating" Otto said and the three started putting foods on their plates

The variety of foods at the long table was enough to feed more than ten people yet there are only three people inside

A royal is really a royal, even just their foods are this sumptuous and expensive. Just the cost of their breakfast if converted into cash and was given out to a poor man can last him more than a month

Kence's eyes locked on the meaty dishes and those are the only dishes that he put on his plate. It gave him yet another strange feeling and although he doesn't like vegetables, he still put a single piece of it on his plate

Somehow, it feels like, there is a certain someone that always forced him to eat vegetables and he ... he quite misses that feeling which is very strange

Kence doesn't remember meeting someone that can force him to eat vegetables except when his foster father ordered him. Just what is wrong with him today?

"Y-you will eat a vegetable today?" Caizha asked in shock while looking at Kence incredulously

"Y-yeah, i-its not bad to eat some once in a while" Kence answered as he doesn't want to tell the truth and make everyone worry about him

"That's like the first time I heard you say that Russel" Otto commented while chuckling a bit before the sides of his lips twitched a bit

Calling his adoptive son Russel gave Otto an unnatural feeling as if he should be calling the youth as Kence. But from Otto's 'memories', Russel doesn't like being called as Kence

Of course, if Otto calls Russel as Kence, the youth won't say no but it will make Kence uncomfortable. That's why Otto always addressed his adoptive son as 'Russel'

Even Kence had that unnatural feeling when he was called as Russel as if it was the first time he was called like that. But as he really doesn't want to worry anyone, Kence just laugh a bit before he continued eating

The three people inside the dining room chatted from time to time but the way they talked made them uncomfortable as if this is not the way they previously talked with each othe

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