Magic With You

Chapter 158 - 158: Prank

Kence's eyes almost popped out from his sockets when he felt his hair getting cut by magic. His eyes followed the strands of blue hair as it falls down the ground

Kence's hold on the towel in his hand tightened at the 'horror scene' that played in front of him

That was his hair! The part of his body that he is most proud of and the one he took care of the most!

Kence can't believe that a day would come where his hair would be 'brutally' cut like this. He remembered all the days that he didn't dry his hair with a towel from the fear of harming it

The youth instantly teared up and his anger rose to the maximum. This might be the angriest he becomes in his life

Calter felt a sharp piercing pain in his chest when he saw those strands of hair that was cut by himself. Kence's hair looks softer than even the finest silk in the market. what a waste for it to be cut like that

The regret and guilt ate Calter's heart brutally especially when he saw the owner of that hair, tearing up. How can he be so stupid? How can he hurt such a cute guy?

But the biggest question in Calter's life was that why he is so affected whether the youth got hurt or not because of him? He's someone that doesn't give a fuck towards anyone and just strive to become strong so that his life would be in his hands

Why is this blue-haired and eyed youth managed to affect him this much?

As Kence's anger was ignited to the maximum, he gathered a lot of mana on his hand, intending to attack when .....

The sound of a child's laughter echoed inside Kence's mind and when the youth opened his eyes, he found that he is still inside the hot spring

Kence's eyes surveyed his surroundings in confusion while his face was clouded in anger. He won't forgive anyone who harmed his hair!

However, to Kence's confusion, he doesn't saw anyone in the area except for himself. "W-where is that pervert?!" Kence asked himself angrily

"Wait .... I'm still inside the hot spring ... c-could that be a d-dream?" Kence wondered before he checked his hair for any damage but found none to his relief

"H-How can I have such a strange dream?" Kence's face heated up from both anger and embarrassment. He was angry that his hair was 'bullied' in his dream while he was embarrassed because he was seen by someone when he's almost completely naked. Only the towel he was holding is covering him in that dream

"B-But who is that guy? I don't know him yet he feels familiar" Kence thought and the handsome face of that man surfaced on his mind

A face so handsome that was even complimented by his dark eyes ... Kence is a hundred percent sure that he never saw that guy yet he feels so familiar to him

"W-why is he even so h-handsome?" Kence softly muttered before his face heated up once again for a completely different reason

Kence suddenly felt something and lowered his head before his eyes widened for the nth time. "W-why are you standing up?" Kence asked towards the organ between his legs

"T-this only happened to me in the morning ... why is it standing up now?" Kence asked himself innocently before ignoring it and exited the hot spring

The strange dream affected his mood a lot. He wants to see that guy but he is also angry at him. Kence doesn't like perverts and he will be angry with anyone that will harm his hair!

Kence entered the changing area and immediately wore his clothes as he can feel his stomach grumbling in hunger before a loud sound entered his ears


The voice can be heard around the whole Hotspring City using magic. The weird thing was that the voice stated those things as if it were just normal

Kence didn't know it but around Hotspring City, many people fell into an illusion because of the Escardon City Lord which was also the most powerful mage in the whole realm

Although Kence heard that the Uncrowned Ruler of the Escardon Realm has quite a .... peculiar reputation, he did not think that it would be at this degree

Making people enter an illusion as a prank, just who in their right mind would do that? Not to mention that the prankster was the greatest mage in the whole realm that was known by everyone!

Also, from the way that the speaker announced it, it seems like this kind of thing is common and he wasn't awkward at announcing such news

Kence just shook his head and threw these thoughts at the back of his mind. He was weirded out by a lot of things this past month and Kence decided to ignore all of it even when his heart was nagging him to meet the guy in his dreams that might or might not have existed

After another grumble from his stomach, Kence exited the changing room and saw Noom running towards him. Seems like his guard only got back now

"Young Master, are you all right?" Noom asked in concern and scanned Kence's body with his eyes to see if there is an injury

"I'm fine, I just fell on an illusion but it's nothing serious" Kence answered with a smile to not make his guard worry

"That's a relief! But it seems like the rumors are really true. One can't judge the Escardon City Lord by normal standards. I wonder what got into her head to play a prank like that" Noom commented while shaking his head as if the number 1 mage in the realm is insane on his eyes

"Noom, don't judge people like that. That's bad" Kence gently reprimanded and Noom can only answer a "Yes, Young Master" even though he still felt that the City Lord is 'strange'

"Let's go, I'm hungry now!" Kence started walking back to his room with Noom tagging behind him. He said that he'll ignore all the things he felt weirded out but the image of the handsome guy in his dreams continuously flashed on his mind no matter how much effort he put into forgetting him

Kence entered his room and a tray of food was already on top of the table. He walks towards the table and opened the lid covering his foods and the steam from the dishes hit his face

"Wow! They look delicious!" Kence exclaimed and sat on a chair to start eating the delicious looking foods which are all meat type

However, after some time, Kence started to crave vegetables again. Don't get him wrong, until now, Kence still greatly hates vegetables. But for the past month, he felt like there is something on vegetable dishes that he can't point out

Kence forced himself to eat vegetables and imagined that someone gave it to him. When he does that, the sense of emptiness in his heart will somehow lessen by a bit


When Calter was freed from the illusion, the first thing he saw was the door in front of him. The young master looked around him with a frown

"Was that an illusion?" Calter asked himself with a dark voice

Calter's biggest secret is being a Core Mage. He has tons of mana inside his sea of ​​consciousness. Normal illusions should be ineffective to him as those mana and his own core will protect him

"Who put me on an illusion?!" Calter asked angrily as he hates it the most when he felt powerless. He wants his life to be always in his hand and not at the mercy of others. He detested what just happened

Fortunately, his question was answered when a loud voice entered his ears


When Calter learned who it was, he realized why the illusion affected him without steering up the mana inside him and it even bypasses his Core's protection

No matter how overpowered the path of a core mage is, a Magic Warrior is still a Warrior! Even the Kings from the three Kingdoms cannot defeat the Escardon Realm's Uncrowned Ruler and they are all above Grand Knights

What's a mere Magic Warrior in front of such a powerful mage?

Calter can only be thankful that it was only a prank. If not, then he might have been dead already without him knowing it

"Such power, when will I reach that stage?" Calter muttered before his mind focuses on the youth inside his dreams

"Is he also an illusion derive from my thoughts and memories? I have been thinking about those eyes for the past month, that might be the reason why I saw it in the illusion"

Although Calter thinks things in a logical way, he still can't remove the feeling that the youth was true and existed. He feels that that person is the owner of the blue eyes that are always bothering him

Just thinking about that youth made Calter grit his teeth hard in frustration. The annoying emotions on his heart grew exponentially and are making Calter more irritable

He wants the youth on that illusion! He wants to own that person and shower him with all the good things in the world

"Damn it!" Calter cursed and kicked on the door angrily. Fortunately for the door, it was made of expensive materials and Calter's angry kick didn't even leave a dent in it

"Why?! What's wrong with me?!" Calter asked himself before continuously kicking on the door

Not being with the owner of those eyes is causing Calter to lose his mind for the nth time. He doesn't even know that person, why is it bugging his heart like this?

Every second that passes, the more agitated Calter becomes. He's already frustrated that he can't see the owner of those eyes then the damnable City Lord made him enter an illusion and gave face and body to those eyes

Is fate playing a cruel trick on him?

Calter let out a deep breath. If this goes on, a day might come where he really loses his head

Calter angrily entered the changing room and strip away all of his clothing in an aggressive manner, leaving him completely naked

The young master didn't waste any time and soak his body in the hot spring. The warm temperature from the water sent waves of comfort to Calter and alleviated a bit of his stress

The effect was minimal though as his heart just won't calm down and is always reminding him about the youth in his dreams

"Calm yourself Calter. You don't know that person. It was just the piled up stress affecting your mind. There is still an exam you need to take" Calter made himself believe that he was just really stressed

Calter has a hundred percent chance of getting into Escardon Academy. They don't just look at one's age and cultivation base, there will be various tests that will determine whether a candidate has a solid foundation for their ranks or if it was just achieved with the help of cultivation resources

However, although that is the case, Calter still can't mess up the entrance exams. It will affect his future greatly

Whether it be cultivation resources or teachers, the Escardon Academy has the best of the best. No other magic institutions can rival it

Even the most talented mage from the Three Great Kingdoms needs to enter the Academy. If not, there is a high chance that those who are less talented than them will catch up or even overtake them

The dream of all those who want to reach high is to become a student of Escardon Academy!

Calter closed his eyes and repeatedly took a deep breath. No matter how agitated he is, he can't mess things up

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