Magic With You

Chapter 160 - 160: Date

"Who are you to stop me?" The fat man asked with arrogance and Kence's savior did not like the answer that he got, causing his face to turn dark

"Xian, Xian Crosmoner!" The man replied and the fatty's arrogance instantly vanished

Xian Crosmoner! That is a famous name on both the Three Great Kingdoms and Escardon City. He might not be a Crowned Prince but in some ways, his position can be equal or higher than Cox

Even the Cold Blue Kingdom's King cannot bully him just because he wants to

"Please leave my Brother alone or else ...." Xian threatened while giving the fatty an unfriendly look

The fatty clicked his tongue and thought that it was a pity before walking away without saying anything again

"P-Prince Xian, thank you for helping me again!" The already good impression that Kence has towards Xian grew today. The Prince is not only kind but also helped him twice

Kence felt that Xian is really cool and the adoration on his twinkling eyes becomes too visible. It made Xian's heart to skip a beat when he saw that

Xian doesn't know why but he felt like Russel is not the same as before. The youth was too cute and he didn't notice that before

"No need for thanks and just call me Brother Xian, okay?" Because of Xian's words, Kence's face brightened

Kence can't believe that a Prince that everyone adored and look up to can be this kind! It made his introverted self have the urge to be friends with such a friendly person

"Okay, Brother Xian!" Kence answered with a sweet smile causing a blush to spread on Xian's fair white skin

'T-too cute!' Xian thought on his mind before composing himself. He doesn't want to look weird to Kence

"Do you want me to show you around?" Xian offered. The Prince is already a student of Escardon Academy, he only went back home from time to time when there is something important he needs to accomplish like the last time Kence saw him

"Y-you will?" Kence asked in surprise and Xian's hand twitches. The man wants to pinch the cheeks of such a cute guy. "That is if you want to" Xian answered while nodding his head

Kence wants to answer yes but then remembered Xian's reputation. The Prince uses almost all of his time in cultivation, Kence doesn't want to trouble him

"I-it's okay, I-I won't trouble Brother Xian!" Kence politely declined. "It's no trouble. I actually want to show you around"

"E-eh?" Kence blinked his eyes repeatedly in surprise. Seeing Kence's face, Xian realized what kind of thing he had said and his face heated up immediately

Xian coughed awkwardly before continuing his words with an excuse. "I-I .... i-it's not bad to t-take a breather sometimes but I-I don't have someone that can a-accompany me ... y-yeah, t-that's it"

The slight panic on Xian's voice made the quiet Noom on the side to facepalm himself. Noom can't believe that a Prince can be this bad at 'flirting'

Noom was absolutely sure that Xian took a liking to his cute and innocent master but the Prince was too awkward! It will make everyone feel that he doesn't have any experience in dating

However, Noom was weirded out by himself. He should be happy that a person like Xian likes his master. The Prince is kind, a genius that has a powerful backing, and will surely have a bright future. But there's something on Noom's heart that is telling him that Xian cannot flirt or have Kence

Nonetheless, Noom won't act based on these weird feelings. How can he stop a Prince from having a simple 'date' with Kence?

"O-oh ..." A look of understanding appeared on Kence's face. Since Xian's reputation is that of a cultivation maniac, it is not surprising that he wants to rest and enjoy life from time to time

Seeing that Kence believed his 'lie' made Xian relieve. He actually just wants to use this chance to know Kence better. Xian never encountered a person that is as kind and innocent as Kence, that made him take a liking to the youth

"Come with me, I know of a place that sells tasty icecream!"

Hearing the word icecream, Kence's eyes lit up and he happily nodded his head like a cute dog

Their party walks deeper into the City and stopped at a small and simple shop

"It's not a high-class shop but I promise that their icecream is extremely good, is that okay with you?" Xian asked Kence who wasn't paying any attention to him

The youth's eyes were locked on the people holding different kinds of ice cream. Some are in a cup and some are in cones. Kence gulped at seeing those tasty looking deserts and he can't wait to have a taste

"Brother Xian it's okay, they look delicious!" Kence replied without taking his eyes away from the icecream of other people

Xian's lips rose at watching Kence being excited about such a simple thing. It won't be bad if he can always be with Kence in the future

Realizing his thoughts, Xian shook his head a bit. What is he thinking? It is too soon to think like that. He and Kence still barely know each other

"Let's go?" Xian asked and Kence nodded his head before the three entered the shop

There are a lot of customers inside. The place was not that big but it has a good ambiance and also was not over-designed

The walls have pink and blue colors. The chairs and tables were arranged on the side with the middle section free for the customers to walk on their seats

The counter was mint green in color and have three people on them that were making the icecream. The shop was pretty transparent and they actually showed the process to everyone

On top of staffs was a 3D screen that showed the item on their menu with pictures of it

"It's my treat, what flavor do you want?" Xian asked while completely ignoring the eyes that locked on him and Kence

One can't blame the customers of the shop, it's not always that two extremely good looking people that can literally make people's jaw drop will grace their presence to them

"Brother Xian, y-you don't need to" Kence replied while shaking his head but the Prince insisted by saying that he's the one that invited Kence into the shop

Kence doesn't have a choice but to accept and they walked towards one of the tables. Xian tapped the button in the middle of the table and a screen similar to the ones that are on top of the staffs appeared

It contained the type of ice cream, their appearance, and price

This type of thing was common everywhere in the realm but Kence is still amazed at seeing it as if this was his first time

"Pick your order" Xian said and gently pushed the screen closer to Kence

The youth slowly raised his hand to browse the variety of flavors the shop has. His memories contained information on how to use a magic technology like this but his body is unfamiliar with it

Kence swiped on the screen and scrolled down to choose before settling down on a cup of cookies and cream ice cream. Kence chose it because he personally likes that flavor and also because it was quite cheap

The youth was embarrassed that Xian will pay for his food

Kence tapped the icon of the flavor he chose and placed his order

"Is that all?" Xian asked at seeing Kence's order. As a Prince, even if he bought the entire shop, it will not empty his pockets, much less a single ice cream

Kence was about to nod his head but then remembered something. "C-Can I order one for Noom? I-I can pay for him!" Kence shyly asked causing Xian to shook his head. "It's fine, that's not a big deal"

Kence buying one for his guard just improve Xian's expression on him

"Prince, Young Master, y-you don't need to b-buy one for me" What a joke! How can Noom have the Prince buy icecream for him? This made cold sweats to form on his forehead

"Don't worry about it" Xian simply answered and ordered two more for him and Noom

Noom almost fainted at that. If it was known to the Cold Blue Kingdom that Prince Xian bought food for him, just what would their reactions be?

There are surely thousands of people that will grit their teeth in jealousy while wishing that they were Noom

However, although Xian is kind, Noom can't still have himself like the man to be his master's future husband and that puzzled him a lot

"Thank you, Brother Xian!"

After a while, their order finally arrived. Kence excitedly hold the spoon in his hand and scooped up a bit before placing it inside his mouth

The youth's eyes widened in surprise while looking at the ice cream cup in front of him. "I-Its delicious!" Kence exclaimed causing Xian to chuckle

"I told you" Xian answered while smiling at Kence's cute reactions. "Brother Xian, I feel like I will always crave this ice cream. This will make me fat" Kence 'complained' with a pout

Xian's eyes stared at those moist and red lips before turning his gaze away. For him, doing that is inappropriate

"Hahaha, I doubt that you'll ever get fat" Although Kence's body is always covered by clothes, no one would think that he is fat. Kence being fat is something unbelievable

All people will imagine was a smooth, white, and flat stomach. And even if Kence has fats on his stomach, Xian is sure that it would still be cute to look at

"I'm not like Brother Xian that has a nice built!" Kence jokingly complimented but he's actually also a bit envious too

Although Xian also has smooth white skin, his physique is different than Kence. The Prince was tall and no one will think of him as a frail guy

As for Kence, everyone always thinks of him as a thin sheet of ice that can break from a sudden touch. The youth tried working out to gain muscles so that he will look 'handsome' and 'manly' but it was ineffective

This made him admire and envy those who have a muscular body

"Y-you think so?" The Prince asked shyly while turning his eyes on the ice cream in front of him. His hand was even playing with the food as he waited for Kence's answer

"Yup! I bet Brother Xian has big biceps and abs that I don't have no matter how many times I tried before" Kence said innocently while feeling bitter on the memories of him working out

Xian bit his lips at Kence's innocent answer. He knew that Kence does not intend to flirt with him when complimenting him

For Kence, he just admired and envy those who have a manly body. Lewd thoughts never entered his mind. He also never look or talk with the intent of being a 'pervert'

'Oh boy, this kid is too innocent for his own good' Noom thought to his mind while praying for Xian's soul that was teased to death by Kence without the youth knowing it

Kence might have said those words without any second meaning but it was easy to misunderstand his words!

Seeing that no one was talking, Kence looked at Noom who averted his gaze before looking at Xian that has an extremely red face

"B-Brother Xian what happened? Do you have a fever?" Kence asked in concern and the Prince shook his head

Xian was internally scolding himself for having inappropriate thoughts towards Kence. Although he is kind and nice, Xian is still a man, he can feel things that other men can feel

He is not a pervert but Kence's words were too much!

"I-I'm fine" Xian can only answer and turned his attention on the icecream

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