Magic With You

Chapter 166 - 166: Who Is The Real Pervert?

The frosty fog of Kence froze the bird that wants to attack him and it fell down on the ground before it shattered into smaller pieces

Those birds are only clones made with water that the real birds made though and Kence hasn't finished the fight yet. The real bird opened its beak and a streak of water travel in the air

Kence sensed this and his cold blue eyes turned even colder. The youth met the water with his palm and froze it

The bird was visibly shocked at this and Kence isn't finished yet! The youth crushed the ice with his hand before throwing it towards his opponent

Kence's arm suddenly gained unparalleled strength and the bird was not able to dodge. The ice penetrated the bird's chest and it soon died

Blood spilled on the ground but Kence was still as cold as before as if nothing in this world can affect him. After a few seconds, the crystal diamond on the bird's forehead glowed with a red light and a red beam flew to attack Kence

The youth only raised his hand and slice the air with it. The beam was cut in half and was not able to harm Kence at all

The people around that were watching Kence were surprised by his sudden change in temperament. They thought that the youth was too innocent without any experience and it would be hard for him to pass this test

However, the naive youth suddenly vanished and Kence's combo easily killed a Magic Beast at his level. Shocking! This was too shocking!

A smile can't help but form on Xian's lips as he watched Kence. Xian was happy for Kence as he knew how hard it is to be admitted to Escardon Academy as he wants to be in the same Academy as Kence

After killing the bird, Kence felt a wave of fatigue, and his body was forced to sit on the ground while he breathed heavily

The coldness in his eyes vanished and returned back to a one full of innocence and naivety. Even Kence doesn't know what happened to him

The youth just felt a wave of coldness that spread all over him from his heart. It wasn't an uncomfortable cold though as it gave him unbelievable strength

Kence wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead before dragging his body towards the bird he just killed. As naive as Kence, he still knows common knowledge

The smell of blood will just attract more beasts and he needs to run as soon as possible. Kence remove the diamond in the bird's forehead and to his delight, it didn't release fart like fog

"Four more to go!" Kence said to himself with a sweet smile before continuing

Kence circled around the forest but he didn't encounter any Magic beasts again. It wasn't surprising though, his plan was quite good but Kence forgot one thing

The examinees entered from different points in the forest and they will naturally try to kill the ones they encountered first

As Kence doesn't encounter any beasts again after walking for so long, he was forced to head deeper into the forest

After walking cautiously for a while, Kenxe reached the area of ​​the forest that is filled with vines. A sword with a crystal blue handle appeared on his hand and Kence used it to cut the vines in his way

"Why does this place have too many vines?" Kence asked no one before his eyes widened. When he looked at his feet, he saw hat he triggered another trap

Kence tried to move away from the trap but was unsuccessful. The vines around wrapped on his body. Kence arms and legs were sprawled in mid-air while the vines tightened their hold on him

The youth loses his grip on his sword and it fell to the ground. To Kence's horror, more vines inched closer to him slowly and he had a bad feeling about this


After resting for a while, Calter stood up to continue. He doesn't need to rest for long, he just wants to show that he needs some time to catch his breath

The young master continued on his way before hearing a familiar voice

"Waahhh no!!!" The voice was quite childish but is enough to caress every men's love strings

Calter was familiar with that voice but ignored it. He doesn't want to help anyone much less someone that called him a pervert in front of so many people. He loses a great amount of face because of the owner of that voice

However, that thought only lasts on Calter's head for a few seconds before he desperately runs to the source of the voice

His whole being, especially his heart was scared and entered a panic state. Calter can't take the thought of that person being harmed. He doesn't know why he is being like this but his body is moving on its own before his mind can even register what he was doing

Calter's mind might have forgotten Kence but his heart and body didn't. Before, Calter doesn't even let a mere mosquito to bite Kence, what more that they are now in such a 'dangerous forest'

Calter's heart was beating crazily and is urging him to go faster. He already activated a speed-boosting spell but only now did he regret being a dark type mage

If Calter is a wind, lightning, or light type mage, he would have reach Kence faster.

Even then, he still has great speed and due to how fast he is running, Calter doesn't care anymore if he will bump into anything

As items that only the rich can afford are prohibited (that is something that everyone knows even without the Academy explaining it) like robes that have high defensive properties in the entrance exam, Calter's clothes don't give him an additional defense and some parts of it ripped

When Calter reached Kence's position, he doesn't know if he should be happy or not at what he saw

Kence isn't harmed and only shouted because .... because ... because he was being tickled by the vines

"Wahahaa! No! P-please hahaha stop!" Kence wildly moved his body around to break free but the vines didn't let him do that. They were all over his body finding where it tickles him the most

Dark lines appeared on Calter's forehead. Are you telling him that he desperately runs here while his heart was giving him an abnormal amount of worry just to see Kence being tickled?

Calter wants to curse everything in sight but when he looked at Kence's laughing face, his anger instantly vanished into thin air. He likes seeing Kence this happy

However, a strange sense of jealousy surfaced in his heart after a few seconds. The youth is always 'angry' and was labeling him as a pervert but now, mere vines were more than enough to make Kence laugh?

Where is the equality here? Why can't Kence laugh at Calter like that too?

Calter gritted his teeth in frustration and threw the matter at the back of his head. Just what the hell is happening to him? Calter 'doesn't like' that Kence is affecting him this much

The young master wants to ignore Kence and continue with the exam but he only took a few steps back before his body froze. It doesn't want him to leave Kence alone here

Calter took a deep breath and decided to just help Kence. He knew that if he doesn't help the 'kid with a bad attitude' his heart and body will bother him for a long time. He is in an important exam and he doesn't want that

With an expressionless face, Calter walks towards Kence that hasn't noticed him even until now. The youth had his teary eyes close while laughing hard, hiss mind was fully occupied by the ticklish sensation

Calter used his sword and cut the vines on Kence's arms and legs. When he did that, the vines stopped tickling Kence but the youth was still laughing and moving wildly out of reflex

Calter can't stop himself from chuckling at such a hilarious sight. The vines already stopped tickling Kence yet the youth was still laughing hard, why is Kence this adorable?

Hearing that chuckle, Kence slowly opened his moist eyes and saw Calter that is laughing at him. Kence looked around him, he saw that the vines are now spread on the ground, and from how Calter is laughing hard, the vines might have been long stopped tickling him

Kence felt an abnormality before but he continued laughing out of reflex. For Kence, he can't be blamed for that, he was being tickled for minutes! That is a 'normal' reaction!

Kence felt another wave of anger at seeing the pervert laughing at him. "Y-you! Stop laughing!" Kence shouted angrily but he just looks like a child that was embarrassed in public

Calter realized what he was doing and stopped. He already forgot the last time he laughs yet Kence was able to cause that without him noticing it

To mask his emotions, Calter looked at Kence with 'dissatisfaction' "Is that how you thank your savior?" Calter asked displease

The young master thought that Kence will realize his 'inappropriate actions' and apologize to him. He also thought that after this, Kence will treat him 'kindly'

Too bad that Calter's thoughts didn't become a reality. Kence just crossed his arms in front of him while staring at Calter with caution. "Y-you! D-don't even think about that!" Kence said with a loud voice and red face

As Calter's label on Kence's mind is that of a pervert, the youth raised his guard when hearing Calter's words

Calter didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The young master only wants a simple 'thank you' yet Kence's imagination runs wild. If Kence is thinking like that when Calter isn't, just who among them was the real pervert?

Calter was about to open his mouth to try clearing the misunderstandings between him and Kence but a wave of mana fluctuations spread

When the two looked at the source, they saw that the vines around were moving in a certain place and that place was the trap that Kence stepped on earlier

"Watch out!" Calter shouted while a layer of black aura appeared around him and he pulled Kence's body away

Calter's body moved on its own for the nth time and it greatly wants him to keep Kence safe. The young master didn't care about any other thing anymore

Kence was pulled away on the wrist by Calter but he loses his balance and as a result, his face hit Calter on the chest. Calter is innocent at that time and just wrapped his arm on Kence's waist before jumping back as far as he can

Unfortunately, it made another misunderstanding. Kence's heart started being fast as he can smell the familiar manly scent from Calter. His soft waist was also grabbed by a strong hand and it made his face to turn as red as it can

Kence's mind malfunctioned and he forgot the situation he and Calter were in. He wondered why his heart is beating this fast as if it will burst any moment now

"What is that?" Kence heard Calter's voice and that woke him up. The youth panicked at their current position and he pushed Calter on the stomach. The youth can feel the hard muscle on it that spread another wave of heat to his face

The youth was extremely jealous, why does a 'pervert' like Calter was blessed? Kence wants to have abs too!

"Y-You're taking advantage of me!" Kence accused and Calter's patience bursts at that. He already did a 'good thing' for the first time in his life yet Kence is still being like this? How can Calter not be angry at that?

The young master wants to shout at Kence but then saw the red face of the youth. His anger instantly dissipated as he can't bear the thought of hurting such a cute person

However, that just made Calter angrier. Why can't he get angry at someone he doesn't even know? With Calter's personality, he should have already been plotting a way to get his revenge

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