Magic With You

Chapter 182 - 182: Wine Or Aphrodisiac

It was too bad for Halli that Kier is a prideful person. Instead of apologizing, the man just decided to change the topic. "What do you want to eat?"

Halli pursed his lips in dissatisfaction before tapping a button on their table. Two screens appeared, one in each of them. The screen contained the menu and they can also call for an attendant to do what they want and needs

The two were sneakily looking at each other despite the screens in front of them and they were not able to focus on choosing what they want to eat

In the end, the two just ordered the classic combination of steak and red wine. The steak and wine weren't the ordinary ones though

The steak came from a Rank 3 Corneating Cow and the taste was superior to normal steaks. Even the red wine was produced using high-quality grapes

Just the cost of their meal alone might already be enough for a normal person to not have any problem buying food for his entire life

As the two waited for their meal, Halli chose one of the benefits of availing a private room. Some men entered their room and several musical pieces of equipment appeared in their hands

One of the men took out a large piano from his spatial ring while the others took out their violins to start making a soft and romantic tone

Unfortunately, Kier is not someone that can be easily swayed by that. He's a son of a Noble back at the Kingdom and superficial things like that are easily accessible for him

This further irks Halli as he doesn't like how Kier was acting. This also made the Prince realized that his plans to make Kier submit won't work

Halli is used to using his status and money to get any men and women that he wants. He paid for their soon to arrive food and even had people play romantic music

To normal people, this was enough to overwhelm them. Halli doesn't even need to do his next plans that all consists of throwing money away to buy what his target wants

However, Kier is different from them all. Money problems are the least of his problems! Kier won't fall for him with his usual tactics

"Ehem ... d-do you like the place?" Halli asked to make a topic and to Kier, that is .... lame! Too lame!

Halli also realizes that after a few seconds and he wants the ground to swallow him at that time. Is this really how weak he is at chasing a person without the use of status and money? Halli almost despaired at that thought

Fortunately or unfortunately for Halli, a tear in space suddenly appeared above them. From it, a little girl, they are familiar with came out

The two haven't noticed her presence though and the Head Master decided to play another prank. She vanishes from her earlier position and appeared on top of the table between Kier and Halli

"Boo!" The Head Master shouted loudly and the two immediately entered a shocked state

Kier even threw a bolt of lightning to the Head Master out of reflex. However, the lightning doesn't even touch her body before it vanishes

"How rude!" The girl commented to Kier that causes his face to turn pale. "M-My apologies, H-Head Master! I-I didn't mean to d-do that!"

To have the audacity to attack the Head Master, is Kier already tired of living? Even his whole family won't be able to save him if this girl wants him dead

The Head Master didn't talk for a few seconds causing both Kier and Halli's heart to feel the most fear they have ever felt in their whole life

Fortunately, after those few seconds, the girl just giggled at them. "Hahaha! I am just messing with you, it's good that you have a fast reflex. You should have seen your faces! Hahaha!"

The Head Master rolled around in the air while laughing loudly and the two youths can only laugh awkwardly with her

After her laughing session, the girl returned to her usual smiling like a child self. "Anyways, I need you two to do something for me"

The Head Master made another tear in the space before the two were pulled to it. They weren't able to offer even just a bit of resistance

The next thing that the two knows was that they are already in a room filled with an uncountable number of floating bottles of wine

"Welcome, welcome!" The voice of the Head Master entered the ears of the two and they saw her sitting on top of the large barrel

"Welcome to another one of my games called Wine or Aphrodisiac!"

Just the name of this so-called game was enough to give the two youths a bad feeling. Wine or Aphrodisiac ... just its name already implies what this game is all about

"The mechanics of this game are simple and you two are one of the lucky students in the academy. There would be big rewards if you completed this game!"

"As you can see, there is a lot of bottles of wine around you two. The bottles either contained authentic delicious wine or an aphrodisiac!"

"This game is a fifty-fifty game of luck. 50 percent of the bottles contained wine and 50 percent of them contained special aphrodisiac! Both of you or one of you needs to drink three bottles worth of wine to win"

"It doesn't matter if what you have drunk is wine or aphrodisiac. As long as even one of you can drink three barrels of wine, both of you will win"

"However, I am warning you. The aphrodisiac is very potent it will make you lose control over your actions. So better hope that what you will open contained wine"

"That's it, that's how simple the game is, you two can start now!"

Thus, the two were forced to play another weird game with the Head Master

Even if this was known to the staff in the academy, they wouldn't even be shocked as no one knows what is inside the Head Master's head. She was always filled with weird and crazy ideas

The two didn't dare to make the Head Master wait for them and inspected the bottles of wine. No matter where they look at the barrels, they cannot see anything that can give them clues as to what is inside it

The bottles are all red in color and they don't have any design at all. They even looked exactly the same as if they were carbon copies of each other

The Head Master just smirks while watching them

Without a choice, Halli decided to be a gentleman to 'show off' in front of Kier. Halli randomly grabbed one of the bottles and removed its lid

"I think, I will get drunk even after just drinking a single bottle" Halli thought in his mind

There are people that can drink several bottles of wine and won't get drunk like Halli but since these wines came from the Head Master, there is a high chance that they would be very strong

Halli didn't waste any time and prepare himself by closing his eyes before drinking the bottle's content. To his shock, the wine isn't strong at all

In fact, it tastes like juice. Instead of making Halli's body feel weakened or drunk, it actually increases the quality of his physique by a bit

Seeing this, Kier's pride won't allow him to lose. He doesn't drink often aside from formal events but Kier won't lose out to Halli!

The man chose a random barrel too and drunk its content. He experienced and tasted the same thing that Halli did and he quite like this wine. The wine doesn't have that alcoholic taste but you will still feel that it was wine after drinking it

Halli finished drinking first and things suddenly became a race for the two. The Prince immediately grabbed a random bottle and opened its cover to drink it but...

Halli felt a hand tugging his clothes. When he looked at the source, he saw Kier's moist eyes looking at him. The man currently has a red face while puffing for breath

Kier's appearance made him look like he was in the heat especially since his whole body is shaking while his legs were wobbling

"H-help ...." Kier weakly muttered and even with their distance, Halli can still feel how hot Kier's breath becomes

"Oh I forgot to tell you two, the aphrodisiac tastes like a normal wine too. I think Kier is unlucky to drink one on his first try!" The Head Master announced like it was the most natural thing to say in the world

Kier wasn't in the mood for that and he stared at Halli with pleading eyes. Not knowing that his actions were akin to playing with fire

"H-hot ... i-it's too hot .... g-give me something cold"

The aphrodisiac's effect was too uncomfortable for Kier as his insides were giving him 'strange' tingling sensations. Kier even had the urge to rub his body on Halli as he thinks that it will make him feel bette

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