Magic With You

Chapter 181 - 181

Inside one of the Dorms in the Escardon Academy for first-year students, Halli can be seen staring at Kier. This made Kier a bit conscious and also annoyed at the same time

"What does the Crowned Prince need to me?" Kier asked sarcastically while closing the book about magic in his hand as he turned to look at Halli too

Kier might be conscious but that doesn't mean he will show it! He won't let himself lose to the person 'he hated the most'

"Nothing, I was just wondering if maybe we should start dating" Halli answered nonchalantly before he realized what he had said. Halli panicked a bit but made sure that it won't be shown on his face, he continued plastering that passive look on his face

Kier's heart almost leaped out from his chest and he can almost hear its fast beating. However, he still formed an 'uninterested' expression as to fake show that Halli is not affecting him at all

"Why would I even do that, Crowned Prince?" Kier asked again with a sarcastic tone that Halli always had the urge to subdue

"Think of how it will benefit both our families and also ourselves. You do not admit it but we both have the same type of lightning and I am sure that the senior gave it to you. Have you not realize how easy it was to combine our powers and the increase in strength that it resulted in? " Hallie bluffed. That is only one of the reasons why he even unconsciously said that they should date

With the mention of benefits and power, Kier's interest was piqued. Kier is an ambitious person but he knows that even with the senior's blessings, it was still hard to be a Rank 4 Mage

Even if he does become one, there is still the Head Master of the Academy that is stronger than the Three Kings. With the senior's blessings, breaking through is hard but Kier has the confidence that he will have powers comparable to them. It was only a matter of time

However, things aren't as simple as that. What if something unexpected happens to Kier before he reaches his fullest potential? The additional protection from the Royal Family and the increase in strength when his and Halli's power combined will all be beneficial to him

Thus, Kier decided to maybe they should try it for those reasons and only those reasons! He doesn't want to try dating Halli because of his heart, that is absolutely not the case!

"Alright, I agree. Should we go on a date now or whatever?" Kier asked like it was nothing. That causes Halli to be surprised but also annoyed. Why does dating him seem nothing to Kier? Does the man really not like him even just a bit?

Halli unconsciously glared at Kier because of that. Too bad for him that that caused Kier to glare back at him. "I'm asking you a proper question, why are you glaring at me?"

'Just wait, I'll surely subdue that feisty attitude of yours!' Halli thought in his mind before he stops glaring at Kier and showed a 'friendly smile'

"How about a dinner date?" Halli asked and Kier just raised his shoulder a bit. "Cliche but it's fine. Let's go!"

Wrinkles appeared on Halli's forehead as he watched Kier standing up to exit their room

"What's with that look?" Kier asked with a frown

"You're going on a date with me just like that? You won't even dress up or take a shower?" Is dating Halli really something that doesn't affect Kier? That thought irritated the Crowned Prince a lot

In truth, Kier's heart was looking forward to the date, but he wants to show a nonchalant attitude so that Halli will not realize what he really feels inside

"Argh fine, I'll go take a shower" Kier replied before walking to the shared bathroom of he and Halli

The Crowned Prince clenches his fist. He had an additional goal because of Kier's actions. He will make sure that man will fall in love with him!

This goal is also absolutely not because of what Halli's heart wants him to do. He just wants to subdue Kier's resistance to him, okay?


After some time, the two finished their 'preparation' yet they are showing to each other that this date is not worth a lot of their effort. They are going to have a date yet their tall pride are still clashing with each other

Fortunately, the Academy gives students a lot of freedom. They can exit the Academy whenever they want. However, if they miss any lessons or special events, then it would be their loss

The cultivation facilities inside are also better than even what the Royals have, that is why students rarely go outside

The two boarded a golden carriage that has their guards as the coachman

"Hand" Halli said and Kiet raised his brows at him. "What?" Kier asked in confusion

Instead of answering, Halli just took Kier's hand and intertwined his fingers with him

Halli planned on making a lot of moves today but just this action of his causes all his plans to be drained down the sink. Holding Kier's hand gave him a familiar feeling that made him always want to feel it. It gave his heart a great joy that he did not know he will have just by holding someone's hands

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" Kier asked while stuttering. He cursed himself inside him for acting like this. It was just a simple holding hands, why does he need to act like a shy maiden?

If it was normal times, Halli would surely tease Kier for acting like that but the Prince wasn't in the mood. Even he was affected a lot by this simple act of his

"J-just holding my d-date's hand" Halli simply answered

The atmosphere turned awkward and the two turned their heads on the opposite sides while their hands are still holding each other

Halli will even sneakily rub his thumb on the back of Kier's palm to feel more of its softness. He thought that it was sneaky but Kier can clearly feel it as all of his focus was on their hands

Kier's feistiness was slowly lessening and he had an impulse to rest his head on Halli's shoulder. However, as soon as they arrived at a five-star restaurant, they need to let go of each other's hands and Kier returned back to normal

Halli felt that it was a pity that the travel time is that fast as he wants to continue holding Kier's hand. However, since they are currently on a date, Halli will make sure that he'll take advantage of it to hold Kier's hand again

As soon as the two entered, the smell of flowers immediately assaulted their nostrils. The restaurant has a red carpet and red-colored walls

Every inch of it was screaming richness while the glass chandeliers above were emitting dim light. The sound of the violin can also be heard that made the place even more romantic

"This way sirs" an attendant said respectfully and guided the two to a private room

Just like the other parts of the restaurant, their private room was decorated with a lot of beautiful flowers. The room was also big yet it only has one table and two chairs

"Do you like it?" Halli asked while puffing his chest proudly but Kier won't easily give him that satisfaction. "Hmm, it's okay" Kier replied before walking to the chairs to sit on it

Halli's plan was destroyed because of that. He planned on pulling the chair for Kier so that the man will think that he is a gentleman but he wasn't even given the chance to do that! How hateful!

"What are you still standing there?" Kier asked with an annoying smirk. Kier wants to make up for his 'inappropriate actions' back at the carriage and he will show that he is not affected by anything that Halli will do to him

The Prince gritted his teeth before walking to the remaining available chair while feeling some anger. His current appearance almost made Kier laugh as he looks like a child that didn't get what he wants

"Hmm, this candle smells amazing" Kier suddenly complimented out of nowhere that weirded out Halli. "But what is that smell? I can smell something sour" Kier continued and Hallie glared at him. The Prince is not stupid, how can he not realize that Kier is annoying him again?

"Please don't look at me like that, I will get shy" Kier 'complained' which further irks Halli

"This is a date, why are you acting like this?" Halli asked with an unentertained voice

Kier was taken aback at that and sneakily look at Halli's not so good expression. It seems like Kier's actions were too much. However, to Kier's defense, this was all Halli's fault

Who told Halli to hold his hand and make him feel various emotions? Kier is afraid

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