Magic With You

Chapter 200 - 200

Kence felt as if time itself slowed down as he watched Calter coughing out fresh blood. Why do things suddenly become like this?

Kence was even hugged by Calter last night but now .... No! Kence is unwilling to have this outcome

"C-Calter ... B-Big Brother ... w-wake up" the Kence that vanished along with his past's memories starts to surface again as he watches Calter slowly dying

Calter's blurry vision cleared up a bit with Kence calling him Big Brother. It stirred something inside him and even if he knew that he will die because of his earlier actions, Calter doesn't feel any regret from shielding Kence

It was like dying for Kence is the best way for Calter to die. The only thing that Calter regretted is that he wasn't able to protect Kence. With him dying like this, the chances of Kence surviving is extremely low. Only if a miracle happened would Kence be able to continue living

Calter was unwilling to die but just because he is unwilling does not mean his body will do what he wants. Calter's vision turned extremely blurry again before he lost consciousness

After seeing Calter closing his eyes, the tears that continuously flow out from Kence's eyes stops

Inside Kence's chest, his heart that is currently half-frozen starts beating faster than before and it filled his whole body with additional power

The pained expression in Kence's face was replaced by coldness. His innocent eyes also vanished and became as cold as it can be

Kence slowly raised his hand and touched the root that impaled Calter and icy energy immediately spread from his palms

The root starts freezing at a fast speed before Kence chopped it. The part of the root that was frozen turned into small pieces of ice that fell in the ground

Kence stood up and faced the tree flower with an ice-cold demeanor

Kence didn't say anything but his looks were enough to make a person feel the chills

The youth raises his hand and a meter long ice sword appeared on top of him. With another hand motion, Kence threw the ice sword towards the flower bud

The flower protected itself by using its roots but the ice sword manages to penetrate them easily and it even froze the part that it had physical contact with

The flower looks as if it panics and uses more roots to block. Only when more than ten roots were penetrated did the sword finally can't move any more

Kence's actions and the manner he did it anger the flower and more roots rose from the ground that gathered green energies to their tip

Soon, tens of green laser beams approach Kence. As for the youth, icy energy covered the entirety of his body and he starts moving around

Kence's move was graceful as he dodges the laser beams and it looks as if his whole body is as light as a feather. No laser beams managed to touch him because of the strange but graceful way he moves

However, the ground that the laser beams fell cracked and several holes appeared in it. If a human was touched by those beams, a hole would surely appear in their bodies

After the laser attack ended, it was now Kence's turn to retaliate. Kence shot his body like a fast arrow and a thick layer of ice appeared in his right fist

The flower intercept him by using its roots but Kence just smashed it by punching them causing pieces of ice enclosed splinters to flew around

After that, Kence jumped high in the air while his eyes locked on the flower bud. The ice covering his fist detached themselves and Kence fired the ice gauntlet towards the flower bud

Kence's move still doesn't end there as he spread his arms around and about a hundred feathers of sharp ice appeared around him that also targetted the flower bud before his body slowly fell to the ground

The tree was forced to absorb more mana in the surrounding townsmen's bodies and the roots it has turned thicker than before. Just like the usual, the flower bud managed to defend by using its roots as shields

However, its roots were instantly frozen and broke into smaller pieces when a hundred feathers penetrated them. The feathers weren't able to cut the roots in half but icy energy spread from it that froze the roots

Kence gathered more icy energy into his palm. His expression was as cold as before but one can see that his breathing is slowly turning rugged

If one inspected him, they would even realize that his vitality is continuously declining and cold fogs came out from his mouth and nose

Kence's attack doesn't look much special as it didn't cause mass destruction but .... an attack made from a God's power is special. Strong magic is required if one wants to destroy it

In fact, if Kence directed his attack to the buildings around, a lot of them would surely collapse

After Kence gathered enough icy energy in his palms, he moved again and charged at the flower bud. However, thousands of leaves suddenly appeared and it covered the whole place

Cold fogs came out from Kence's body that freezes the leaves but the more he made a move, the weaker he becomes

Gam is only a Magic Knight but because of a God helping him, his power reaches the level of Grand Knights. It wasn't even the weakest and lowest Grand Knight

It was already surprising that Kence managed to do what he does so far even though he just became a Magic Knight not too long ago. Not to mention, his comprehension level is still a bit lacking compared to normal Magic Knights

After all, if not for the Head Master, Kence still needs some time before he properly becomes a Magic Knight

Kence tried to approach the flower bud but his body ultimately gave out from the burden of wielding this much power

Kence even loses control over the icy energy in his palm and it exploded

The leaves around turned into specks of icy dust because of the explosion while Kence's body was thrown far away and coincidentally lands next to Calter

Kence's right hand is currently missing as the explosion destroyed it. The youth's vision starts to get blurry while looking at the group of roots that were approaching him

Kence was unwilling for things to end like this but what can he do? He is only a low-level Magic Knight but his earlier attacks managed to reach the power that a Grand Knight has. That is a whole realm leaped in power! How can it not put a great burden on his body and soul

Fortunately, before Kence died from the hands of the flower bud, a rip in space suddenly appeared and a little girl came out from it

"Enough" the girl simply said and Kence recognized him as the Escardon Academy's Head Master

Kence hope that Calter can still be saved by her and he loses his consciousness too

"To think that I would miscalculate how much you want to keep your foothold in the Mage side of the universe. Is a low-level God like you really that desperate or you need to continue having some believers?"

The Head Master asked before her feet landed in the ground and the roots around were immediately set on fire

Moments passed without anything happening before the flower bud opened up and an extremely beautiful woman was projected by it

The woman has that otherworldly charms as if it was a lifeform completely different and superior to any human. Its beauty can literally cause a Kingdom to fall and it wasn't an exaggeration at all

"Who are you?" The projection asked with its godly voice that can make any mortals feel the need to submit to her power. This creature can feel something in this little girl and a mere mage from such a low-level place such as Escardon Realm should not have someone like her

"Do you have some enemies? Are they killing your believers?" The Head Master asked with a smile and the projection can feel that the girl knows a lot of information about the Gods

"Human! I am just a small and insignificant part of Goddess Lyra. If you want to continue living in this world, you better shut your mouth" the projection said but the Head Master just shook her head

"I don't have much time to talk to you" the girl said before a small spark of fire appeared in her fingertips and it 'burned' space itself

The fire traveled far from the universe and the distance it reaches was not something a mere mortal can imagine

"W-what are you doing?" The projection asked. For something like that to be possible, even a thousand of Rank 4 Mages is far from enough

Just who is this little girl in front of her?

Soon, the projection knew the extent of this girl's power and his eyes immediately went wide open in shock. "H-how can you do that?"

The headmaster smirks before answering. "Say bye to your God and to all the believer that she has"

After the Head Master said that, the flower bud and the projection vanishes from Escardon Realm

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