Magic With You

Chapter 209 - 209

May 5 Year 20,346

More than a month has passed since the Head Master puts Kence and Calter in that strange place containing memories of comprehending magic

The magical thing about those memories was that they contained years of memories but it didn't take long for the two to watch them

In fact, they felt as if they were the ones comprehending the mysteries of magic and their body was tricked into thinking that they experienced it themselves

Years of memories were experienced by the two in just a span of a bit more than a month and their comprehension level is now at the level of Grand Knights

Calter doesn't really need these bubbles of memories since he already had the comprehension level of a Grand Knight but it still helped him a lot

Calter still learned a lot of things and the knowledge he had expanded. The things he doesn't realize before are now clearer to him

As of now, there are no more bubbles around the two as they already watched, absorbed, and integrated the memories in those bubbles

'Coincidentally', the Head Master reappeared in that strange place after more than a month just in time when the two finished their closed-door cultivation

"Hi!" As usual, the Head Master greeted the two with a smile and they greeted back

"Now that you two reached the comprehension of a Grand Knight, it is time to work with your body's cultivation level. Unfortunately, this time you two needs to separate from each other" the Head Master said and the two turned to look at each other

They felt like that every time they will have time to be with each other, something would happen that will separate them again

However, they still knew that their cultivation should be prioritized. If they gained the strength wherein no one will be able to harm them then they can live the rest of their lives freely without any problem

"T-take care" Kence said with a bit of sadness in his tone and Calter can't stop himself from raising his hand and putting it on top of Kence's head

Kence doesn't like anyone touching his hair but when it was Calter that did it, he can't stop himself from closing his eyes in contentment

Calter even starts to rub Kence's head and that causes the latter to almost moan from the comfort he was currently receiving

"Take care of yourself too" Calter said and the two stayed in that position before they heard a loud squeal

"Kyaaahhh !! How sweet !!" The Head Master shouted with her loud childish voice and the two entered an embarrassed state and they moved away from each other while their cheeks turned red

They didn't know what happened to them. It was not like they had a lot of chance to talk and be with each other as every time that they will be in the same environment, they will fight with each other or fight the enemies coming to them

"Hihi! I know how you two want to be with each other badly but cultivation is still a priority, alright?" The Head Master waved his hand and a portal appeared as usual

"Come with me, Kence" the girl said and Kence was suddenly pulled into the portal with the Head Master following behind him

Kence found himself in the same place that the Head Master had him enter when he was still injured by the icy energy

This time, since Kence is in the good health already, the cold doesn't make him uncomfortable anymore. This place was colder than any place that Kence had been to but he only felt comfort

The colder it is, the more comfortable Kence can feel!

"This would be your cultivation place until you reached the Grand Knight Rank" The Head Master clicked her fingers and four pillars of ice appeared around Kence

The pillars made a barrier and Kence could feel that the surrounding cold energies were drawn to him and it was automatically entering his body

The amount of mana that Kence's body holds continuously increases even though he wasn't doing anything

"Use your Frozen Heart Art" the Head Master said and Kence was about to do it when his body froze as he looks at the girl in shock and fear

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" The Head Master said with a chuckle and Kence can't help but feel that this girl is really powerful. Only he knows about his art but it was actually known by the supreme ruler of Escardon Realm. Her powers are something that no one can really measure

"Focus on freezing the entirety of your heart. If you do that, only then would the real power inside you will be unleashed"

Kence nodded his head at that although he doesn't know what the girl meant

"Alright, see you later!" The Head Master said before making another portal and he arrived at the place where she left Calter and she had him enter another place too

The place was also something beneficial for Calter as the aura of darkness was prominent and there is almost no light in this place

"Here, use this, it has better effects" several medicines appeared in the air and they floated into Calter's direction that became shocked

The medicines have labels in them that states what they can do and Calter was shocked to see that they are all body and soul strengthening medicines

This is something that Calter isn't lacking as he stored a lot of things in his spatial ring that will enable him to become a Grade Knight. However, the medicines given to him has better effects and it would surely make him stronger than if he uses his own medicines

"T-thank you, Head Master" Calter said in shock and the girl just smiled at him

"Just focus on your cultivation, no one will be here until you become a Grand Knight" the girl said and Calter looks at her with suspicion in his eyes but the Head Master already made a portal to go to another part of the world


Just like Kence and Calter, the other two seeds Kier and Halli also finished absorbing the memories from the bubbles

Kier found out that he was immediately being 'attacked' as Halli hugs him from behind. If it was just a simple hug, it wasn't that bad but Halli is currently rubbing his front into Kier's back

Kier can feel a hard thing poking him and if that wasn't enough, Halli's hands were even touching him all over his body while he can feel playful lips leaving wet trails in his neck

"B-bastard! L-let go of m-me!" Kier said angrily and he tried moving away from the man but his body is too weak to make any substantial resistance

"Just admit that you like it when I do this to you" Halli whispered straight to Kier's ears that were forced to close his eyes from the sensation

"I-I don't l-like it! I-I hate it!" Kier roared but he is still not putting much strength in his 'resistance'

"Heh ... still dishonest as usual but it doesn't matter, the more you 'resist' the more I want to conquer you"

Halli's playful hands lifted Kier's robes a bit and he entered the man's undershirt to play with Kier's stomach

Kier's eyes almost rolled at the back of his head because of that and his body is turning hotter the more seconds that passed. Kier can't believe that just a simple touch like this is already clouding his mind

Didn't Kier say that he will never let Halli do what the man wants to his body? It's just that, why is this Crowned Prince so skillful when it comes to perverted stuff?

"D-damn it H-Halli! S-stop" Kier roared again but his knees are already wobbling

"Hmm, do you really mean that?" Halli whispered to Kier's ears again before touching the tent that formed in between Kier's legs

Kier's eyes went wide open because of that and a loud moan escape his lips that cause Halli's eyes to glow

"W-wahh! P-perverts!" A girly and childish voice entered the ears of the two and when they raised their heads, they saw that the Head Master was already looking at them with a red face

Kier immediately pushed Halli's body away from him but shame crawled in every inch of his body

"W-we weren't doing a-anything" Kier bluffed and even he doesn't believe his own words. This was all that perverted Halli's fault! Thinking of this, Kier turned to look at the Prince and he glared at him

"Hihi just kidding! It's fine, you can touch each other but there is still a more important thing!" For the nth time, the Head Master made a portal that sucks the two inside it

When Halli and Kier opened their eyes, they saw that they are on top of a mountain with lightning that is making a thunderous sound

"This environment is perfect to help you become Grand Knights but please! Focus on cultivation and not on perverted acts!" The Head Master shouted before she vanishes again

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