Magic With You

Chapter 232 - 232: After A Year

June 1 Year 20,347

A whole year has passed since the time when the four seeds fought each other. In this whole year, with the Head Master manipulating things, the two sides never encountered each other again

The four's power continues to grow and all of them are now at the peak of Grand Knight thanks to the Head Master helping them

In the span of a year, Calter and Kence's relationship continued to grow in some ways but ..... they still don't have any label. They became so close with each other but they still don't have a label

It can't be helped, Kence is just too shy. He would always push his feelings aside as his little mind can't bear thinking of how his and Calter's relationship will change if he acknowledges his feelings

The two would literally do things that only couples does but Kence still refuses to be in a relationship with Calter

An example of that is how they currently look. Inside one of the rooms in the Tower of the Head Master, the two can be seen sleeping with each other

Kence has his head resting in Calter's arm and chest while the latter was hugging him tightly. It was like Calter would never let anyone take him away

The bodies of the two were literally against each other and their position is something that no friends will do but .... they are still not in a romantic relationship

All of it was because of Kence. Calter tried taking their relationship to the next level but every time he does that, Kence will just run away or even cry. How can Calter let Kence cry because of him? Every time that will happen, Calter would always be defeated

The atmosphere between the two was serene and perfect. It was like nothing in this world can hurt and separate them ever

After a few minutes, Calter slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Kence's adorable sleeping face. That brought smiles to his face and he gave the other man a gentle kiss on the forehead

As much as Calter wants to continue staring at Kence's face, he still has plans for today

While thinking that it was a pity, Calter slowly moves his body and puts Kence's head on a pillow. Calter was about to get out of the bed when he felt a hand grabbing the edge of his clothes

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" Calter asked before rubbing Kence's head gently. That causes Kence to almost purr like a cat

Kence was still sleepy, visible at his eyes that were only half-opened but he still stared at Calter

"Y-you're ... not thinking of ... training by yourself again ... right?" Kence asked with his sleepy voice that Calter always find adorable

Calter's body stiffened at Kence's words and a helpless smile formed on his lips. "I-I'm just g-going to train a bit, I'll be back soon"

Calter's words cause Kence to pout and the latter moved his body. Kence's head is now on Calter's side while his arms were wrapped on the man's body

"Take me with you" Kence softly said and although Calter wants to say no, how can he? Kence is being this sweet again

In the past year, with Calter's 'training', Kence is now already accustomed to skinship. As long as Calter won't point it out, Kence will hug or touch him like this naturally

However, it also becomes Calter's weakness. The softer Kence becomes, the more Calter is forced to give in

"Fine, but only if you promise not to go too far from me, alright?" Calter said with a serious voice and Kence nodded his head by rubbing his face against Calter

"You're always fighting magic beasts without me, you're unfair" Kence complained with his eyes close and Calter helplessly shakes his head at that

"I just don't want you to be in danger" Calter replied before he felt Kence biting his side. "A-aw! Why did you bite me?"

Kence raised his head a bit while opening his eyes before answering. "You always underestimate me! I'm one of the top four in our batch! I am strong too!"

The top four were naturally Kence, Calter, Halli, and Kier. They are the brightest star of their batch and the way they live inside the academy was completely different from how normal students live

"I'm just worried okay! No need to be violent"

Calter didn't know whether to laugh or cry with his little bunny. He knows that his Kence is strong too but can you blame him for being overprotective? Kence just gave off that aura that will make everyone want to take him away from any harm

Besides, Calter will literally lose his mind if Kence was harmed by anyone

"Bleh bleh bleh!" Kence replied in a childish way

The two messes with each other for some time before they readied themselves to go out


After a few hours, the two are now standing outside a canyon where many strong magic beasts live

"Don't forget what you promised, don't go far away from me!" Calter warned and Kence that just rolled his eyes

"Y-you! Stop being a brat!" Calter said through gritted teeth. Kence rolling his eyes is also cute but Calter is being serious! He can't let anyone hurt Kence and Kence should just stay with him so that he can protect him!

Kence's felt insulted at being called a brat and his blue eyes gave Calter a deadly stare. "What did you call me ?!"

Calter gulps at that. He can feel that Kence is like an icy volcano that is ready to erupt any time from now

However, Calter needs to assert his dominance. He can't always let Kence win especially in such a dangerous place as this canyon. Calter is more than willing to listen to Kence but Kence should also listen to him especially when it comes to safety!

"I called you brat because you are acting like one. If you don't want to be called a brat, be good and listen to me" as soon as Calter finished his sentence, he immediately regretted it

How can Calter forget how childish and stubborn Kence can be on him? Yes, only him cause Kence is always kind to other people except for Calter

"Y-you ... I-I ... s-stupid Calter!"

Kence's anger exploded. Calter called him a brat multiple times, right? Then he will show him how much of a brat he can be!

In anger, Kence waved his hand, and flat ice formed above him. Kence jumped to that ice before making another one. He planned on running away from Calter by climbing the canyon in this way!

"W-what! Kence come back here!" Calter shouted as anxiety creeps in his heart. Just why does he have to anger Kence? Nothing good will happen if he does that

Without a choice, Calter made several flat shields that he uses as stairs too to caught up with Kence

The two soon reached a high place but Kence was really angry this time. He refuses to talk to Calter and he just continued running away from him

After a few minutes that the chase of cat and mouse started, five people stood outside the canyon. Two of the five are faces extremely familiar with Kence and Calter

"Are we really doing it?" Halli asked the four people with him. Kier also felt that what they were about to do was too low but the lightning inside his soul was still urging him to continue this plan

"Crowned Prince, Young Master Kier, rest assured. Even if we were to be caught today, I am willing to sacrifice myself. You can just say that the Thunder Gold Kingdom forced you into doing this. The Head Master doesn't care about anything that is happening in the Escardon Realm as long as it outside the Escardon City. This is not the first time that one of the three Great Kingdoms sent people to kill a genius from other Kingdoms. Those two grew so much in power in just a year, we can't let them continue growing. They can be a threat to our Kingdom" a middle-aged man with the two replied

These five are currently planning on killing Kence and Calter. It was an order from the King of the Thunder Gold Kingdom. Those two gained so much fame in the past year and they are now deemed as threats by the Thunder Gold Kingdom

For the Thunder Gold Kingdom, geniuses cannot grow to their fullest potential if that genius is not a member of their Kingdom or worse if that genius is part of an enemy Kingdom

If they were left to grow, those two would surely become thorns and the Thunder Gold Kingdom was forced to sent out people to kill them

Kier pushed back his misgivings about this plan. He still remembered what happened a year ago. If either Kence or Calter gained power far stronger than what he, Halli and their backing has, it would surely spell their doom

Kier doesn't know why he badly wants to kill those two but he is sure that those two felt the same way towards him. It would be better to eliminate threats early!

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