Magic With You

Chapter 54 - 54

Calter held Kence's unconscious body in front of him and started shaking it in despair. However, Kence didn't shown any reaction aside from the blood that was leaking out from both his mouth and bloody chest. The fire arrow already dissipated into red specks of light

Calter's face lose all of its color, his tears fell like a waterfall as despair crawled inside his heart

"NO! KENCE! KENCE WAKE UP!!" The youth shouted in despair while millions, no trillions of knives were stabbing his heart.

The youth started gasping for air as he can't breathe properly at seeing Kence's current state

Gone is the young master Calter Sternix who was oozing with coldness, arrogance, and confidence. It was replaced by a despairing man as if someone pushed him into the abyss of despair

Fear, hatred, pain, regret, and despair flashed on his handsome face at the same time. His body is shaking while blood and sweat drenched his whole body

"No! You won't die!" Calter said to the unconscious man and gently laid Kence on the bed before looking at Nan with that dark expression face of his

"HEALER! CALL THE HEALER NOW!!" Calter said with aggressiveness and desperation while being hysterical

Nan immediately went back to the room through the window he broke before to catch up to the assassin. "Young Master Calter, I already called the healer" Nan said filled with respect and regret

He didn't dare anger the hysterical Calter now. He was also in regret, if only he become more attentive. He just didn't think that someone will actually attack the two in the middle of the night. The attacker also has a bit of craftiness as he uses an arrow spell that can be shot from tens of meters away of distance, Nan doesn't have the ability to sense someone that far

Also, most human's movement speed was slower than a magic attack. Nan was needed to kick open the door to arrive in the scene causing a delay

"MAKE IT FAST!!" Calter roared with his pale face and Nan doesn't have the choice but to contact the healer again and asked him to be faster

"Young Master, should I freeze his injuries first?" Nan thought, thinking that it will somewhat be used as a first aid but Calter just look at him with aggressiveness

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" Calter roared again which took Nan aback before Calter explained with a grim voice

"Kence's body is too fragile and you're a Knight! Your ice power will only harm him. Besides...." Calter trailed at thinking of the attack that landed on Kence's chest

"That arrow is made from fire and I'm sure that there are residues left on Kence's chest. The two types of opposing power will just clash. Do you want to kill him?!"

Nan shut his mouth, who would have thought that a Magic Apprentice will have an insight that's even much better than a Magic Knight?

Calter turned back to look at Kence's body, as his mind become clearer it made him understand things easier. Fire arrow.... fire... even if it didn't pierce Kence's heart it can still damage it

An injured heart...with Kence' current constitution....

The more he thinks, the more Calter was plunged into despair and he became hysterical again. With fire mana piercing Kence, there's almost a hundred percent chance that the residue will harm Kence's heart. Calter is smart, but sometimes being smart is a good thing. It made him understand Kence's current situation and the chance of him dying was almost a hundred percent

Realizing this, Calter's anger soared to the heavens. He gazes outside the broken window and saw the assassin frozen in ice

If he was sober before though, he will notice something on Kence's body. The moon necklace hanging on Kence's neck was still absorbing the light from the moon without anyone noticing it but when Kence's blood soaked the moon necklace, it glowed with a dim moonlight

Without anyone's knowledge, it injected a cold energy with the same color that the moon exuded on Kence's heart. It easily dispelled the residual fire energy and made a transformation on Kence's heart

The transformation was subtle though and from the outside nothing changed at all. But if one looked at the inside of Kence's heart, one will notice that a very small part of it turned into an icy blue color. The blood circulating on his heart remained the color of a normal blood but it was a bit colder than normal

It was just a small change with not much effects aside from dispelling the harmful fire energy on Kence's body. But this small change was the thing that will save Kence's life!

Calter's eyes flashed with a maniacal dark light. His figure moved crazily under the dark night. The extreme pain on his heart needed an outlet to pour out and who is the best candidate for that? Naturally, it was the person that killed his most beloved!

Nan immediately followed suit, Kence was already harmed, how can he let Calter to have the same ending?

Along the way, Calter's dark voice rang on Nan's mind that made him to shudder in fear. The authority and power it has should not came from a normal fifteen year old kid. "Release the ice, bound only his feet and hands!"

"A-ah?" Nan was taken aback from that kind of voice and didn't know how to react but a pair of eyes as dark as darkness itself stared at him causing him to break out in cold sweats

"DO IT!" Calter roared and Nan hurriedly did what he said. As of now, the assassin's body was spread on the ground while his four limbs were bound by ice. He tried to shake his body to destroy the ice binding him but no matter what he does, the ice won't budge at all

The ice was made by a Magic Knight after all. How can a Magic Warrior who cannot even use any spell break free from that? Ice Magic is also famous for its sealing ability!

The longer Calter looked at the fearful assassin the more his hatred grew

"Y-young master f-forg--" the man wasn't even able to finish his words before a fist filled with anger slammed on his face that broke his nose

The assassin cried out in pain but instead of gaining Calter's pity, it only further fueled the insanity creeping in the youth's mind

A sick smile formed around Calter's mouth while hatred that can fill the heavens were visible in his eyes. The first punch wasn't even enough to satiate even a bit of Calter's anger

The young master ignored the stinging pain on his fist. His body was too weak after all and his fist was bruised when he punches that hard

The second, third, fourth so on punch landed on the assassin's face. Calter didn't even used a spell or mana. It was of pure physical punch. Simple, direct, yet extremely savage

Calter's both hands were bruised in the process but it was as if he didn't feel any pain at all. A sick and maniacal laugh came out from the youth's mouth every time a punch landed. Coupled that with his bloody face made him look very terrifying.

The assassin's cry of pain became a drug for Calter that drowned him

More....more.... he needs to hear more of that cry!

Thus, Calter continued abusing the assassin's body while laughing like a psycho. But although he was laughing one can see that his tears never stopped leaking out from his eyes

His ecstatic voice was the exact opposite of his pained eyes

Nan who was on the side can't help but feel fear. He has a lot of blood on his hands from the people he killed before. But he never saw anyone this savage. Calter's only goal was to inflict as much pain as he can to the man

Nan even had the thought that you can offend anyone but not a man so cruel like this. He was thankful that he's on Calter's side and not an enemy like that assassin

When Calter got tired of punching the assassin on the face, the man was already too disfigured. Even his mother will not recognize him on his current state. He doesn't have the looks belonging to a human. His face was just like a lump of flesh

Calter didn't want to stop though as his maniacal eyes landed on Nan's figure again. "KNIFE, SWORD, DAGGER. ANYTHING!"

Nan panicked and immediately searched for such item on his spatial ring before tossing it to Calter. The youth was weak but his actions brought great fear to Nan and he didn't dare get too close

Calter licked the knife on his hand and the savagery on his eyes rose again. The assassin cannot see anything now as his swollen face is covering his vision. But if he can see it, no doubt that the fear and regret on his heart will grow

Calter then went to slice and cut the man everywhere on his body. The pain it brought was even more painful that simply getting punched. Calter make small cuts here and there as if he was afraid that there won't be any place left to cut

Time passed with Calter abusing the man before the healer arrived at the scene. Nan immediately told the healer to heal Kence. Calter's eyes lit up with a bit of hope, but he was simply too intelligent

He knew that it was almost a hundred percent that Kence is already dead. Human's heart is so fragile after all. Even then, he wished that Kence was still alive but he didn't stop his cruel actions on the assassin

Blood covered the ground and the assassin already lose consciousness. His body was becoming paler as time goes by due to the blood loss that is visible on his tattered clothes

Nan has a complicated expression on his face as if he wants to say something but was afraid to. He then gritted his teeth before his reason told him to speak

"Young Master Calter, we can't kill him yet. It's better if we interrogate him to know who is the mastermind" Nan said with an unsure tone

The knife on Calter's hand froze and stayed still on the man's flesh. Nan heaved a sigh of relief and thought that Calter's reason finally came back but the youth's next words made him realize that Calter has another reason for stopping

"You're right. I can't kill him yet. I need to torture him for the rest of his life" Calter said while still having that sick smile of his. His creepy smile was complimented by the blood on his face and the darkness that the night brought. It will give fear to anyone who saw it

Nan thought he already become numb from how Calter act but the youth's innocent tone with cruel meaning still made him to feel even more fear again

"Freeze his wound" Calter said coldly while giving one last bloody cut on the man. Nan didn't dare disobey and quickly froze the assassin's body so that he won't leak more blood and die from too much blood loss

Calter slowly walked back on his and his beloved's room. His eyes were empty and lifeless. After his torturous acts, reality hit him again

Kence is dead.... the chance of him surviving something like that was even lesser than single percent. Once again, he caused Kence's death

He was sure that it was one of his enemies' that became the mastermind. Kence is a kind and gentle person. He didn't do anything that will make other people to resort hiring an assassin to kill him

Calter blamed himself again. Just why things need to always end like this? If Kence died what is his reason for living?

Rank 4 Mage? What does he care about that mage becoming the humans' ruler? He only put effort in cultivation because if that mage descended down, even Kence will come into harm

But if Kence is dead, he doesn't care if the mage descended down on the Enchanted Star Realm and bring cruelty.

Pursuing magic to know of a way to revive someone?

That was Calter's goal ultimate goal on his past life after Kence died but chances of something like that existing in the world is too low. Also, what if he revived Kence? He can't help but think that even if Kence was revived he will just cause his death again

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