Magic With You

Chapter 57 - 57

Calter said goodbye to his parents first before the remaining people inside the room followed the City Lord. Along the way, Calter was carrying Kence's blood soaked body. He doesn't want other people touching his beloved after all

Aside from the City Lord, the others doesn't know the emotional turmoil happening inside Caizha's heart as the woman plastered an indifferent look on her face

Even if Caizha was still not in love with Calter but seeing the man you are interested at carrying someone as if that person was his world, just how would you feel?

Fortunately, Caizha is a sensible woman and didn't shown any sort of negative feelings

They made sure to be quick on their movements and that no one will see them. This caused the old man healer to cursed at them. He was already so old with a weak body, why are these people walking so fast and not caring about him at all?

In no time, they arrived at the luxurious carriage of the City Lord with three Knight Rank Cloud Stepping Horse. Nan went to sit on one of the horses along with the coachman while the remaining people head inside the carriage. On his arm was the frozen unconscious assassin. They didn't even care about his well being at all, as long as he don't die that's enough for them. In fact, all of them felt hatred for this assassin

Luckily, the City Lord's carriage is quite big. It can comfortably fit at least 6 people inside

Along the way, the people inside the carriage didn't even felt any movement as if their ride was not moving at all. This was because of a shock proofing formation engraved in the carriage which Calter was extremely grateful for

Kence is already injured and Calter don't want to further worsen those injuries because of a moving carriage

Arriving at the City Lord's Manor, things are already arranged and was ready for them. Otto also made it so that no servants will see them to disrupt Calter's plans. Except for the old man healer and Nan everyone went down on the land of snow and ice

Calter put the cold resistant robe on Kence so that he can take the cold in the underground

Without any delay, they reached the City Lord's Magic Tower and settled down on their respective places

Calter and Kence's room in consideration was close to the City Lord's own

The pair of master and teacher Otto and Caizha followed Calter on his room and look at him as he gently laid down Kence on the soft bed. He treated the youth as if he was a fragile glass and will break from any mistake

"Nan went to arrange the healer's place and he will go down here to place the assassin on a room to contain him"

Calter nodded at Otto's words before he answered. "Thanks, please also arrange a healer to heal the assassin" saying the word 'assassin' made Calter to grit his teeth in anger. "I will cover all the cost"

The City Lord shake his head. "No need, it was also my negligence that this happened. You still have that one favor, just use it wisely and don't be reckless" Otto said before he and Caizha left. Calter is smart and will naturally understood his meaning

He still has that one favor from their agreement but the words 'Don't be reckless' meant that the City Lord don't want Calter to ask him to exterminate a Marquees Clan, at least not now

Calter threw the matters on the back of his mind and went to remove all of Kence's clothing except for his underwear. At normal times, he would surely stare at Kence's fair body with fire, but his gaze now didn't contain any lust. Only grief was reflected on that dark eyes of his

Calter took a towel and soaked it in water from his spatial ring. It was a basic supply that most people will have for emergencies. He used the towel to gently wipe off the blood on his beloved's body. Seeing that gaping wound, Calter once again cursed himself

Because of his pettiness and wants to be the only one that can see Kence's body, even until now it was still not bandaged

Calter immediately sped up his pace and cleaned Kence's body before bandaging his chest wound and putting on a new pair of comfortable clothes

A sense of weakness overcome Calter's body and he went on the other side of the bed. One might think that after all that happened, he won't be able to sleep. But no one knows how much trauma the incident gave him

His mind was in a turmoil and he was breaking down emotionally, he was even on the brink of insanity. Visible at the way he mutilated the assassin's body without feeling any disgust

What happened was too much for his brain and heart to take causing him to immediately collapse on the bed with an exhausted mind and enter a deep sleep


Calter opened his eyes to see himself standing in a dark and empty space. Darkness should be his friend and he would normally feel comfortable being surrounded by it. However, this darkness made him very uncomfortable and a sense of something bad will happen assaulted his senses

From the dark space, a dim light suddenly appeared surrounding the figure of a certain person. The man was quite short with a smooth white skin while his hair was icy blue in color

Even if Calter was facing the back of this person, how can he not recognize the man he always love? This is Kence! Even just his back was enough for Calter to recognize him

Amidst the uncomfortable feeling on his heart because of the darkness, Calter's mood brighten up while his eyes glowed with joy at seeing this person. However, before he can even say something and walk to Kence. The youth turned his body to look at him

Calter was anticipating a sweet smile from Kence but what he saw terrified him extremely

Blood was leaking out from Kence's mouth while a bloody hole can be seen on his chest. On his originally bright and innocent face, a look of grief and resentment was present

His former red and moist lips was pale from the blood loss and cracks appeared on it

The former sweet mouth opened to say something and the words from it turned into millions of daggers stabbing on Calter's heart without stop

"Big Brother, why kill me again?" Calter's whole body turned paled and his mouth widened in shock while he didn't know what to say

"The heavens already gave you a chance but what have you done?" Cold sweats formed all over Calter as the pain on his heart amplified by every word that come out from Kence

"Do you hate me that much and wants me to be dead not just once but twice?"

Calter can feel his heart ripping into zillions of tiny pieces. "N-No! D-don't say that!" He said in despair while shaking his head violently

"Will I always die when I'm with you?!" The resentment on Kence's eyes grew and his tone become aggressive

Calter knelt on the ground with an ashen face and he can feel that he's losing all of his strength

"What wrong did I do to you to always make other people kill me?!"

Calter put his hand on his chest and grab his clothes on his palm as if he wants to rip it from his body. The pain from his chest become too much and he can't take any more pain


"P-please stop" Tears of blood leak out from Calter's eyes while he aggressively gasp for air as he can't properly breath from the pain

"I'm dead.... I'm dead.... I'm dead" Kence repeated those words filled with resentment that further worsen Calter's current state

Calter's neck almost break because of how hard he was shaking his head while repeating the word 'No' even if he can't breath now and was suffocating

"Good bye..... I hope that I won't be with you if I was given another chance in life"

Calter felt as if the world stopped and he turned his head on Kence's direction to see the youth slowly getting further away from him

"!!" Calter forgot everything in the world and desperately crawled to catch up to the person he love the most but no matter how hard he struggle the distance between them was not closing at all and even becoming farther

Calter hold out his hand desperately, trying to catch Kence on his arm but before the youth's body vanished he turned around. Kence gave him one last look of resentment as if everything was his fault

Calter stopped and cracks appeared all over his body that spread on the dark space before it was completely shattered

The young master jolted out from his bed and sat while gasping for air. He looked at his side and had a relieve look on his face when he saw that Kence was still with him

"A nightmare....just a nightmare...." Calter said to comfort himself before looking around him. His whole body was drenched in sweat, even the area around him was wet. He can't believed that he sweated this much

He looked at the clock and saw the time is 5 am and it was almost morning

Calter laid his back on the bed again while looking up at the room's ceiling. He was currently absent-minded with a lost look on his face

Last night's nightmare was the worst nightmare he ever had. He can still feel a throbbing pain on his heart

Turning his body sideways to look at Kence, the blaming he had on himself just rose

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...." Calter repeated those words before moving his body again, this time to close the distance between him and Kence

"I'm sorry for getting you hurt. I'm sorry for causing your death in our past life. I'm sorry for almost getting you killed in this new life. I'm sorry for bringing you harm. I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything"

Calter choked on his own words as tears of pain flow out from his eyes before he immediately wiped it with his hands as he felt it was too unmanly

"Even with this happening to you, I still can't bear to free you. I want you. I want you to be mine. I want all of you, your heart, body, and soul. I want all of it. I want you to be always with me. I want you to only look at me. I want to shower you with my love. I want your attention. I want us to grow old together. I want us to build a happy family. I want us to be happy"

Calter brushed away the hair that fell on Kence's forehead before giving the youth a kiss on his forehead and his eyes flashed with determination

"I'll be stronger, not for myself but for you. I'll become strong enough to be with you. Strong enough to make sure that no one will hurt you. Strong enough to always keep you safe. I will devote my life in understanding the truths of magic and become the strongest mage. A mage so strong that everyone will fear and won't dare mess with us!"

Calter said with a tone full of determination and ambition. He already have a strong desire to pursue the path of magic but now it burned even more fiercely than before as if it can burn anything to ashes

He decided that being heartbroken because of what already happened is pointless. If he wants to make things better, there is only one way

And that is to become strong! If he's strong enough whether it be the Shan Clan, Khan Clan, the whole Soaring Magic City or even the entire Enchanted Star Realm all of them can he destroyed by only using a single spell!

He was really too ambitious, being able to destroy the whole Enchanted Star Realm in one attack was just his short term goal.. His real goal is to be the strongest being in the whole world. Only when he become such a being will he be able to always ensure Kence's safety

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