Magic With You

Chapter 68 - 68

Kence being Kence, although he was puzzled but he didn't ask any question. He doesn't want to bother any of them because of his ignorance and just kept his mouth shut

"As the Soaring Magic City Lord, I can recommend one mage every year to enter the academy. But although I'm powerful in our City, to the alliance I'm just a small figure. The mages that I will recommend still needs to pass the test" Otto said before sighing weakly

In his City, he is a mighty figure that no one will offend. Even the arrogant and powerful Nobles has to treat him with respect if they don't want to have a hard time

In the whole Enchanted Realm on the other hand, he is just a slightly stronger ant. He might be a Grand Knight mage but there are thousands of people like him in the whole realm!

Also, Rank 3 Mages has different levels of power and Otto knows that there are mages out there that can defeat him in one move!

If he's powerful enough, any mage that he will recommend doesn't need to undergo any test at all. Too bad, his position and power were on the bottom of the ladder among the powerful figures in the world

"Of all the years that I am the City Lord, I never recommended anyone to enter the Enchanted Academy. I know how talented the young mages there. There are a lot of peak level Magic Apprentices with comprehension fitting their levels at the age of fifteen and they achieved that rank through their own effort!"

The City Lord's words were like thunder that struck on Kence's heart. He's only a Level 3 Magic Apprentice now and for him, peak Magic Apprentices are already powerful. Someone that strong is only fifteen years old, that's inconceivable to Kence!

Kence currently has that adorable shock and amaze look on his face. It gave Calter the urge to pinch the youth's cheeks but stopped himself as he still didn't know how to interact with Kence after what happened to him

"However, even if my status is low, I'm still the head of a City. I can give the Tree Hearts to the Enchanted Academy and you three can enter there without taking the test. Are you three interested?" Otto said his point and motive and waited for the three to answer

Caizha ignored her pounding chest for a while and focused on the matters in front of them. She furrowed her eyebrows as she is confused about something

"Tree Hearts.... they are very expensive. Master, can't you just recommend us and we'll take the test?"

Caizha is a bit knowledgeable and know some things. She naturally heard of the Tree Hearts, even she, has one on her spatial ring. It was reserved to be use at the best possible time

Even her master does not have the ability to have too much of it. Otto just used his status as a City Lord to buy one of it from the Enchanted Alliance and the price is really expensive!

Otto sighed again, he didn't want to tell the reason why but his disciple asked it and he can only answer her question

"Caizha, you are talented and I'm proud of you. But the standards of Enchanted Alliance is extremely high...." Otto stopped as he knew Caizha will understand what he meant

He can be blunt on other people but not to Caizha. He can't possibly say something like "Sorry buddy, but you are not talented enough to enter the Enchanted Academy"

Caizha is the well-known number one genius in the entire City but even she didn't reach the standards of the number 1 academy in the realm

A slight changed occurred on the young woman's face before it returned back to normal. As the number 1 genius in the City, Caizha naturally has her pride and knowing that she's not talented enough to enter the academy hurt her a bit

But she also knew her master. If she can pass, Otto will naturally support her in everything. Fortunately, she is not a petty woman. Instead of being discouraged, it just made her to reevaluate herself. She realizes that in the City she's a frog at the bottom of the well

She thought that although there are surely others that are more talented than her but she can still be considered a genius in the whole realm. But it seems like she was wrong, she can't even enter the academy

Her desire to enter the academy was aroused and she is very interested on her master's offer. She wants to enter the academy to raise her strength and become her master's successor to become the new City Lord!

One look on his disciple was enough to know that she is interested and Otto turned to look at Calter. He knows that Kence will only attend in the academy if Calter will attend too

He thought that Calter will accept his offer but the youth gave him yet another shock. "I'm sorry but I decline. I don't want to enter the Enchanted Academy, at least not now" Calter said while shaking his head

It was not only the City Lord that is shocked, even Kence and Caizha were the same!

Knowing Calter, they thought he will want to enter the academy and raise his strength. Who would have thought that he will directly refuse?

"May I know the reason?" Otto asked in confusion

Calter is only a Level 4 Magic Apprentice but the spell casting talent he showed was monstrous! Normal Mages required second or seconds to cast a spell at their level

But Calter is different! Not only was his spell casting faster and can reach split second but he also managed to cast spells above his level from his fight in the Shan Clan

That was too abnormal and Otto really wants to make Calter spill his secret on how he can do that. It defied this world's common sense. The more one knows about magic the more they will find it inconceivable

Otto can accept Calter having a high comprehension talent and won't be too shock if Calter's current comprehension is as strong as Magic Warriors

But aside from comprehension, one also needs to have sufficient mana! Without mana, comprehension is useless

Calter's spells might be weak in front of Otto but the power the youth has was beyond what a Level 4 Magic Apprentice can have. If he's not under an agreement made through the God of Order, Otto will directly force Calter to spill his secrets

But he didn't do so. He saw how smart and cruel Calter is, Otto didn't ask it to him for the fear that it might strain their relationship. Besides, he already saw Calter as a future Grand Knight Mage that will benefit his City and won't make things hard on him

"The background of the students in the academy is not something I can contend to. My current level is also too low now for the academy to put great importance on me. I'm not afraid of danger but I don't plan of getting killed without even reaching my full potential! The powerful has a lot of means to dispatch me if they don't like me"

What a joke! Almost all of the students in the Academy came from a huge power that has several Grand Knights members. A single Grand Knight like Otto is too weak in front of them

Calter has the courage but he decided not to make choices that has too much risk as he doesn't want to endanger Kence's life again. Only when he has enough personal strength or other forms of strength on his arsenal would he make himself known

For now, he decided to just lay low. For Calter, he is currently weak but it will only be a matter of time before his name can shake the whole Enchanted Star Realm

Besides, if he will enter the academy why would he do so by letting Otto pay for it? He planned on entering the number one academy using his own power!

Although he's someone that will use all means to get what he wants but he still has his pride. He knows that entering the academy through talent is only a matter of time to him

Even if he can raise his power easier as a student there, does it mean he can't by being in the outside world?

To become a Grand Knight, he only needs time and resources. He doesn't need those teachers on the academy that much. If Calter nurture his own force then he can still have a lot of resources!

"I see...." Otto said and he was suddenly struck with a realization. He was too stupid to think that it was an easy road for these tree youths to enter the academy

The other students there are naturally arrogant because of their background. Bullying the weak is a common occurrence in the City much less in the number 1 academy where the strong are too common. Even if killing inside the academy is forbidden, but those who are powerful can manipulate things behind the scene

Otto wants to slap himself for thinking too simply. He was in the power for too long and forgot a lot of things. He turned to look at Caizha to stop her from entering the academy

"Caizha, I apologize. I didn't think things through enough. It's extremely dangerous for you to enter the Enchanted Academy"

Caizha has a fair skin and voluptuous body, she will naturally attract a lot of attention from men. They might even force her to do things she doesn't like. A woman possessing such beauty yet has a weak strength and backing. Isn't this a typical background of stories where hopeful young women were taken advantage of?

If Caizha was really forced against her will... a chill run down on his spine and Otto cannot continue that thought. His body shuddered a bit from fear and anger

The City Lord is thanking Calter on his heart now, if not because of Calter making him realize things he might really push Caizha into a dangerous position

However, when Caizha learned that she's not really a genius at all it made her want to enter the academy to improve. She can't let this chance slip by and shake her head. "Master, I want to be a student of the Enchanted Academy. I'm not afraid of danger!"

However, Otto immediately shook his head. He can never let anything bad to happen to Caizha!

"No, just forget it. I won't allow you to!"

Caixha subtlety clenched her fist and looked at the man on her side before showing a stubborn look on her face to Otto. "Master, please let me. I promise I'll be careful!"

Another reason why she wants to enter the academy was to be far away from Calter as possible. She doesn't know why but although the number of times she spoke to Calter can be count on one hand but her feelings for him continued to grow

Heck, even though their interactions were limited but every time she saw Calter her heart will always beat crazily. She both like and dislike this feeling. She is still a woman and almost all women will want to fall in love. However, she knew that this is a one-sided thing and she also doesn't want to do bad things on her junior brother. For her, moving away is the best thing!

"Caizha, no! I was thinking too simply before and didn't analyze things in different angles. I can't let you be in any danger!"

Kence started feeling awkward in witnessing two people almost fighting in front of him. He turned to subtly look at his master as he really misses Calter already

He saw that Calter was just looking at the other two people around with an expressionless face. Kence stared at his master's face and unknowingly to him, it made Calter's face to turn red

He really wants to sit next to Calter and be hugged by him again. He can only stare at his master with sad and longing eyes.

His mind started to drift and he loses his focus. Kence was thinking of the time when he was still always with Calter and his master isn't avoiding him

Kence was staring at Calter for a few minutes without the former realizing it. But Calter is fully aware of it and if Kence's mind didn't wander around, he will see the slight blush spreading on his master's cheeks

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