Magic With You

Chapter 77 - 77

Denma can easily accept it if Calter merely defended from his trick. But the manner he did it was so shocking! He clearly felt the sense of death before

If even Denma was shock, more so for Tem. Fortunately, Calter won. The Hale Clan will give to him the property for free. It might be because of a bet but it will also make Calter feel gratified to Hale Clan

"Luckily, my decision before is right. With this monstrous talent, he will surely become a Rank 3 Mage in the future!"

A Rank 3 Mage, that's a realm that even Tem yearned for before. But it was also a realm that he's unable to reach even after putting all of his efforts

Tem announced the winner and Denma calmed down as he stared at Calter with a serious expression. "How did you do that?" Denma asked but Calter only gave him a mysterious smile before turning his body and walked on Tem's direction

Although this is not the outcome that Calter wants, since it was already done, there's nothing he can do. Might as well accept a free property

It might make him a bit indebted to Hale Clan but Calter originally planned on helping them in the future anyway

"This is the property deed. Normally, it has to be process by the City Lord's men but with your connections, I don't think it was necessary"

Calter calmly took the deed and thanked Tem sincerely

"It's nothing. I'll have someone guide you to your new property" Tem said warmly. Making good connections will make his Clan to survive for a longer time!

If Calter already gained power, it is hard to make connections with him. But now that he's still weak is the best chance for that!

"It is not necessary. My slave knows the day" Calter said while looking at Kel who went on his side after the duel

The man's body visibly trembled from being called a slave but there was nothing he can do. An awkward expression formed on Tem's face. He still needs a lot of time to accept that someone with the same power and position as him turned intoo something like this

"A-Alright" Tem answered

"I'll stop intruding in Marquees' home. I thank the Marquees for his help" Calter said like a Noble bidding farewell

"Don't sweat it. You are welcome to my Clan any time." Tem said while shaking his head. "Let me accompany you"

"No need for the Marquees to trouble himself" Calter declined. Tem is still a Knight with dignity, Calter won't necessarily stomped on people's dignity if they are not his enemy

"Alright" Tem didn't pushed it. He's still a Patriarch after all. He only personally received Calter before as he thought it was either the City Lord or a Knight subordinate of the City Lord

Calter nodded his head and started walking away with Kel tailing behind him. He passed at the still shocked Denma that was in deep thought as if he was thinking how Calter can do such a thing. Calter even purposely met Denma's eyes along the way causing the latter's eyes to tremble

Using spells above his level plus the ability to control it in such a degree. Just what kind of monster is he?

Calter walked until the he reached where his carriage is but a voice entered his ears


Calter stop on his tracks and turned his back. He furrowed his brows as he saw that it was Denma who has a determined expression on his face

"What is it?" That smirk appeared on Calter again. Sure enough, the youth followed him

Calter's current look was like a demon that is on the brink of achieving his goals and he even crossed his arms in front of him

Denma gritted his teeth as he feels that he fell into a trap but it is now or never!

"T-Teach me how you did that and I'll become your subordinate!"

If you are someone with the goal of being as strong as possible, how can you say no to an opportunity like this?

Calter might not have showed much except his skills but it was enough! If with his means, all Magic Apprentices can be that skillful, then how can Denma let this opportunity pass?

"I can't teach it to you" Calter said but finished it on his mind "at least not yet"

Calter can still feel the unimaginable pain he felt before to become a Core Mage. It was a pain that even a former Rank 3 Mage barely survived!

He was the only mage like this and he planned on testing it on the prisoners without much talents before using it on someone talented. Calter needs to know how high the surviving rate is

If only a special person like him can take it then it's a pity but he can't make other people to become a Core Mage

Even with this, Denma still didn't lose hope. He knew that at most he will become a Magic Knight and maybe with some luck, a Grand Knight. But Denma's goal doesn't end there!

"I'll be loyal to you! As long as I become strong, I will never betray you!" Denam vowed with seriousness. To a person that yearned for power, even if they need to have a deal with the devil, so what?

"It's not I don't want to teach you, but I can't" Calter said while shaking his head

Skillful spell control like that was only done by Calter because he's a Rank 3 Mage before. While casting spells higher than his level was only because he has more mana and can bypass ranks

"But I will still give you another opportunity!" Calter took something on his spatial ring and a few sheets of paper appeared on his hand. He coated it with his mana and the papers flew to Denma's direction

Denma was puzzled by what was written in the papers and started reading it. The more Denma read, the more shock he become and there is only one thing that entered his mind

Profound! Too profound!

It was a paper containing magical knowledge. Even though Denma is the number 1 talent in a Marquees Clan, but he still never saw a manual this detailed!

Hale Clan after all is not a Clan that has a lot of Darkness Type Mage. Out of the three Marquees Clans, the Shan Clan has the greatest number of mages like that

The details in the papers were deeper than other manuals. It really explained magic in a deeper level. Although it was just the most basic that is mostly suitable for low level Magic Apprentice but it still greatly benefitted Denma!

Even he that is close to the peak of Magic Apprentice still learned a lot and it fortified his foundation

After he finished reading, Denma looked at Calter that was patiently waiting for him

'Could it be, Calter has this kind of power because he has a manual like this?' Denma asked to himself and the yearning for the continuation of the manual grew on his heart

"I only finished writing Magic Knowledge suitable for low and mid-level Magic Apprentice. If you want the knowledge for mid-level and above, you need to be my true subordinate that will always be 100% loyal to me forever!" Calter tempted

The carrot and the stick were already laid out, it was now up for Denma to decide. Calter combined his knowledge as a Grand Knight along with the things he comprehended on the engravings on his core, how can his manual be simple?

He is a hundred percent sure that if an ambitious person like Denma get a taste of it, he will surely pay any price to get more

'H-He wrote it?' Denma's eyes and mouth went wide open. A mere Level 4 Magic Apprentice wrote something like that? How can that be possible?

Denma just thought that maybe, Calter has a heavenly manual but since he cannot just take it out, he decided to rewrite it

Sure enough, Denma is tempted and immediately agreed

"I agree! I'll always be loyal to you as long as you help me become strong!" Denma said with determination

"I don't want empty words. If you really want me to trust you, make a vow to the God of Order"

Naturally, Denma knows the existence if the God of Order but he didn't know much about the God's power. Mages after all don't want knowledge of the Gods to spread like a common thing

Confusion was written all over Denma's face that Calter noticed and said "Go ask one of your Clan's Knights about it before you decide. After my base is built, I'll invite you for your answer"

Calter turned his back and waved his hand before entering the carriage followed by Kel who watched Denma with a pity. For Kel, it seems like another 'lamb' will fall into Calter's scheme

Denma was left there while in a deep thought

Not far from them, a certain youth was watching all of this with dissatisfaction and anger. No matter how good a certain clan is, there's bound to be some black sheep with them

Such is the case for this youth. He is the son of Patriarch Tem but he's someone who is narrow minded. He is both angry and jealous of them. He is the Patriarch's son, why is it that Denma's position and talent was higher than his?

The position of the Patriarch was something he yearned yet Denma refused to take it! Not only that, but even after Denma refused, him being the Clan's next Patriarch is still not definite

His talent is only mediocre while his intellect is also not that high making the Clan to not want to pass him such a high position

The youth was shaking in anger. Denma is already someone he hates and seeing Calter's fight and him having such a high reputation also made the youth to hate Calter

"Why are the heavens so unfair?! I am the Patriarch's son of a Marquees Clan, why is a mere descendant from a lowly Baron Clan this talented?!" The youth roared on his mind in jealousy

Among the Noble Clans, the lowest are the Barons and the highest are the Marquises. Calter is in a low position yet has that kind of power, while he is in such a high position but low in talent. How can he not hate this?

Not only that, but a lowly Baron descendant gained the City Lord's recognition!

In anger, the youth exited his Clan intending to release his anger in a brothel. Thinking of the voluptuous bodies of the prostitutes there alleviated the youth's anger a bit. He can't wait to have a 'release'

As a Noble of high birth, the youth didn't even arrange for guards to protect him. For him, as a Noble descendant how is it possible for other people to harm him?

But this time, he is wrong! Of course, normal people won't harm him as they will turn into a corpse if they were caught. But what if they weren't caught?

Brothels are in the 'red district' of the City where all sorts of people mixed. Wearing such an expensive attire yet has a weak strength and does not even have a guard with him, isn't this a perfect target?

A middle age man fully clad in a black cloak was watching the youth's every movement while licking his lips. For the man, he saw a 'fat sheep'

Sure, Nobles are powerful. But can they kill you if they didn't know who you are?

To have so much wealth yet act this careless, isn't this courting death? Besides, the red district is not as orderly as other parts of the City

The Hale youth was unware of the danger and continued walking to his favorite brothel. But it wasn't only one man that is watching him!

On the side of the busy road, a fifteen-year-old youth was sitting on the ground. The youth's face has some dirt marks on it but it didn't hide his good-looking appearance at all

He was adorably cute but not in a feminine way. However, the expression on his face changed that cute appearance of his to something more manly and deadly

If one removes his clothing, you will see a lot of scars on his body, a proof of the hard like he experienced. He looked sickly and skinny but his eyes we're burning with the will to live

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