Magic With You

Chapter 79 - 79

September 12 Year 9000

Three days passed and Kence is still in seclusion. This naturally made Calter uneasy. He so wants to hold Kence on his arms and shower him with love but as of now, he can't

Calter is currently standing in front of the door where Kence is. Every second that passed made Calter impatient, his eagerness to see the one he loves rose

The young master was walking back and forth while being very fidgety. God knows how much he wants to tear that door.

"Just why did he isolate himself? This is making me crazy!" Calter said to himself while looking at the door

Calter still has a lot of things he needs to do but he cannot focus on any of it. The more time that he doesn't see Kence, the harder it is for him to stay focus. He was always waiting for someone to tell him that Kence finally left his room

Calter stood there for hours but no matter how long he waited, no one opened the room

"Damn it! I can't take this anymore!" Calter said angrily and decided to be selfish. He doesn't want to be like this but as long as he doesn't see Kence, it's like there is an itch on him that he cannot scratch no matter what he does

Calter twisted the doorknob and to his relief it wasn't lock inside. He slowly opened the door while nervousness filled his body. He's afraid that this action of his will backfire on him. Kence naturally won't be angry for him for the interruption but it will make the former to unconsciously think of himself as really a servant

Calter never thought that there would be a day that he will become this nervous just by opening a door. Sweat literally dropped from his forehead

After the door was finally opened, Calter saw a figure wrapped by a thick blanket on the bed. What puzzled him was that the figure was trembling all over

This made Calter worried and immediately went to the bed to see Kence's current state. He pulled the man's body towards him and a part of the blanket was moved that revealed Kence's current state

Kence almost cannot continue opening his eyes while his face was very pale. The former moist and red lips of his lose their luster and turned pale too. Kence's teeth were also clattering as his whole body felt very cold. The cold was not because of his environment but because of his current sick state

"Kence! What happened to you?!" Calter's worry deepened and he rested the man's head on his lap. His hand then went to touch Kence's forehead and Calter felt as if he was touching a fire

Kence's forehead was too hot and it confirmed that he's currently sick

Kence's mind is currently hazy and felt powerless from being this sick. However, the youth still forced his heavy eyelids to open and looked up to his master's worried face

His vision is currently blurry to see anything clearly but no matter how blurry it is, he will always be able to recognize Calter. Just the warmth emitting from his master is something that is very familiar to Kence

"M-Master...B-Big brother... I-I'm sorry...." Kence forced out those words with difficulty and it turned into thousands of knives that pierced Calter's heart

Calter hold Kence's burning face on his hand. Kence's suffering is also Calter' suffering! In fact, it is more painful to see Kence like this than experiencing it himself

"Don't apologize! You didn't do anything wrong, I'm the one that should be apologizing to you!" Calter said while caressing Kence's face. And it's like his words gave a bit of vitality on Kence's body and the youth smiled warmly

"Y-you're.... n-not... a-angry at me...?" Calter lowered his head and kissed Kence's burning forehead. "Silly, I will never be angry at you. I'll make it up to you, I treated your poorly this time"

Kence's smile deepened at that. This is his master Calter, this is how he was usually treated. Kence felt that it should be the servant taking care of their master but he loves it when Calter is this gentle towards him

"I-I'm....h-happy.... B-Big b-brother is n-not a-angry"

Although, Calter still wants to scold Kence for not seeking help when he has this high of a fever, he didn't. How he can dare scold someone this delicate? Not to mention, it was his fault. At least, everything's fine now

"Wait for me here, I'll get someone to treat you" Calter was about to lay Kence's head on a pillow but the latter weakly stopped him

"D-don't go.... I-I'm a-afraid of w-waking up f-from this dream. I-I know m-my r-real m-master is a-angry" Kence said while biting his lips

'Even if this is just a dream how can you act this intimate to someone that isn't the real me?!' Calter thought to himself and his possessiveness kicked in again. He knew that it was really too petty to be jealous of a dream version of himself but what can he do? He really loves Kence too much that he wants his every bit of love and affection

"This is not a dream, I'm really not angry at you" Calter said helplessly. This little bunny of his is really too silly. How can he think of this as a dream?

Even though Calter already assured him, but Kence still forced himself to shake his head. "E-even if t-this is n-not a dream. I-I still d-don't want y-you t-to go"

Calter shake his head bitterly. He's extremely worried for Kence's current state but his bunny was acting too cute today! Does he know that his words made millions of butterflies to fly inside Calter's stomach?

How can a whipped person like Calter not be happy when Kence said that he wants to be with him? He's still worried but Calter judged that with Kence being this sick, it won't be long before he fell asleep and decided to comply

He laid Kence's head on the pillow as it was softer than his lap. Calter then laid on Kence's side while stroking the latter's face. But the bunny is really acting so cute today!

Kence moved his body sideways making it so that the two were facing each other. Not just that, Kence also move closer to Calter and stared at his master's face. It's as if he's worried that if he let Calter out of his sight, this illusion will vanish

Calter is confident on his looks but it still made him conscious that Kence is staring at him like this. Thus, Calter moved his head so that he is facing the ceiling. The youth was still breathing hard and his warm breath was hitting Calter's face. As a 'virgin' man like Calter, how can he not be aroused by it? Kence's breath smells good too!

Calter even wants to hit himself as he started thinking that a sick Kence is extremely cute! Just look at how Kence is acting, it's like he relied a lot on Calter and the young master love that!

But the young master on the other hand, cannot look at Kence if they are this close. As a man, he naturally wants to make love with Kence but he knew to himself that he still got a long way before that will happen! It seems like Calter will be virgin for a really really long time

Kence smiled at being this close to Calter. Although he still thinks that it was a dream but it was already a long time that he wasn't able to be this close to Calter. He planned on enjoying himself for some more

Kence raised his weak hand and weakly poked Calter on his cheeks. Before, he looks as if he was drained of all energy but his master is like a charging station for him that gave him some energy

Calter just let Kence do what he wants, for others it might be irritating for someone to continuously poke your face. However, Calter is different, he's enjoying it a lot visible at how his lips were slowly raising to form a smile

"B-Big Brother.... you're so h-handsome.... I'm really e-envious of B-big b-brother" Hearing that, a full smile finally bloomed on Calter.

He can't stop himself from moving his head to pinch Kence's face but Calter forgot that he's really too close to Kence now. This movement of his caused their faces to only be about two to three inches apart

Calter gulped a mouthful of saliva. Although Kence's lips were not at their peak condition but it still made Calter to salivate on it. He so badly wants to press his own lips on Kence's lips

The young master cannot take this kind of stimulus and moved his gaze from Kence's lips causing the eyes of the two to meet. Calter panicked inwardly but still showed a brave and manly front

He already loses a lot of face before when he cried in front of Kence, he cannot have a repetition of that. However, having an eye to eye contact with Kence while being this close still made Calter shy. Red blush spread on his cheeks but he acted as if everything is normal

But Kence continued staring at his eyes as if the youth was drawn on it. In fact, Kence is really drawn to it. How deep and dark Calter's eyes always amazed Kence

Moments passed and Kence still didn't averted his gaze. Normally, the youth should be feeling shy now but maybe the thought of all this being a dream gave him a lot of courage

It was Calter that cannot take any more of it and averted his gaze. "W-why are you staring at me like that!" Calter's voice turned unnatural and has a higher pitch than normal

"B-Big Brother i-is just too h-handsome" Kence complimenting him like this made Calter very shy. He just continued facing Kence even though his eyes were looking elsewhere

However, the little bunny really has a lot of courage today! He even holds Calter's face on his hand forcing Calter to look straightly at him

"I-I can't see B-Big b-brother's e-eyes properly" Kence complained and pouted a bit. But due to their close proximity his lips almost met Calter's

The distance was almost only around a centimeter away now! Something snapped inside Calter. He has a lot of self-control but this is just too much!

"If you're going to act like this, don't blame me for my next actions"

Calter hold back for a long time before but now he can't! He cupped Kence's face on his hand. His burning eyes were looking straightly at Kence's

This time, it was Kence's turn to be flustered. He never saw his master's eyes like this before and bit his lower lip from an unknown emotion inside him

"Don't, only I, can bite it" Calter said with a husky tone. And he literally bit Kence's lips

Kence's mind cleared for a moment and his eyes went wide open before a moan unconsciously escaped from him. His moan literally made Calter crazy and the man stopped biting Kence's lips to formally give him a kiss!

Kence's already wide eyes turned even wider from the sudden turn of events. Their kiss felt magical and wonderful. Although Calter initiated it but even he, was stunned. It was just their lips touching but it felt so good!

'So, kiss feels this good' Calter thought to himself and this time he really didn't hold back as he moved his lips to kiss Kence even more passionately

The sensation from the kiss overwhelmed Kence's senses and he was forced to close his eyes

A lip to lips kiss for Kence is something that should only be done by two people who love each other romantically. He wants to stop this but the kiss made his mind cloudy especially when Calter becomes aggressive

His master went on top of him without breaking the kiss and cornered him with his manly arms. Calter is literally on cloud nine now. The physical contact of their lips sent electric shocks on both of their bodies

Calter doesn't know if it was because Kence has a fever but the latter's lips felt warm. It's a kind of warm that he loves. It made him wonder why he loved everything about Kence

Calter continued kissing Kence passionately and only pulled away when both of them were out of breath. He stared at Kence that was gasping for air while slowly opening his eyes.

As of now, Calter is only thinking of a single thing

"How can a kiss feel this damn wonderful?"

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