Magic With You

Chapter 91 - 91

Kence seeing the image depicted by the fireworks blinked his eyes for a few times as he thought that his eyes were playing a trick with him

After he blink a few times and the image still didn't changed, Kence then rub his eyes using his hand but the image was still the same

It was him and his master kissing on the lips. Heat spread all over Kence's face and made his skin to turn red.

The question on Kence's mind now is 'why?'

For him, a kiss on the lips is only done by people who are in a romantic relationship. Why did this image showed him and his master kissing?

Kence felt a gaze directed at him and he slowly turned his body sideways to see Calter looking at him. Kence's already red face turned even redder from this and one of his hand went on the edge of Calter's clothes and lightly tugged it

"B-Big Brother.... w-why are we k-kissing.... a-aren't those things o-only done by t-two people who l-love each other." As Kence's EQ is extremely low and add to the fact that he is too innocent, he didn't get what that kiss meant. Aside from being shy and puzzled, there aren't any other things running on his head

"W-why, you don't love me?" Calter's normally intelligent mind started malfunctioning. He doesn't even know if he wants to confess his love for Kence now or continue to slowly make the youth love him. The gears on his brains aren't working properly now

Hearing Calter's words, Kence went into a panic, "T-that's n-not it! I-I l-love Big Brother!" For Kence, his master is his world and the one he loves the most!

"I-it's just t-that... I-I was shock a-and....."

Calter gulped and waited for Kence's next words but the youth moved his head on the side as if he can't say what his next words are

"A-and?" Calter become impatient and urge Kence to continue his words

"Um...ah... i-it felt weird when I-I saw it. My face h-heated up and I-I don't know what to feel...." at this time, Kence can't even look at Calter for an unknown reason

Calter stared at the fidgeting Kence. The innocence of Kence just make Calter to want to tease and 'corrupt' the youth

Humans would want to preserve something innocent and pure. But most of them will want to slowly watch it turn 'corrupted' as that will give them enjoyment

Of course, Calter's 'corruption' isn't what most people will think of. He likes the innocence of Kence that wasn't tainted by the world but..... he also wants to 'corrupt' Kence in another way

"Do you want to kiss me?" Calter asked seriously and Kence subconsciously turned to looked at him with a bit of panic on his face

"H-huh?" Kence was stupefied and he doesn't know what to answer on that question

"Do you want to kiss me?" Calter repeated but just like before, Kence still doesn't know the answer to that

Calter took a step forward to Kence and the latter subconsciously took a step back

"You said that only people who love each other will kiss like that. I love you, do you want to kiss me?"

Calter knew that this is wrong and he shouldn't be acting like this. But its been months since he first and last kissed Kence. He might not show it but its making him go nuts!

Of course, he wouldn't force Kence to kiss him....only tempt him. He gave himself an excuse of 'he loves Kence and he wants the youth to feel good...and kiss feels good right? So, why not kiss Kence?'

Calter pulled Kence's wrist towards him making their bodies to lightly bump on each other. Calter didn't know where he got the courage but he put his hand on Kence's chin and raised the latter's head

"If you don't know how to answer, close your eyes and I'll kiss you. Continue opening your eyes and I won't. It is up to you" Calter even tried making his voice seductive which was very effective to Kence

With this situation, Calter is like a incubus seducing an innocent human

Even with Calter taking the lead, Kence still doesn't know how to answer. He can smell the faint scent and feel the warmth from Calter's body and those things assaulted his sense causing his mind to not work properly

As Kence raised his head, he can see those two black orbs. Just like the usual, Kence's whole being was drawn to it. All of his attention were on those two eyes darker than the night itself

With the combination of those things, Kence's body moved on its own as if it was telling him what to do

Kence raised his milky white hand and it went to Calter's face and started caressing it gently. Calter was surprise by this and his eyes trembled a bit

The courage that Calter got from nowhere vanished and he become flustered. The young master's heart was beating rapidly that synced with Kence's own heartbeat

Those hearts made a music that only the two can hear. Kence tiptoed and his lips slowly met Calter's

Kence closed his eyes while Calter was left there with wide opened eyes. Calter was taken aback by this. At first, he was the one leading things but Kence disrupted his rhythm and took the initiative

Nonetheless, since this is a kiss with Kence, would Calter reject it? Calter also closed his eyes and hold Kence's face on his hand

The two slowly moved their lips in sync. As Calter wants to regain his dominance, he did his best to drown Kence with his kiss

Kence wasn't able to stop himself and made a muffled moan. His body lose its strength and felt weak. Calter sensed this and wrapped his hand on Kence's back to support the youth

However, for Kence, Calter's hand is like a burning ball of fire and the former let out another muffled moan

Calter wants to hear those moans again and started kissing Kence more aggressively

Kence's body was set on fire from the unknown emotions spreading on every inch of his body. He was only able to continue standing now because his master is supporting him

After some time, Calter sensed that Kence is getting out of breath and reluctantly moved away from their passionate kiss

Kence started gasping for air with a flustered face. His eyes also turned a bit watery as he was overwhelmed by how the kiss made him feel L

His current appearance aroused Calter's desire to dominate him to see more of that expressions

Calter hold Kence's face so that the latter will look at his eyes. Kence's eyes started moving erratically at that as he didn't know where to look at

"Does it feels good? Can we do it again?" Calter asked. He might want to do all sorts of things with Kence but the most important thing is consent! Without a consent, he would never do things like this to Kence no matter how much he wants it. That showed how much he respected the one he love

Calter's questions echoed in Kence's head

Does it feels good? Kence doesn't know the answer. This kind of things are extremely new to him but somehow.... he felt as if he experienced this kind of thing before. But that should be impossible, Kence can't remember ever kissing anyone on the lips before

Kence doesn't know if it feels good but all he knows is that it doesn't feel bad and.... he wants to do it again

Kence answered by initiating another kiss with Calter again. This made Calter to groan a bit before taking the lead away from Kence

Kence's body turned weak again but Calter is always there to support him. This time, Calter wants to go further!

Calter started teasing Kence's lips with his tongue, the latter gasped in shock causing him to open his mouth. Calter didn't want to waste this chance and invaded the insides of Kence's mouth using his tongue

Kence's closed eyes went wide open with shock. They might have kissed before but this is the first time that Calter used his tongue!

The new type of kissing further overwhelmed Kence. The mixture of all sorts of sensation he is feeling was too much for him to take and he accidentally bit Calter's tongue

Calter immediately stopped kissing Kence to retrieved his now swollen tongue. Kence was shock on what he did and panicked again

"B-Big brother, are you okay? I-I'm sorry! I didn't did it on purpose! Its just that I-I was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do" Kence said with teary eyes

The thought of him hurting Calter made him to feel pain too. Calter suppressed the pain on his tongue and immediately pulled Kence on a hug

"It's alright, don't sweat it. Your Big Brother is fine" Calter comforted Kence

Kence is not the one to blame here, he got carried away and used his tongue although he knew that Kence is still very new to something like that. He might have adapted on it fast, but that doesn't mean Kence will be the same

"I'm really sorry, Big Brother. Does it still hurts?" Kence said while raising his head with an apologetic and concern expression on his face

"Your Big Brother is strong, something like this won't hurt me" Calter reassured although it was really painful. But of course, he experienced pain more painful than this one and it won't affect him that much

"Really?" Kence's mood finally started turning back to normal and he look at Calter with adoration

Kence accidently bit his own tongue before and it was extremely painful. To see Calter not being affected at it really amazed him

"Yes" Calter answered and started patting Kence on the head

"I won't use tongue next time until you become ready, It doesn't hurt me much but I still don't want to get my tongue bitten" Calter both joked and tease Kence

"N-next time?" Kence muttered and bit his lower lip. "You don't want me to kiss you again? You don't like it?" Calter asked in a neutral tone although he was extremely anxious for Kence's answer

"N-no! It's not like that" Kence immediately answered

Kence finally realized that the kiss actually feels good it's just that..... he is shy and he was really overwhelmed. He wants to experience it once more but he doesn't know if he can take it again

"I-I like the kiss.... i-it felt good..... just don't do it suddenly.... I might become shock and hurt you again" Kence said shyly

His EQ level is really low. Kence doesn't know how Calter would feel if he suddenly admitted things like that easily

Calter's face turned red and he swear that Kence will be the death of him! How can Kence admit things like that easily? Such a tease!

"Alright, then does that mean I can always kiss you on the lips as long as I ask for it?" Calter asked hopefully as he wants to clear things up first

Kence shyly nodded as an answer. But Calter knew that Kence is still innocent on the matters regarding kiss on the lips and he don't want Kence to accidentally kiss someone he got close to in the future because they 'love' each other

Knowing Kence, Calter is sure that the former will start to think that a kiss on the lips can be done by everyone as long as they love each other even though it is not in a romantic way. Calter must make sure that Kence will only kiss him

"Promise me that you won't kiss anyone other than me!" Calter said seriously. Sure enough, it made Kence puzzled. If kiss can be done as long as you 'love' each other, why can't he kiss other people?

However, the seriousness on Calter's face and tone made Kence to nod his head before he saw a small light flying around. Kence's eyes curiously looked and followed that light and only now did he had the time to see where they are

As soon as his blindfold was removed, the first thing he saw and watched were the fireworks. Then after the fireworks were the two kissing sessions with his maste

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