Magic With You

Chapter 96 - 96

Kence, for the first time on his life spent tens of thousands of magic crystals. The usually stingy youth didn't care about the cost anymore and went into a shopping spree

He is stingy on himself but how can he be stingy to Calter? Kence bought fabrics with average quality for his practice but he also bought a lot of the finest ones

If he succeeded in learning how to make clothes, he wants to always make clothes for his master

However, after buying so much, Kence had a problem. Even his spatial ring cannot store this much and the youth didn't know what to do

Fortunately, Otto is there to rescue him. The old man showed a badge the same as the one he gave to Calter before and asked the shop's staffs to deliver most of it to his Manor. Kence only put a day's worth of practice to his spatial ring

"Let's go?" The priest asked gently and Kence excitedly nodded his head. Their journey this time to exit the mall is quite peaceful as the others didn't dare to approach them due to the strong looking paladins that acted as their guards

Their group then went to the priest's house, it was close to the church. When Kence and Otto entered it, they were shock at how minimalistic it was

All priests are rich because even just healing a single person a day will already net them thousands or even tens of thousands of magic crystals

But this priest's home is quite simple. In fact, the only extravagant part of his house was the area for sewing clothes. There are rows of cabinets filled with all sorts of fabrics and Kence curiously looked at them

"Grandpa Ginta, where is your sewing machine?" Kence asked after not seeing it

"My apologies, I don't have one. I make clothes manually. For me, the effort I will exert in the process will make the clothes more precious than when I use machines" The priest said while opening a box of needle and threads

Kence's face brightened at that. "Grandpa is right! My gift would be more precious if I made it manually!"

Ginta then started teaching Kence how to sew. As Otto wants to have a bonding with Kence, he also joined them and the three sew in harmony

It was quite an unusual sight. Although Churches and Mages doesn't have any deep grudges with each other, but they don't usually get along like this

Mages don't like it that priests depended everything on their Gods. While the priests don't like the atheist mages

The sun already set when the three decided to call it a day and the pair of student and teacher needs to return back now

"Thank you for help Grandpa!" Kence said with gratitude that is from the bottom of his heart

"It's nothing. Come again tomorrow so I can continue teaching you" Ginta said which brought a smile to Kence's face

"Really? Yehey! Thank you, Grandpa!" Kence said happily and gave the old man a hug. Ginta was taken aback and wants to pat Kence's head but remembered that the youth doesn't like it and can only pat Kence on the shoulder

"See you again tomorrow!"

Kence nodded his head and waved good bye to the priest


Kence and Otto wasn't even able to enter the Magic Tower before they saw Calter standing outside while walking back and forth

Lines formed on Otto's forehead as it wasn't even a whole day that he and Kence were away yet this Calter is already acting like this. But what made Otto most helpless is Kence's actions

As soon as Kence saw his master, he immediately run to where the man is "Big Brother!" Kence shouted, even he, doesn't know why he miss Calter a lot like this

Seeing Kence happily running towards him, Calter opened his arms and enveloped Kence with a hug while stroking the youth's hair

"Why did you come home late? Where have you been?" Calter asked before he sensed that Kence's body stiffened

Calter put his hands on Kence's shoulder and looked straight to the latter's eyes. Calter can see Kence averting his gaze and he can also hear how Kence gulped

"What's wrong?" Calter asked suspiciously

"" Kence didn't want to lie but he also didn't want to spoil his surprise. He can't do something like what Calter did on his birthday, that's why he wants to give a simple yet precious present

Kence didn't know what to do or say and Calter grew even more suspicious

Thankfully for Kence, his teacher saved the day again. "It's a secret between me and Kence, right?" Otto said and winked at his disciple

As if he saw the light of salvation, Kence's eyes lit up and furiously nodded his head. "Y-yes! It's a secret!"

"What?" Calter can't believe this and it forced his curiosity to grow

"Alright, I have something to do and will take my leave now. Kence, don't divulge our secret to anyone!" After Otto said this, he immediately excused his self away

Calter stared intently at Kence but the youth avoided him. "L-let's go inside, Big Brother!" Kence said and almost run

However, the more he acts like this, the more Calter become curious. The young master grabbed Kence's wrist causing the latter to stop on his tracks

Kence's body stiffened and slowly turned his head to look at his master. "Come on, Kence, what is it?" At this time, Calter is already sulking a bit. He wants to know everything about Kence

The gears on Kence's mind worked furiously, searching for a way to get away from this and keep his surprise as a secret. Few moments later, it was as if a light bulb was lit up on Kence's mind and he walked closer to Calter

Calter had a bad yet anticipating feeling about this. Sure enough, Kence tip toed to reach him and the youth kissed him on the lips

Although Calter knows that Kence might be doing this to shut him up, but how can he refuse something this wonderful? Without a choice, he savored the kiss as he enjoyed it a lot

However, Kence felt that it wasn't enough. Just like what Calter did before, Kence teased his master's lips forcing Calter to open it

For the nth time, Kence took the lead and played with his master's tongue using his. Their kiss overwhelmed all of Calter's senses and it was the only thing that matters now. Everything was set aside by him

Not wanting to lose, Calter wrapped his arms on Kence's waist and pulled the youth closer to him. Kence let out a moan that further ignited the fire inside Calter

The young master tried to see if he can use this chance and his hand went down to Kence's small butt. Perhaps, the only thing that you can criticize about Kence is that his butt isn't that big

Feeling a hand on his butt, Kence opened his eyes and gasp. He pulled away from Calter while his face turned extremely red

"B-Big Brother... y-you pervert!" Kence shouted with a red face. Calter didn't thought that Kence will react like this and was taken aback

"I-I won't sleep in our room tonight!" Kence shouted and run away leaving the shocked Calter behind

"Damn it! He's actually that sensitive in that area?" Calter asked with a disbelieving expression before looking at his hands. Although Kence's bottom is not that big but it was very soft! Calter can still feel its softness on his palm. Add that to the fact that Kence is sensitive on that area.... Calter can only dream about 'playing' with it while watching Kence's reaction

But then Kence's words finally registered inside Calter's mind and he almost cried tears of blood. How was he supposed to sleep without cuddling with Kence?

Kence on the other hand, entered one of the vacant rooms and locked the door inside. He rested his back on the door as his body slide down

He can remember one of his conversations with Emily that happened after his birthday

"Kence, listen to me, my son is nice to you but he is also quite perverted. If he touches or grab your butt, stop him immediately. It means he's having naughty thoughts about you, got it?" When Kence heard Emily say that, he can't believe it

For Kence, his master is "pure" and "kind" and Calter is not that sort of guy. He didn't know that Emily said it to get back at Calter

Although Emily and Narry had times that they saw Kence dominating their son but it was still hard to believe that Calter is the bottom!

Plus, Kence is so innocent that he might not even know how to do it. Also, if Kence is really the top, it wasn't definite that Calter won't try becoming the top too

With Emily's evil plan, he 'brainwashed' Kence to stop Calter immediately if the young master touches his butt. Emily also said that he should sleep in a separate room if that happens

Thus, the reason why Kence reacted like that. If Emily were to learn this, she would really praise her brilliant mind

"Big Brother is a p-pervert...?" Kence muttered unbelievingly, he thought that Emily didn't said the truth but now, Calter really touched his butt

Kence's red face wasn't able to return to normal at that thought. "T-then Big Brother w-wants to do t-that kind of thing w-with m-me?" Kence said to himself and he put his palms on his face in embarrassment

"I thought d-dirty stuffs are only for people who love each other. But I heard other people do it to someone they don't love" Somehow, the thought of Calter doing it to other people made Kence angry even though he didn't know why

"B-But although Mother said I'm part of the family now, I-I'm still master's servant. I-If he wants to do it with me.... I-I should obey..." Kence mumbled to no one while his already red face turned even redder

"Waahh!! This is so embarrassing!" Kence charged at the bed inside the room and sink his face on the soft pillow and tossed around

When the youth got tired, he spread his body on the bed and stared at the ceiling "Hmph, Big Brother is a pervert!"

Kence grabbed the pillow on his side and threw it in the air. "I can't believe Big Brother is a pervert!" Kence said with anger that he didn't know where it came from

Calter who was left alone suddenly sneezed while Kence is thinking of him

"B-But i-if Big Brother wants to do it with me....h-how?" Kence started thinking of how things between men works

"The umm... m-man's private part w-will enter the woman's p-private part a-and a baby will born right?"

"B-But Big Brother and I a-are both men... how does it works?"

Kence was really too innocent and tried to figure out how it will be done but no matter how hard he tried, he cannot think of an answer

"Waahhh!! I can't continue, this is embarrassing!!" Kence can't take thinking anymore and planted his red face on a pillow while his feet continuously kicked the bed

He literally looks like a kid throwing a tantrum. Kence then raised his head and decided to blame it all on his master

"Hmph! This is all Big Brother's fault! I can't believe he's such a pervert like that!"

"Pervert Big Brother! Pervert Big Brother! Pervert Big Brother!" Thus, the unlucky Calter didn't know that his Kence was actually cursing him and it was all because of his own mother

After a while, Kence finally calmed down and decided to continue practicing his sewing skills

He took the fabric and his sewing kit from his spatial ring and laid it all on the bed. All the fabrics are black colored though as Kence knew that his master likes the color black

Using the needle, Kence angrily sew as he continued labelling Calter as a pervert inside his mind

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