Magic With You

Chapter 95 - 95

January 16 Year 9001

Kence can be seen reading magical theories seriously. The innocence on his eyes were replaced by seriousness as he ignored all other things in the world

Kence started pondering on a certain topic about magic and when he thinks it'll take him longer time to understand it on his own, he turned to look at the City Lord

"Teacher, can you explain to me this part?" Kence asked and Otto read the part where the youth pointed. The old man was once again shocked at Kence's magical comprehension is far above his level again

The City Lord started explaining it in a way that is easy to understand. Kence nodded his head from time to time as it became easier for him to understand things

Kence got back to his own world and started comprehending things on his own again

"Hm, do you need your teacher in anything else? If not, I'll leave you here for now. You can ask me questions again later" Otto asked gently and Kence looked at him with a pondering look

Kence is like an open book that Otto can read and the latter knew that the youth wants to say something

"What is it? Don't be shy to your teacher" Otto was always helpless at this disciple of his. Kence is too shy to ask something from him. Aside from entering 'seclusion' Kence never asked him for anything again

"T-Teacher, it's Big Brother's birthday next month. I-I was thinking i-if Teacher can help me buy a present" Kence explained and his face reddened from 'asking too much' to Otto

Otto has an understanding look on his face. He heard how 'extravagant' Calter's surprise to Kence is. Kence would surely want to return the favor

"Do you need money? I'll give you some" Otto offered as he thought Kence does not have any money to buy a present for Calter

However, Kence shake his head. "Mother and Father gave me money before.... it's just that....." Kence trailed and Otto waited for him to continue what he is saying

".... Big Brother never let me leave his sight except when I'm studying with teacher. I-I want to surprise him but h-he'll surely ask me where I will go and I-I don't want to lie"

Otto almost face palmed his face because of this. Once again, his disciple asked him for a favor because of Calter. This made Otto to feel a bit bitter and also helpless at Calter

The young master is always too protective of Kence, every thing the youth does will be reported to Calter. Of course, Kence doesn't mind it as for him, Calter is just worried about him

However, on things like this, he doesn't know what to do to hide his surprise for his master

"Alright, I'll accompany you today. With this, Calter won't know it" Otto said and retrieved his mask from his spatial ring

"E-eh? T-teacher that's too much of a trouble for you!" Kence said with a bit of panic as he didn't want to trouble anyone

"It's not a trouble. Besides, it can be our bonding"

With this, Kence doesn't have any choice but to agree

Otto arranged for people to prepare a carriage for them and also wore his mask. It would cause too much of a ruckus if anyone recognized him


The two went to a building with lots of stores inside. It was the biggest mall in the City and various things are sold inside it

Kence's look at the different stores with amazement on his eyes. All sorts of people mixed in this mall. There are Nobles, rich families and even commoners

As the mall has various stores for people with different social status, it wasn't surprising that all sorts of people gathered here

"Do you have any idea on what gift you want to give to Calter?" Otto asked as he started thinking that bringing Kence in a public place like this is a big mistake

Otto and the others might already be used to it and the old man only noticed this now but Kence become even more beautiful than before!

Thinking at Kence's appearance when he first saw the youth, Otto realized that the youth has a lot of improvement. The Kence from before is already adorably cute

However, now, all of his charming points rose another level. His milky white skin looks more moist than before, the icy blue color of his eyes become more vibrant. Kence already red lips turned even redder that even beautiful women will get jealous at how perfect it was

One of Kence's most noticeable feature too is his hair. It wasn't that long but everyone can only imagine how soft it was. It will make even the highest grade silk to blush in shame. Overall, Kence has a perfect face without any flaws

Add that to the innocent aura he was giving off, it will make many men to have the desire to own and corrupt him

Otto frowned at both the men and women who are looking at Kence with lust and desire. Kence was oblivious to it though and continued surveying his surroundings

If Kence was left on his own in this world, a lot of people will surely make a move on him

Kence stopped in a certain stall and looked at the keychain that a man is selling and picked up a random keychain. The seller was taken aback at the beauty in front of his goods and his face turned red

The seller cannot believe that someone as perfect as this will grace its presence to him. The seller become more shock though when people started coming to his stall and the traffic turned heavy

With Kence just standing in front of him, the seller was able to sell a lot of his goods. There are others that only want to gaze at Kence's beauty in a closer position but others also has bad thoughts inside their heads

One man that looks like a Noble descendant pushed the people surrounding Kence. "Beauty, do you want anything here? If you want, I'll buy all of it for you!" The man said boisterously and Kence had an awkward expression on his face

He was just looking at a certain keychain with a black circle while thinking that his master's eyes are darker than it. The next thing he knew was that there are already a lot of people around him which made him uncomfortable

"N-no, i-it wasn't necessary" Kence declined while smiling at the man a bit. However, his smile just made the man to become more mesmerized by his appearance

"No need to be shy, a person as cute as you should have all the beautiful things in this world" the man flirted that made Kence uncomfortable

Fortunately, Otto is there to rescue him. A layer of ice appeared below the old man in disguised and even the surrounding temperature significantly lower

The coldness forced the people to move away from Kence while looking at the source. Even the man trying to buy things for Kence before was forced to back a way

The man cautiously looked at Otto before introducing himself. "I am Lar, the son of a Viscount. May I know what Nobility Clan you came from?" Lar asked to Otto but the old man snorted. Lar completely regarded Otto as Kence's guard although it was a bit true for now

"He is already taken. Please stop making a move on him" Otto coldly said completely disregarding the backing of this man. What a joke! He's the City Lord itself, why would be he be scared of a mere Viscount Clan?

Lars was taken aback, as a Nobility, he was never treated like this and instantly become angry. However, before he even managed to make a move, to his shock, ice formed from his feet up to his neck

The man wasn't able to resist even for just a bit

"Let's go!" Otto said to Kence and the youth looked apologetically to Lars before chasing his Teacher, leaving the people behind

As soon as the two vanished from the people's eyes, the ice on Lar's body immediately disappeared

The two continued on their way. However, Kence didn't saw anything that interest him. He wants the gift to be something special but he can't find a suitable one

Kence just passed on a shop as the things they sold are not suitable for present. But on his peripheral vision, he saw a familiar face and his eyes lit up

Kence entered the shop and greeted his acquaintance "Grandpa Ginta!" Kence greeted the Priest that healed him and his master before

The priest that was accompanied by his paladins looked at his side and saw a familiar youth. The old man's face brightened when he saw who was calling for him

"Hello!" The Priest greeted back and gave Kence a gentle smile

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?" Kence asked curiously while looking at the fabric on the priest's hand. Kence wants to hit himself at his stupid question as it was obvious that the old man is buying fabric

"I'm just buying materials for my hobby!" Ginta answered and showed Kence the fabric on his hand

"Ohh, what is Grandpa's hobby?" Kence asked curiously again. "I like making clothes. How about you? What are you doing here?"

"Wow... Grandpa can make clothes?" Ginta nodded his head proudly

"I'm trying to find a present for my Big Brother but I can't find one" Kence replied and pouted a bit. He's been in the mall for awhile now and still hasn't found anything to give to Calter

Ginta looked at the disguised City Lord behind Kence and smiled at Otto. "Greetings, City Lord" Ginta said in a low voice

This made Otto shock as the Priest actually figured that it was him but he still nodded his head in acknowledgment. Even if Kence wants to be friendly with a priest, Otto won't care much

Mages are only looking down on priests because those people are dependent on their God but that's all to it. The churches didn't do anything bad, or that is what Otto can see in the surface. Otto is sure that every large organization have many dirt with them

Besides, if Kence really formed a good friendship with a priest, it will benefit the youth a lot. Priests are great healers! You will never know when you need one of them and it was better not to offend them

Ginta turned his head back to Kence and had an idea. He really likes Kence as the youth wasn't tainted and kept his innocence and Ginta wants to help him

"Then how about you make customized clothes for your Big Brother?" Ginta suggested but Kence shook his head. "I don't know how to make clothes though"

Ginta smiled and offered his help "I can teach you. I'm not the best tailor but I can make different clothing. Teaching a young man such as you will give my old life a different flavor"

Kence's face brightened at this. He was honestly interested when Ginta said he should make clothes for Calter

He wants a gift that will also require him to put a lot of effort to make it more special. If he made clothes for his master, then won't that solve his problem?

"Really? You will teach me?" Kence asked hopefully and Ginta nodded his head

"That is of course if your Teacher agrees to it" Ginta said while looking at Otto

Kence turned his head to the City Lord with a bit of pleading on his eyes. He really wants to learn how to make clothes so that in the future, all of Calter's clothes will be made by him

It would make Kence to feel that there are things that he can do for his master. Not knowing that his mere presence alone was more than enough to make Calter extremely happy

"I'll only agree if you will take guards with you" Otto said. Although churches looks kind in the surface but Otto won't risk Kence's life

If something bad happened to the youth, he won't have any face that he can use to explain things on Calte

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