The fire started, and the fire started.

"What's going on?"

Mayumi Nanakusa stood up suddenly, looked outside, and then looked very ugly.

The scrapped car body burning with flames made everyone look ugly. If the flames continued to burn, there was a high possibility of a second explosion!

Kane immediately stretched out her arm and started to activate CAD, trying to use magic to stop it. The green light around her body began to rise gradually as the magic was activated, and it became brighter and brighter.

"Extinguish it!"

Moriaki Hayao immediately took out the CAD and wanted to use magic on the car body that was on fire and crashed into the bus.


Kitayama Shizuku also lost her mind, a trace of cold sweat on her face, raised her arm and also activated magic.

Hattori Keibu raised his arm, then immediately remembered that the way to deal with the current situation was to reduce the appearance of chaotic magic, and put his arm down, but he was angry that he was somewhat powerless in this situation.

Still too weak!

Just when Hattori Keibu secretly hated himself for being powerless, colorful magic started to be activated in the bus.

"Stupid, stop it!"

Seeing this, Watanabe Mari immediately spoke out to try to stop them, but it was a pity that it was a little too late.

Hattori Keibu walked in front of Qianyu Yeyou: "It depends on you!"

"No problem!"

As the words of the contract fell, CAD released a green light. As for those chaotic thought storms, sorry, Qianyu Yeyou didn't take them seriously at all.

The black car that was rushing towards the bus in front suddenly received a huge force, suddenly rose from the ground, and rushed towards the sky, and then the car body turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated.

"Good guy!"

Qianyu Yeyou just used "Constant Force Deflection" to throw the car body into the sky. He originally planned to throw it directly into the deserted forest in the distance, but he didn't expect Shiba Tatsuya to use "Cloud Dissipation".

Did his brother take action?

Shiba Miyuki sensed a familiar magic, that was his brother's "Cloud Dissipation"!

Shiba Tatsuya in the back silently put away the Silver Horn CAD in his hand. Originally, he just wanted to use "Spell Disintegration" to remove the chaotic magic covering the car body, but he didn't expect Qianyu Yeyou to ignore the violent and chaotic thought storm and directly use magic to throw the car body into the sky, and it didn't seem to change the trajectory, so Shiba Tatsuya directly "Cloud Dissipation" relayed. Anyway, in the high altitude, except for his sister Miyuki, no one else could notice it. Oh, no, Qianyu Yeyou must be able to notice it, but Shiba Tatsuya no longer cares about being discovered by him.

Inside the bus, the palm of Jumonji's hand was suspended in the air, looking very awkward.

Originally, I had planned to use the "Linking Square Array" to force the brakes, but I didn't expect that it would be solved like this.

Seeing that no one around noticed me, I silently put down my arm.

"What's going on?"

Watanabe Mari muttered to herself as she looked at the long white mark scratched outside the window.

"Okay, it's okay, we can continue to rush to our destination."

Qianyu Yeyou put away the CAD in her hand.

"Thanks to you."

"Otherwise we would be in big trouble."

Looking at the people who took a long time to recover, Nanakusa Mayumi patted Qianyu Yeyou on the shoulder.

"You're welcome, but Senior Ichihara Suzune, both the magic and the way the senior handled it were very appropriate, very beautiful!"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled modestly.

Although he could easily resolve the danger even if Ichihara Suzune didn't use magic, it must be said that Ichihara Suzune's way of dealing with it, her response to emergencies, and her clear mind are absolutely amazing.


"Xiaoling is also very amazing!"

Nanakusa Mayumi turned around and praised Ichihara Suzune affectionately.

"However, Morisaki and Kitayama are still first-year students, so I don't blame them, but Kanon, you are a second-year student and you are taking the lead. What are you thinking?"

Watanabe Mari looked at Chiyoda Kanon and lectured her unhappily.

"If you use magic without order, it will trigger a magic counteraction reaction, forming a chaotic area of ​​thoughts, making subsequent magic unable to work normally. You don't understand how serious the situation will be at that time?"

Watanabe Mari felt that he was getting angrier and angrier.

"I'm very sorry!"

Chiyoda Kanon also knew that she was impulsive, so she could only bow her head and apologize.

"The more

The more critical the moment, the more you must keep yourself calm first, and don't forget to communicate with each other. "

Nanagusa Mayumi instructed the students in the bus.

This episode ended just like that, and the bus continued to drive towards the destination.

"Is this our dormitory?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the huge building in front of him and was a little surprised.

It must be said that the treatment of magicians is indeed much better than that of ordinary people.

Qianyu Yeyou was a little emotional.

"What's wrong?"


Kirihara Takeaki saw that Hattori Keibu looked a little unhappy, and out of concern for classmates, he asked.

"I'm fine."

Turning around and seeing that it was Kirihara Takeaki, he didn't want to say much.

"Looking at your face, at least you can't say that you are in good condition, right?"

"Just a little bit less confident. "

Hatsube Keibu sighed.

What happened today was a big blow to him as the vice president. When he thought that he could only watch and could do nothing in that situation, Hattori Keibu felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey!"

"The nine-school competition will start the day after tomorrow. Why do you lose confidence now?"

"When the accident happened just now..."

"Ah, it was really dangerous at that time!"

Kirihara Takeaki also echoed Hattori Keibu's words and sighed as he walked.

"In the end, I can't help at all."

Hatsube Keibu smiled bitterly and followed Kirihara Takeaki.

"I think it is because you have normal judgment, did not lose your mind, and kept your cool head that you didn't take action. Isn't this also a very good response?"

"How can you say that you did nothing?"

"I really can't accept your praise. "

"And Qianyu Yeyou's way of handling it is very correct. He is only a first-year student!"

For the first time, Hattori Keibu felt that not only was his magic inferior to Qianyu Yeyou, but his ability to deal with emergencies was also inferior to him. This was a big blow to himself as the vice president.

"Well, I think it would be better for you to find a normal person to compare with."

Kirihara Takeaki looked at Hattori Keibu with a masochistic look, his face was very strange.

"What's that expression?"

Hatsube Keibu couldn't stand Kirihara Takeaki's eyes.

"You were not there when the incident happened, so you didn't know that Qianyu Yeyou flattened a factory by himself, and we just happened to see that scene. I think I will never forget that scene in my life."

Kirihara Takeaki seemed to be recalling the scene at that time.

"Do you have a masochistic fetish?"

"Are you sure you want to compare with this kind of monster?"

"Can you find someone as a target?"

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