The two of them were in a mess.


I didn’t know what to say because of the look on the face of Takeaki Kirihara, the head of the Hattori Department.

“What is the specific situation of that incident?”

“I asked the president, but she didn’t want to reveal anything. The information was completely unavailable and all was sealed.”

The curiosity of Hattori Department was aroused again because of Takeaki Kirihara’s words.

“Since the president doesn’t want to say it, I will definitely not reveal anything to you, but I advise you to find a realistic goal!”

Even President Nanakusa didn’t want to reveal it, so Takeaki Kirihara would definitely not tell it easily. He just patted Hattori Department’s shoulder to comfort her.


Kirihara Takeaki turned his head and suddenly saw Shiba Tatsuya pushing his luggage and talking to Shiba Miyuki beside him.

"What's wrong?"

Hatori Keibu had a complicated expression on his face, but when he heard Kirihara Takeaki's voice, he followed Kirihara Takeaki's gaze.


"This brother and sister may not be simple!"

Ignoring the vice president who was talking about the girl beside him, he murmured and sighed at the two people opposite.


"What's wrong with Shiba-san?"

Hatori Keibu looked at Kirihara Takeaki in confusion.

"Can you not only focus on female classmates?"

Kirihara Takeaki looked at Hattori Keibu with disdain.


"President Nanakusa is already in a relationship, and you are looking for the next target?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Hatori Keibu firmly opposed this and expressed anger at Kirihara Takeaki's slander.

"You've been keeping an eye on Sayaka Mibui, haven't you?"

"You've been keeping an eye on her for several years, you know her so well."


Takeaki Kirihara, who had been calm, became calm when he heard the merciless counterattack from the Ministry of Justice.

"We are true love!"

"And don't change the subject!"

Takeaki Kirihara recovered his expression and continued to look at the brother and sister in the distance calmly.

"That brother is not simple. Although the murderous aura he showed when he heard about the mastermind was only for a moment, I still noticed it. It was really scary, not weaker than the murderous aura of my navy father and their comrades."

"No, it should be stronger than their murderous aura, like a coat covering him. He must have killed someone."

Takeaki Kirihara looked at the brother and sister in the distance with a serious look. Although what he said was a bit speculative, his tone was very certain.

"Is it the same for Shiba-san?"

Hatsube Keibu frowned and looked at Kirihara Takeaki seriously.

"Why don't you ask Chiba Yeyou first?"

"What about Chiba Yeyou?"


Hatsube Keibu's reaction made Kirihara Takeaki hold his forehead.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that the Shiba siblings are the only ones in sight, so of course I'll ask Shiba Miyuki first!"

Hatsube Keibu hurriedly explained.

"Okay, okay."

"But no matter what the reason, I'm happy for you to give up the idea of ​​self-abuse."

"Chiba Yeyou doesn't have that much murderous aura, but he's not bad at killing people either. Well, you'd better not mess with him."

Kirihara Takeaki glanced at Hattori Keibu, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

"Don't worry. I only admire the president. The Nanakusa family behind her is enough to scare me away. I can still distinguish between dreams and reality."

Hatsube Keibu looked like he didn't need you to remind him, which made Kirihara Takeaki feel that his reminder was not in vain.

"As for Shiba Miyuki, although I haven't seen her in person, she is definitely not an ordinary girl."

"But "the quality of a magician is determined by the strength of his magic power."

"What do you want to say?"

Hatsube Keibu was confused by Kirihara Takeaki's sudden words and didn't understand what was going on.

This sentence sounded like a mockery of himself, or it should be said that it was already, after all, he was once a loyal believer in this sentence. Unfortunately, now that his dream has been shattered, this sentence only sounds more harsh.

"If the president heard this from you, he would be overjoyed. "

Kirihara Takeaki ignored Hattori Keibu's next reaction and walked straight to the dormitory that had been arranged.


Hattori Keibu understood

I understand the meaning of Kirihara Takeaki's words. If I can still say this now, it means that I am still so confident, right?

Hattori Keibu felt that he had indeed been looking at the sky from a well, which was a bit ridiculous.

"But I am not someone who loses confidence so easily!"

Hattori Keibu murmured and caught up with Kirihara Takeaki.

Hearing the footsteps catching up with him, Kirihara Takeaki couldn't help but grin.

"Whether it is the first-division students or the second-division students, isn't it just the result of the practical test before admission?"

"There are quite a few talented second-division students now, especially in the first year."

"There is also a first-division student who can be called a demon king based on what he has shown so far. This year is really lively!"

Kirihara Takeaki held his head and talked to himself.

"More than that!"

"It really puts a lot of pressure on us seniors!"

Faces flashed through Hattori Keibu's mind, including Chiba Yeyou, Shiba Tatsuya, Shiba Miyuki, and Chiba Erica, who often communicated with him in a friendly manner. These are the people who are known so far, and there may be more who have not been discovered.

"Do you think it was not an accident just now?"

Shiba Miyuki asked beside her brother.

"Well, I just had a brief exchange with Chiba Yeyou. Although the body of the car involved in the accident has been destroyed, after his feedback to me, it can be confirmed that there are traces of magic."

"He also raised this question."

Shiba Tatsuya thought while pushing his luggage.

"But I didn't see anything..."

"Do you still remember the magic compression he taught you?"

"You mean, the magic of a very small scale?"

Shiba Miyuki was reminded by her brother and immediately thought of this.

"Well, the scale of the magic is very small, but it's not the kind of compression ability you have, but it's originally very small magic, and the power has been reduced to the lowest point. As long as it can be triggered and work, it will be fine, and driving is just a matter of seconds."

"There are three high-level magics that don't even have magical residual thoughts."

"The first one is the magic that makes the tire burst, the second one is the magic that makes the car body spin, and the third one is the magic that applies an upward force to the car body, so that it jumps up with the guardrail as a springboard. All of them should be released from inside the car."

"Perhaps, it is to conceal the use of magic and make this conspiracy look more like a traffic accident!"

Shiba Tatsuya carefully analyzed and told Shiba Miyuki the conclusions he and Chiba Yeyou had reached.

"Then the person who released the magic is..."

"I'm afraid it's the driver."

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