Magi's Grandson

I was taught about the citizen card

At the end of Grandma's grand summit meeting, she returned to her home after sending the heads of state of each country through the gate.

The heads of state admired the magic of the gate, which was also used for pick-up, as being convenient, but only the king of Darm was watching with extreme caution.

I've always been saying that I can easily attack this.

I want you to understand that there is no such intention here.

I mean, we can only use the gate, so if you attack using the gate, the culprit will be us soon.

You don't do that idiot.

"Hah ... tired ..."

"Speaking of which, isn't that the first time you've been so hostile?"

"Yes or no"

As soon as you returned to your home, you got tired and sighed, and Grandma told you that.

Speaking of which, it seems that there were many things that were said at a meeting without me, but was it the first time I was told directly?

Everybody praised me for being overkill, so I think it was natural and they were growing.

"Why? What happened?"

I was listening to my grandmother's conversation, and today I was heard by my grandfather who was answering.

I thought I was worried, so I wasn't sure if I would talk, but Grandma explained everything to my grandfather.

"I see ..."

"Such! It's outrageous! Saying Shin in such a way!"

Compared to the strangely convinced grandfather, Sicily, who is still at home today, is very angry.

"Shin-kun is working hard to use the great power of mankind!"

Sicily is angry for me in tears.

I'm glad that Sicily's attitude is right, but I didn't want to see much of her anger, so I stroked Sicily's head sitting next to the sofa and calmed him.


Sicily, whose voice is no longer rough, whether he has been a little calmed down by stroking his head, but still angry.

The grandfather who saw Sicily shouted out.

"Sicily, I'm very happy to get angry for Singh like that, but this is something we could have anticipated."

"I was expecting ...?"

"Yes. In Sicily's eyes, what does Shin look like?"

"Eh ?! That's ... it's strong, gentle, or cool, dependable, and then ..."

"Ah, yeah. Rather, it meant Shin's magic, magical tools to create, and how to see such things ..."

"Ah, ah!

Sicily, who misunderstood his grandfather's words, turned red.

It's cute, already.

"Oh, yeah ... I always come up with something we don't expect, so I think it's amazing ..."

"Hmm. Probably, if you're close to Shin, you think so. Especially Sicily's thoughts on Shin seem to be especially strong."


"Really, that's a good thing.

The old man who was satisfied with seeing the red Sicily cut his words.

"If you don't know Shin, how do you think the abnormal power is reflected in your eyes? Can you imagine it?"

"Oh, that's ..."

To the grandfather's awkward question, Sicily chokes.

"While it's good to be an ally, but anyone who imagines this to turn to the enemy ... unfortunately, it always comes out."

"That's it!"

"There is such a thing. History proves it."

"... Everyone is outrageous, even though Shin never turns to your enemy ..."

I'm so frustrated, tears are about to overflow.

"I know that, my guys. So I said bash. But hey ..."

Grandma actually told the head of state a bash.

I can't even believe I was watching.

But, after all, Grandma also muddies.

"Once the suspicion has sprung up, it's not something that can be erased. That King of Derm shouldn't have to think about strange things ..."

They all closed their mouths to Grandma's words.

The appearance of that departure was not yet convinced.

Even if this duel with the genie succeeds in our victory, there is no premonition that it is likely to be in agony.

For example ...

"Reproduced by imitating the vibration sword"

Check the characteristics of the vibration sword and will it be duplicated?

No way, I didn't think there was someone who would react that way, so I was getting more and more concerned.

When she spoke about such concerns, she turned her gaze from her grandmother.

"In the first place, I don't know the principle of what kind of characters to give to make such a super-high-speed, fine vibration, but it's useless to worry about that."

"Is that so?"

"That's right. Hey, where did you get that knowledge ...?"

Such a thing?

There is no ultrasound in knowledge of this world.

If so, is it OK to be able to duplicate the vibration sword?

In the first place, you can imitate a magic tool, but you can't copy it.


that? Can't copy?

There is a magic tool that you can't understand.

"Hey, Grandma"

"What is it?"

"Who is making a citizen card?"

Complete identity card and citizen card of this world that cannot be activated except by the person who first recognized the magic.

Who is giving such a great magic tool?

When you got your citizen's card, you didn't know the general level of mage today.

Because she was retired, she thought that the active magicians had higher skills and that they were granting them.

However, in reality, grandma is still the highest peak of the magician.

Other mages have a chance to block their skills, even beyond grandma.

Under such circumstances, how do you make such high-performance magic tools?

When she asked such a question, she had a slightly troubled face.

"Citizen's card isn't ..."

What is it difficult to answer?

After thinking for a while, she talked about her citizenship card.

"That citizen card is now made of lost technology, so when you ask me how?, You can only answer, '?'

"Lost technology?"

"Oh, are citizen cards much more powerful than other magic tools?"


Not only identification, but also demon defeat record and bank account management.

I have a memory that I thought was a great technology.

"Two hundred years ago, there was a magician in a small country called a genius."

"Hmm? It's like you've heard something ..."

"Grandmother, is that perhaps the story of Massita, a genius magician?"

"Oh! That's it! I read it in my uncle Tom's book!"

Kono-Massita, a genius magician who once existed.

The feat has become a fairy tale and is a model for picture books and fairy tales.

When I was little, I read it to memorize the characters of this world.

But why are you talking now?

"The citizen card is a magic tool made by Massita."

"Yes !?"

Such an idiot! Even though it was developed by a genius mage, if you were to make that citizen's card now, someone would have to give magic.

No way ...

"Maybe Massita is still alive?"

"What stupid things are you talking about?

"So what is that?"

I wondered if Massita was still alive and continuing to grant citizenship cards.

But if so, you are over 200 years old. That should not be.

Then who is granting?

"Massita's tools were all great. But there was one problem."

"I know that too."

"I know. Sure ..."

Yes, this is also a famous story.

"" The technology of the grant was too special and no one could inherit it. ""

"That's right."

That's why the story of Massita is not a biography, but a fairy tale.

Some people doubt whether they exist.

"Massita's magic tricks seemed to be extremely dangerous, so maybe Massita didn't pass on his skills to anyone without his disciples."

A lonely genius. One and only existence. It is told like that.

"Some of the Massita's magical tools are danger-free and have been begged all over the world."

"that is……"

"Yes, it's a citizen's card. Massita, who had been worried that his magical tools could put the world at risk, finally said that inventions that could help the world were made, We have received a lot of requests from each city. ''

Citizens' cards are managed by the basic country, so there is no need to worry about breaking the economic balance.

"But while Massita is alive, humans are constantly growing, even after Massita died. Massita was worried about it and made something."


"Certificate card automatic magic device"

"Automatic magic device !?"

what is that! ? Two hundred years ago! ? Is over technology also a good place!

"By mass-producing the automatic granting device and distributing it to each country, citizens' certificates are still being made. However, since the automatic magical granting device died confidentially, the technology of unknown technology is still unknown. It's just like that. "

"But if it breaks ..."

"It seems that you have been broken or destroyed several times in the past, and then stolen. In such a case, you have to go to a nearby town to make a citizen's card, so the citizen card automatic magic granting device In a city where is broken, it takes time to issue a new one. "

Is that so.

It is said that there was such a story in citizen's card …….

"Did you know Sicily?"

"No ... I heard it for the first time because it was a story that no Massita's magical tools were left ..."

"I've read it in a book. No way.

The inventor of the citizenship card that did not know Sicily.

Not only I, who grew up in the mountains, do not know, but it is generally unknown.

"But grandma knows that story a lot."

"I'm originally a mage? It would be natural to find out about a genius mage who was in the past."

"I'm struggling with Hong. If I can leave a little bit of Massita's story, I'll just go to wartime nations."

"Han! I could stop my search for a war!"

"Grandmother, during the war?"

"Oh, the country where Massita was born was under an imperial invasion at the time. It was in the midst of war."

Did you go out to the country during the war? It's still ridiculous.

And Sicily who heard this story is laughing for a while.

"What happened? Sicily"

"No. Shin wasn't talking to her before, even though she wasn't connected to blood."

"Oh, there was."

"When I'm listening to what I'm talking about now, Shin and my grandmother are alike."



"I'm passionate about exploring, and I'm rushing to fight during the war. Shin was raised after seeing them."

I'm looking at me and grandma with an eye to see something smiley.

It's embarrassing.

"Well, it's just like where you don't want to be similar"

"Hoch, I'm not honest."

"What ?!"


Grandma is also shy.

The shy hidden mench is amazing.

The old man was pulled down.

"That's so, for that reason, I don't know the details about the citizen card because it's made with the automatic magic device."

"Oh I see"

Well, I don't really want to unravel the mystery of citizenship cards, so it's fine.

I was just worried, and I knew what a citizen card was like.

"Thinking that, the best thing about Shin's invention is that he invented the circuit that connects the grants. You, haven't you recently given magic at the Bean Studio?"

"Yeah, if I give it alone, no matter how much time I have,"

If you keep giving that amount alone, it will end your day.

Indeed, I wanted to avoid it, so the circuit was invented so that in the words of this world, I could get the same effect as I would give it.

Thanks to this, magic can be applied in Bean Studio even without me.

"That's good. Now that we invented that circuit, we could only give Shin, and now others can do it, and everyone has come to be creative. This is a great thing. I'm proud of this. "

Oh, I was praised by my grandmother who rarely praised me.

I'm happy but embarrassing.

I was somewhat embarrassed and looked down at my citizen card.

In front of my gaze, things that have different eyes than before.

Nothing in the immediate vicinity was made by a genius magician in a fairy tale.

In that case, I've never seen it before, but should I look into it a bit?

You may get a glimpse of the legendary technique.

I thought about such a thing, and when I was looking at my citizen's card, she seemed to be suspicious.

"Shin. You ..."


"Shin, you see Miranda of the Knight Academy."

The maid, Marika, came to tell her about her grandmother, when she was almost curious.

"Oh, yes, please."


"Miranda? Is that a daughter who has become a disciple of that Michelle?"

Apparently she was able to divert her consciousness.

I don't know what to do, but Miranda visited us at a nice timing.

While waiting in the living room, Miranda, who was taken by one of the maids, came into the living room.

"Oh, Merlin and Merida. I'm sorry for the sudden visit today."

"Ho-ho, if you're Shin and Sicily's friend, don't worry about anything."

"That's right. By the way, what did you do today?"

"Ah! I was about to forget my main subject by greeting me!"

Miranda, who said so, turned his eyes on me from the grandfather and grandmother who were greeting.

The expression was a different expression from the cheerful expression I had been pointing to my grandfather and grandma a while ago.

"I was told by the Royal Castle earlier that I would be an Allied instructor !?"

"Oh, have you already contacted me?

Have you already contacted me just after the meeting was over?

"I'm not working fast ... not! Allied forces !? Formal soldiers !? Why is my instructor still a student and not a knight?"

"Why ... I guess the only thing that uses a vibration sword is me, Tony and Miranda."

"All students !?"

I don't mean to go to the swordsmanship. Rather, we are in a position to take instructions.

But this is ...

"This is an easy job just to teach you how to use a vibration sword."

"You're saying that the person you teach is a problem!"

Umm, Miranda is emotionally unstable.

"Sicily! Let's say something from you!"

"Even if I say something ... it's already a decision in Shin-kun ... Is it impossible?"

"I was foolish when I heard from your husband Love!"

"Husband ..."

"It's not there!"

Oh? Does the exchange between Sicily and Miranda feel so cheap?

"Sicily, when did you get along with Miranda?"

"Isn't Miranda good friends with Maria? I often come to Maria's house. I've come to see my house next door."


"Three people stay together, but ... fufu, Miranda feels more like a man, but in fact pajamas are cute ..."

"Hey! Oh, it's not embarrassing!"

"I'm sorry."

It's unusual for Sicily to talk to anyone other than Maria.

When I first met Miranda, I wondered what to do, but it's good to be able to get along with Sicily and Maria.

"Well, you don't have to think so hard. It doesn't teach swordsmanship, it just teaches you how to use magic tools."

"Uh ... stomach under pressure ..."

"Do you have a stomach ache? Do you want to use healing magic?"

"It's that stomachache!"

The unique interaction between Sicily and Miranda was interesting, and the air in the living room, which was just a serious feeling before, was quickly engulfed by laughter.

Miranda suddenly came and made a noise, but she seemed to want to say a word because she was suddenly shaken by a big story.

I told her that the load was heavy.

But I persuaded me that Tony and I were together, and he managed to accept and returned.

I felt sorrow on my back when I left.

Speaking of which, Miranda is known to Tony for a long time.

I was surprised when I wasn't at Knight's Academy, but at Magic Academy.

Tony, Tony is really capable.

And after Miranda returned, Sicily also went home and now I am alone in the room.

Actually, there was something I wanted to try in a room where no one was.

It is ... to check the letters given to the citizen card.

Unauthorized remodeling of a citizen's card is a felony, but if it's enough to check the characters ...

Considering such an excuse,, I immediately came up with the letters attached to the citizen card.

Then ...


Looking at the letters that appeared, I doubted my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes and reviewed many times to see if something was wrong.

But there was no doubt, I could not hide my surprise.

Because the characters that appeared there are ...


Yes, because it was Japanese.

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